So no proof is proof. Got it. Also, shut up you fucking kike.
So they were so efficient they could build entire infrastructure in secret without documentation to eradicate 6 million Jews during wartime, but they were also sloppy and we can't trust their paperwork even though their efficiency is a literal national stereotype and a notable trait of the Third Reich's operations in general.
But we keep talking as if the Holohoax was real, which there would be a lot of evidence outside of "eyewitness accounts" (lotsa eye witnesses left.dor a HOLOCAUST, don't you think?) were it real. Which it wasn't. So fuck your law against speaking the truth about the holohoax.
Doesn't sound so much like a holocaust as it was a country detaining what they considered the enemy until they could deport them to Israel after they won the war. It was a war camp, not a Sandals. It was also a war. Millions upon millions upon millions died.
Why is it then so fucking important and special that like a million Jews died? Who gives a shit and why has this been rammed down everyone's throats endlessly for decades?
This is the pushback. Jews aren't the special people they told themselves they are and their deaths mean as little as any other death. I'm not going to cry for dead Jews when there were just as many dead French, English, American, German, Japanese, etc. by the score. MORE PEOPLE DIED TO TRY AND SAVE THOSE MILLION DEAD SACRED KIKES THAN THEY WOULD HAVE SAVED ANYWAY.
And the Jew continues to attack the white man with their lies and slander and propaganda that never lets up. Evil. Next holocaust won't be made up because if it was an actual holocaust there wouldn't have been so many fucking survivors for the next 80 years to talk about it. Ever think of that, you simple fuck?
Yeah. And you can use ground penetrating radar at any of those sites and find (surprise!) evidence of dead bodies buried under the ground.
Yet six million bodies disappeared with no evidence whatsoever, no graves ever found minus a small corner grave that any camp would have for the inevitable deaths that would occur.
Where's that big mass holocaust grave site that we can use radar to conclusively prove the Holocaust happened? Oh, right...
The Bolsheviks we're comprised of Jews, you semantic nitpick pilpul fuck. What a surprise, hiding behind another label and shrinking away from the Jew being called out. It was the Jews who comprised the Bolsheviks. Name the actual group, not their political party.
Bolshevik Jews killed millions in Russia during the 20th century. Is that not as important a Holocaust because the Jews were perpetrating it rather than suffering from it?
Well that's the truth. I don't, won't, and will never wear the mask. But I do believe in taking care of my mental health and if I have health care.professionals that I trust (I do), and the medication I am prescribed by them and choose every day to take by my own hand.
It's called consent and freedom. A quickly eroding concept as vague concepts of equality and "the greater good" as exojudicial bodies force the Great Reset.
On the fence about the idea of soma. Arguably we have a multitude of "soma" available (marijuana, opiates, anti-anxiety medication) so one that puts people into a good mood.and makes them act upright and moral...
Well, it beats people hooking at truck stop motels for.their next fix just to feel OK, or addicting people to opiates.
I dunno. I take a daily benzo to deal with my anxiety so arguably I'm already on the soma-train.
Why is this old fogey piping up? He and Stephen King are two old has-beens days away from death who can't just slip away with quiet dignity.
Wow, you wrote a bunch of songs back when there was a music industry and had great success....40 years ago. It's like people in 1922 listening to some theater actor that was popular in 1875 about their opinions on the modern economy.
This grumpy leftist old fuck has been bitching and complaining about every pet leftist project his entire career. Did all those concerts save the environment? Or help the homeless? No, they just kept you relevant and sold a few more records.
Old phony hoping for one last glimmer of relevance. I love a lot of Neil Young's work but the guy's some kind of savant or something because he has always come across like as somewhat retarded. I believe every single one of his children were born retarded, as well.
Hard, long lesson and cycle for an entire gender to go through, but here's the inevitable conclusion to progressivism, feminism, and the death blow that has been intersectional theory.
Oh no! You got your gender identity politics in my sexual identity politics! And the laws and rules one group fought for is now being applied to other groups! It's as if Progressivism is an inevitable clusterfuck of groups and positions that have nothing in common outside of being a "minority," and once that thin commonality erodes they become enemies once more.
Enjoy the clusterfuck. I'm cruising at 50,000 feet as a married middle-class white man with wife and child. I live in a world and have a life that makes sense.
Yep. In the novel, they fail to blow up a single building and Tyler is committed to a mental institution, with people working there still dedicated to his cause with hints the cause continues on the outside awaiting his return.
The author said he liked the movie's ending better but IDK, both are pretty different from each other in terms of scope.
It was called punk. It was flipping off the establishment and mocking norms. Hell, he wore a shirt he made that said, "Kill the Grateful Dead!" for a Rolling Stone shoot.
