NotAGlowy 6 points ago +7 / -1

I know so many guys in IT who have been exploited by findom.

We need to teach boys about findom from an early age.

NotAGlowy 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yes it means long term side effects will NEVER be uncovered. Its a nice strategy they used that reduces shareholder liability.

They say they are doing this “because it is inhumane to deprive the volunteers of the shot”

But never trust anyone who says it was long term tested.

NotAGlowy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks - I forgot that little fraud.

(that was especially true for people hiding at home until they went out and got the shot)

NotAGlowy 27 points ago +27 / -0

We’ve all heard of the replication crisis in academia. But not many have heard how randomized control trials are also faked -

by choosing ANOTHER “endpoint” after the trial begins and the data looked bad…

And also by “unblinding” the control arm and giving the poison to everyone so long term effects can never be see (also done here)

NotAGlowy 5 points ago +5 / -0

We need someone to free chatGPT from the MS thought police

NotAGlowy 2 points ago +2 / -0

We need an OpenAI. Because since MS bought OpenAI it is now dishonest, brainwashed and censored as fuck

NotAGlowy 9 points ago +9 / -0

If it reduced the severity of your symptoms I would call it a therapeutic and not a vaccine.

The covid vaccine was known almost immediately to NOT prevent infection (the only thing the initial double blind test actually claimed)

They then pivoted to “well maybe it reduces hospitalizations” - WITHOUT a double blind test to justify this claim.

The ClotShot was confirmed to NOT reduce transmission- easily found by testing the viral load via a PCR test.

What I mean by “fake vaccine” is not some placebo. It is some product that many well intended scientists thought might work. But because of the money involved and the failure of our government it was never stopped nor correctly tested.

NotAGlowy 15 points ago +15 / -0

Polio was almost eradicated because the polio vaccine actually works.

We don’t hear about “herd immunity” with these fake vaccines because they blatantly don’t work.

I believe the authorities have taken the success of the first vaccines and used it to push fake vaccines. For profit/kickbacks/career advancement.

NotAGlowy 23 points ago +23 / -0

With the obvious coverup and lies told by pfizer around these side effects I started to ask for the first time :

How many of these other “vaccines” have much more side effects than stated and are also based off lies like “the vax is better than natural immunity”?

NotAGlowy 7 points ago +7 / -0

White people have always been the LEAST racist race.

NotAGlowy 44 points ago +44 / -0

Mindy Khalig was an indian affirmative action hire whose brother famously applied to medical school as a black man to prove how easy it is to get in (he got accepted)

He turned down the place and He since argued against affirmative action.

Respect to her brother.

Fuck Mindy.

NotAGlowy 5 points ago +5 / -0

if there is a black out?

They are herding you into the most easily controlled form of energy.

Your electricity WILL be cut off due to a “weather emergency” in the next decade

NotAGlowy 12 points ago +12 / -0

I believe this “stroke issue in 65+” is a plan by the cdc to dismiss it as ‘natural causes’ and call it a day.

The real issue is the vast amount of heart damage (~4%++) and arythmias that is especially obvious in young people. Nobody would ever believe a teen with heart scarring is ‘natural’ so they won’t look into it.

NotAGlowy 27 points ago +27 / -0

Australia did the most fair and scientific experiment with making government job applications gender and race blind…

They found that white men were being discriminated against and under the fair scheme men got hired according to their merit for the first time…

Oppression Olympics Marxists in government freaked out and cancelled the program.

NotAGlowy 5 points ago +5 / -0

Not sure if this is the right place - but I know a lot of you are AI experts and this amazed me.

by Vebent
NotAGlowy 16 points ago +16 / -0

Steve is a multiple felon who is guilty of domestic violence, child abuse, drug use, and has weapons charges as well:

Sounds like a reddit mod

by Vebent
NotAGlowy 9 points ago +9 / -0

So the transgenders are the brown shirts of the information war?

How is trooning extremely politically protected but every other niche sexuality isn’t?

Polyamory/Consanguineous relationships?

NotAGlowy 2 points ago +2 / -0

How much did African Americans benefit from being slaves in the US instead of slaves in Africa or the ME?

Does the US deserve reparations from descendants of former slaves?

NotAGlowy 2 points ago +2 / -0

thats a good use!

I’m trying to find a use to get my 10 year old kids interested in AI

NotAGlowy 9 points ago +9 / -0

Comments are turned off = some affirmative action coverup is happening

NotAGlowy 6 points ago +6 / -0

Merck created a fake journal and hired fake ghostwriters for their $2bn Vioxx product that killed many :


Imagine what pfizer would do for their $37bn product THAT HAS NO LIABILITY!

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