OldBullLee 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yes! The black vote is turning to Trump, like the Latino working class. Their holdouts are the soulless college types. The DP is self-destructing. It will be time to insert the fork if they actually put Dementia Joe up against Trump.

The only way for Sleepy Joe to win would be to rig the election again, but this time everyone's radar will be on 24/7 and we might succeed in catching them at it.

What do you suppose the reaction would be if Trump were actually convicted on one of these bogus charges before the election?

OldBullLee 3 points ago +4 / -1

I hope to God Trump manages to run against Dementia Joe.

Not only will I cast a vote for The Don, but the chaos the election process promises to be this time around might just be the critical push over the cliff into a real insurrection, not the threat of one or one manufactured by the professional lying class.

OldBullLee 12 points ago +12 / -0

Fucking Germans!

It's worse than Weimar,

Wealthy 1930s German in top hat, tails, and monocle to a raggedy child obviously starving: "You can live for a time on semen. And a bit of advice . . . underneath that bridge is an especially cold wind."

OldBullLee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Only until they prove their trustworthiness. Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.

OldBullLee 5 points ago +5 / -0

Absolutely. Every once in a while I remind myself of this by reading Twain's "Journalism in Tennessee," published in 1869.

OldBullLee 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good god, no. Isn't the current model bad enough, with corporate news unanimously running PR for the regime?

I suppose it would make the current setup more or less "official" by removing any pretense of fairness (never mind the myth of "objectivity").

I mean, look at Canadia. Their press is definitely not free. This discussion board recently went over the unanimous Canadian publication of a prefabricated headline.

OldBullLee 9 points ago +9 / -0

100%. Stupid, baseless, and evil. The idea is "you are too stupid to make decisions for yourself, and your political views are wrong anyway, so we must tell you what to think and we will decide for you which information is true or false."

You cannot get more totalitarian than this other than direct mind control, an elusive goal still being pursued by spooks everywhere. Move right into someone's psyche and take over. An entire nation populated by real Manchurian Candidates.

It is the inevitable reaction to the false promise of the Internet which, after all, was the result of Pentagon research and development.

OldBullLee 3 points ago +3 / -0

Let Dementia Joe's handlers "prep agencies."

More reason to avoid government buildings and hospitals.

I have given up on air travel completely. I no longer have any interest in leaving the continental US, and anywhere I go within these borders will be via automobile.

Pity the poor commercial traveler.

OldBullLee 1 point ago +1 / -0

No doubt. it's a gesture, delusional though it may be.

OldBullLee -1 points ago +1 / -2

Reagan was a warmongering pig. The fact that so many yuppies made $ hand-over-fist in the '80s has him elevated in the minds of many to the status of demigod. Many even give him credit for the implosion of the USSR.

OldBullLee 8 points ago +8 / -0

Contact the ACLU, Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty International. The addresses are at the end of the article.

OldBullLee 6 points ago +7 / -1

The Putch was planned. The riot was spontaneous and the entry into the building was aided by DC Police.

OldBullLee 26 points ago +27 / -1

He's being held without bail and being tortured with sleep deprivation. I don't give a shit if he's a convicted serial rapist. This is unacceptable and the imprisonment without trial of a chosen few DC protestors is a crime that's gone largely unreported (no surprise).

And what makes you think that political prisoners are at all times held in an actual prison? It might be a utility closet somewhere, but it does not change the fact that he's being held unjustly and probably illegally.

OldBullLee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bullshit. If it's true, good luck getting anyone but government employees to comply, and even then anyone with any sort of conscience would quit before submitting to this nonsense.

OldBullLee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump is valuable as President only to the degree he damages or ends the administrative capture of the state and abolishes some of the more corrupt and damaging agencies like the Dept. of Education, Housing and Urban Development, the CIA and NSA, and replaces the leadership of the FBI.

He'd probably take a bullet if he attempted any of it, but he's the bull in the china shop. A big "Fuck YOU" to the administrative permanent party.

If we want a rational statesman with a less radical agenda, we'd elect Ramaswamy or Kennedy.

OldBullLee 2 points ago +2 / -0

when do men get a say in whether the pregnancy they helped create ends or not?

Only when they are asked to foot the bill at Planned Eugenics (uh . . . Parenthood).

OldBullLee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Peter Singer should be fed into a woodchipper.

Abso-freaking-lutely right! This psychotic word weasel is almost as irritating as that charlatan Sam Harris.

OldBullLee 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've been wondering if a brain or nervous system is even a requirement for sentience, given what we know about green plants and other so-called "lower forms of life."

OldBullLee 4 points ago +4 / -0

Medical schools under the thrall of social justice have revised the H.O. according to a version written in 1964 by (no kidding) a guy named Louis Lasagna that includes this gem:

"If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God."

I suppose it's the abortion/euthanasia loophole.

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