It was art and a statement, not because he was trans. This was back when things actually meant things because we lived in a cogent society and it was assumed people had brains that thought on their own.
She was dating him. They dated for years. She was an ingeniue who wanted notoriety and fame and hooked up with an incredibly polarizing, visible public figure to achieve that.
Now that she's an "adult" and "serious actress," she's now ashamed of her past. So she's blaming it all on a man since she apparently agency for.herself and never has.
To be fair, this is how the novel ends.
Well yeah. Because any grownup or authority figure approaching a child with materials and subject matter that's sexual in nature is pedophilia unless it's their parent or guardian teaching them about basic biology.
Meanwhile if you saw straights reaching out to children with programs and special events and secret groups to teach them about being straight and sexuality, you would (correctly) label them as pedophiles.
Something to think about, since it makes all transgenders pedophiles and considering the insane effort the LGBTQ+ community has made in the past 15 years to indoctrinate children through both private and public avenues, I would consider all of them pedophiles, as well.
Because communists are always open to recruiting the weak, disenfranchised, and lost. These are called useful idiots.
Communists then prop these useful idiots up, claiming capitalism's cruelty has rejected these fine people.
Then once they're in power you're gonna see a lot of wigs flying off as firing squads eliminate these "problems" from their perfect society.
And then, for the rest of the non-super freak leftist, when you're freezing in a communist apartment block eating your daily ration of meat-bug paste and hoping you saved up enough ration tickets to buy vodka so you can drink yourself into oblivion to try and forget the awful mistake you made supporting communism, you can think of just how "comforting" communism really is.
Sweet, beautiful propaganda cycle:
(months of quiet as investigation continues, no reporting during this time)
(investigation quietly wraps up some months later, with conclusions that don't support the original claims; in fact, turns out to be nothing)
(news outlet quietly runs a correction of the story placed obscurely, certainly not with the same effort or prominence as original claim)
People should really go through old newspaper archives to see how the tide runs. This shit has been happening since the penny press. But nobody cares about yesterday's news or the truth; they just remember ORIGINAL SHOCKING THING and it becomes history.
At this point I literally want a natural disaster that's so bad it forces the population to pull their heads out of their asses and focus on the actual important things, like survival.
After the dust settles, if it turns out the trans population helped rebuild society and not just act like a bunch of child molesting perverts, they can be accepted.
Until then, all I see is a super-soft society creating problems to "solve" and identifying more "oppressed people" to use as a shield to ram their fascist bullshit through.
What the fuck is this shit? Besides this being retarded, I bought a fucking game that lets me do something like this. Now I can't? What an unbelievable fuck you to everyone that bought this game.
At least I can still massacre blacks exclusively in GTA if I want. Because the fun part of any game is its possibility, not its limitations.
It is liberty, justice, and class being discussed here. All public figures are fair game and discussing the potential (likely) consequences of the breakdown of trust.between the aforementioned 3 will likely result in civil war-level violence.
I have also worked in bookstores and in publishing, and let me tell you: factual errors, especially libelous ones, will immediately get those books recalled and destroyed.
I forgot which book it was but I was working in a B&N like 16 years ago and it was some informational teen sex book that was completely recalled and destroyed, mostly because a lot of the procedures of self-examination and self-care were completely out of date and in some cases could hurt or kill girls. So yeah, publishers and book sellers are usually pretty fucking reactionary when they put out something that could come back to bite them in the ass legally.
I hope all of those bookstores and the publisher enjoy a slew of defamation and libel suits from Rittenhouse. The Kenosha Kid may up being a publishing tycoon by the end of it.
The Democratic machine in the 5 boroughs is some of the nastiest shit you've ever considered. AOC was cast bc she's the best looking "politician" they could find that ticked off their boxes: -woman -ethnic - young - true believer - immune to criticism from white men for claims of sexism/racism/lust.
Her district is corrupt garbage where you can win by 5% voter turnout. She walked the neighborhood and won.
Now ask yourself: why is a junior representative from a garbage nothing district on the news every single day and has been since being elected? Then you start seeing the big picture and where the narrative is heading concerning AOC.
The government just went out and made it law, and people complied.
Your parents and grandparents were sheep. Now you are being sheered.
Guess what would happen in the US if the gov't.just said, "Oh yeah, we signed it into law that you have to turn in your guns?"
The answer is, the people involved in trying to pull that kind of shit would be shot to death. And then revolution. So the US gov't ain't never gonna try that...
Excellent. Keep chewing, Ouroborus Left. Wait 'til all their majority minority followers really start feeling the sting of "equality" when it encroaches on their privilege.
Like any self-respecting white man would listen to or follow a black woman's judgements.