I hope the leftists are afraid. Maybe they can scurry into the rathole in which they belong and die there, alone and forgotten in their final days, without anyone's love, and leave the rest of civilization in peace, free of their cancer.
They don't realize that assassinating trump would make him a martyr and the death if the left would be initiated via civil war 2. They second defeat of the demonrat insurgents. Instead, they failed to kill him and instead handed 2024 to trump on a golden platter turning him into a heroic figure of the resistance.
I've been brewing beer from hand crafted home made wort for a while now. When I bought this new house, it had a full wet bar in the basement. So the natural thing to do was to buy a refrigerated keg, a commerical CO2 canister and rig my own tap. So now I have custom wort hand crafted beer... on tap, at my own home bar. The next order of business will be to find a way to custom mill the handle and make a custom label to put on it.
Living the dream.
Jim Stirling is the epitome of left wing retardation incarnate. He's a loud mouthed, busy body that doesn't know jack shit, is mentally deranged, hates common decency and is also hideous. The only thing has missing to be a perfect liberal and the embodiment of evil is total corruption as hes too poor and unimportant to cause corruption.
Your life was over the moment you gave into your mental illness thinking you are trans. At this point you are nothing more than another statistic for that 42% and climbing. No value gained, so nothing of value is lost.
EULA probably won't save crowdstrike. Business interruption insurance claims will result in subro and the insurers are free to turbo fuck the company in the mouth.