"Keep ripping out those stupid babies! It's not murder, it's a human right! I can't go a year without an abortion!!" - Some awful leftist hag, probably
Aren't voting rights for citizens?
So when do we just start slaughtering reporters and politicians for crimes against humanity? Seems like this should be taken as a signal.
Yeah, how dare people expect safety where they live! Don't you know poor criminals are the best of America?
Fuck Jon Stewart. Nothing but a far left out of touch limosiune liberal who has far more money and power in this world than all of the people he "represents."
This fuckstick is responsible for allowing comedy to make political points when striking out against their supposed enemies but then quickly hide behind a jester's cap when they say they were just kidding.
What a jew cunt.
Translation: a nentally deranged man that shows up to work in a dress has the most power when it comes to curating subscriber-based content.
They should have considered their subscriber base to begin with and not use a platform people pay for to ram woke unwanted shit programming down their throats.
They certainly lost this subscriber several months ago.
The 1990s was the peak of American society and the American idea
Truth. I was born in 1982 and spent my teens in the 1990s. It was such a golden age. I'll always think back on it as a decade of celebration and positivity. Everyone seemed to be doing well and our country was interesting without being constantly tragic. Material wealth had a lot to do with that. Life was free. Music and movies were rich and exploding with creativity. It seemed like we finally did it, our social ills we're behind us, our economy was booming, and our culture was healthy and unified. We were all going to move into the future together and it was going to be glorious.
Edit: Then 9/11 happened.
I thought I told you to get Marx"s dick out of your mouth?
Get Marx's dick out of your mouth. You're fucking retarded to begin with that you take Marx seriously or at all.
Foundational to your retarded repetitive posts here, nobody gives a shit about the technicality here. Marxism, communism, who fucking cares the LITERAL interpretation -- the people employing communist techniques certainly don't.
Stop hiding behind Marx and being a fucking retarded internet "BUH BUH NO TRUUUEEE COMMUNISM" copy-paste bullshit. If you're a commie you're no better than whatever these fucks are doing, no matter the technical definition.
Shut up, commie. I'm sick of seeing your copy-paste Marxist defense in this discussion thread.
No no, your inner voice is just internalized Patriarchy and racism. It's not the voice of reason and your conscience. That's against moral relativism.
Now call her ma'am, bigot.
Imagine the meat grinder her parents put her through and what a disgusting position this must be for a child to be in...
That Greta was the most appealing figure they could find to be their puppet.
These people must be throwing babies into an open pit on the weekends if this is the best they could drum up.
Yet another adaptation of a masterpiece ruined by the woke mob.
Watch the original, it's great. It's like 6 hours long but great. There's a shorter 3 hour version, as well. One of Ingmar Bergman's best.
Lol please. Like we didn't develop this 15 years ago and currently have a fleet of these ready for active deployment.
China stole the plans, built and successfully tested one, then called their PR agents in America.
Chew sope.
I am going to start being unbelievably rude and inconsiderate to anyone who is obviously some useless fuck refugee still living in stick hut countries. Which is pretty much any black person that speaks their jib-jab backwards excuse for a language.
Cut in front of them. Be rude to them in parking lots. Purposely fuck up their flow in stores. Eye them suspiciously every time I see one. Just do that. Because the fuck these click-clack mud monkeys gonna do? Rape their sister then go blind staring at the sun?
No lie, word on the street is Craig is dumb as a box of rocks and is like this handsome idiot that gets used and abused by everyone in his life because he's too fucking stupid to know what's going on.
Mmm delicious climate change hoax. Can never be proven or disproven, and even if it was happening it won't affect us for thousands of years so who gives a flying fuck?
But you just gotta convince everyone once that the sky is falling and it's super cereal this time you guys!!! Now give us all the power because that's how we stop the sky from falling. Trust us.
An individual's violent actions against other citizens is rarely justified by ideological intent.
Here I am with my middle-class life and middle-management job making OK money with a Masters, good and varied work history, and a spotless criminal record.
How the fuck did a heroin addict anti-racist Antifa skinhead with a prison record end up in such a lofty and powerful position in the world?
I will never like or accept Muslims. There. I'll just say it.
Islam is a cancer whose goal is to send the world back to the stone age and keep it there forever.
Fuck Mohammad and fuck Islam.
I keep thinking, surely people see the media is literally just a propaganda machine for the leftist state.
Surely people will connect that the objectively shitty job Biden is doing and how his administration has been handling one major fuck-up after another less than a year into the administration is completely at odds with the media's representation of the admin's performance.
Surely grown adults aren't actually this fucking stupid, right?
Well... let's just say the real virus was the hard truths about my fellow man learned in the past few years.
Only two of these three can exist together now and 1. and 2. cannot be grouped together. Solve.