The tide is turning- this broadcast breaks down just how far we've come from the last 4 years.
Remember, Trump hasn't even been in office for a month. I think he and DOGE have been exceeding expectations.
5 years later, Herman Cain's passing still seems suspicious. It was apparently from COVID after attending a Trump rally. I still find that extremely hard to believe.
There was also a former IMSA and Le Mans race car driver named Jim Pace who we were told passed away from COVID on November 13, 2020. He passed away in Memphis. I wonder if malpractice may have played a role in his case, too.
Trump is being handed a mess where the stock market will crash, and he'll be blamed for a Great Depression a la Herbert Hoover.
However, he and Musk are doing a great job mitigating the Democrats' and globalists damage as much as possible. This broadcast outlines what our situation is- and how Team Trump and DOGE can maintain the upward trend.
Share this with everyone you can! Trump and Musk need to see that the public is behind them and that they are not alone in wanting to create and grow a better America and world!
The safest comparison is to a cornered, wounded predator.
They know that they're in a losing situation, but they want to go out in one last primal attack; direction it at everything in sight.
It may well be partial stupidity, but I think it's mainly desperation.
We knew that the LA fires were intentionally set up to escalate the way they did. However, it seems that a much larger ploy to have this affect the broader US (as well as Trump's ability to turn things around) was active, too. It looks like this is one part of a plan to set Trump up for failure Day 1; and that this is only the beginning of that plan.
If we share this info, there's a good chance the Deep State will have to work harder to turn America into a tyrannical, hostile wasteland. Pass this on to everyone you know!
Rockefeller Foundation, BlackRock, Vanguard, the US Deep State, & Open Society Foundation.
If he can get even 10% of his agenda through, that alone would be a W in my book.
DC lobbying and bureaucracy is a swamp, and RFK's not afraid to get his hands dirty. I think he means what he says, and if anyone can improve our food supply at that level, RFK Jr is that guy.
At the very least, he can't be worse than past health officials.
They can come off as weird....
But that's exactly why I like them. They wanted to use a creative and high energy way to show off how cool the advertised products are, and I think they succeeded. It might come off as weird, but I think it comes off as sincere belief in their product.
That's why I respect and enjoy these Japanese commercials. Through the effort put into these ads, it's clear that the Japanese genuinely care.
I wish we could just go back to the advertising philosophy used up to around 1997 (when Clinton legalized the advertising of prescription drugs):
Showcase through audiovisual means why your product deserves to exist. That thought alone fostered a degree of creativity, wit, care, and passion in so many commercials from the '80s and '90s specifically that I believe is rarely replicated these days.
There is absolutely no bird flu to be scared of because it's just the same fraud behind COVID; a fake scare, fraudulent testing, and complete financial gain and power for all the mad Big Pharma scientists unleashing this psyop on the world.
We can defeat this if we just spread the truth. Tell everyone you know that there is no real birdflu to be scared of and to reject any new medical mandates or fear porn on the local or national news!
The MSM is running chronic propaganda on the non-existent danger of a birdflu pandemic that could cause millions of excess deaths.
It's just the same fraud behind COVID. These crooked, unaccountable groups like the CDC and WHO are conducting testing with their minds made up that they'll find birdflu.
So they crank the same unreliable PCR tests used for COVID up to be so sensitive that birdflu will be detected in anything. They're trying to create cases so that we can be put back into a medical dictatorship complete with mask, lockdown, and vaccine mandate returns as well as potential food supply sabotage.
There is no real threat at hand other than the one from criminal mad scientists that want to play God.
Do not fall for any of the propaganda claiming there are new diseases that are going to kill us all. As long as you're eating right, taking care of yourself, and have Vitamin C, D, Zinc, and of course hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin ready, there is absolutely nothing to worry about.
People are not dying, and the "cases" are just people sick with other things. Even then, we can't know for sure since the tests are so useless.
Share this with everyone you can! It will be much harder for our criminal government to pull this off if more people know about it!
I guess that's why I grew up with a relative who LOVED rap and R&B (especially gangster and glam rap) but never felt like becoming a gangbanger or criminal.
She exposed me to people like Snoop Dogg, Cam'ron, Biggie, Nate Dogg, etc. I learned about more rappers through video game soundtracks, and I now live a life where I own a business and still don't feel like killing or robbing anyone.
How do you think parents could do a better job of stating that while explicit music and violent video games can just be entertainment, they're still just fiction and shouldn't be replicated in real life?
It makes me sad to know people in your first demographic don't have that kind of moral compass or filter.
What's your view of similar phenomenons like the Satanic Panics over D&D or Pokémon?
Or perhaps Killary and Jack Thompson claiming games like GTA needed to be banned because they were turning kids into criminals?
I honestly think they're right when they say that the right lost the culture war once people like Jack Thompson and 2000s era Fox News pundits went after video games and intense music.
There were far more people who just thought of these things as interesting new takes on fun past time. Most people were perfectly capable of realizing that the things in these works shouldn't be repeated in real life, and they vastly outnumbered anyone who saw them as instruction manuals. Even then, people in the latter category who committed crimes and were allegedly inspired by GTA or NWA already had other issues in life.
I think the PR nightmare that was these moral panics against violent entertainment left us with far more of an uphill battle when it came to fighting wokeness in our culture and institutions.
Now, when we talk about how divisive and destructive themes and policies are aggressively shoved down our throats, people equate that to things like the 1980s Satanic panic against D&D or the crusade against rap music or Mortal Kombat from the '90s.
We're not trying to keep people from accessing fun, but we do want to stop people from feeling like they have to submit to the message that they're bad just because of their heritage or skin color.
I hope we can move past the stupid shit from those previous years and do a better job at distancing our pro empowerment and prosperity message from the bureaucrats of years past while just promoting good, inspiring entertainment.
They're doing it to stop Trump and punish us for rejecting their dystopian agenda. That's all this is.
I know people don't see eye to eye with Nick on everything, but this is not the answer. I hope he's OK.
The media is already pre-programming America for Birdflu to become COVID 2.0 right as Trump takes office.
Don't be fooled, it's just an attempt to sabotage his agenda before he can start it. They're running the same scam as before where they jack the test equipment's sensitivity so high anything will be considered birdflu.
Don't fall for any of this propaganda. It's another made-up crisis. Fight any new medical mandates wherever you can, and refuse to live in fear! These globalist mad scientists engineering these viruses need to be thrown in prison.
If I were in charge of Jaguar and wanted to appeal to younger customers, I would have commissioned a 2 seater compact sports car like a Mazda Miata or Toyota 86.
This car would be a throwback to old British roadsters like an Austin Healey Sprite or MG B.
It would be an ICE, of course, and these types of cars are extremely popular among younger car enthusiasts. I don't see their popularity going anywhere; and such a car would be a good entry level Jaguar in terms of price and performance.
What they actually did to attract this demographic was a disaster. My idea's not perfect, but I think it's better than what we got.
It's even funnier when they only provide 3 options for pronouns cough cough Forza Horizon 5
I thought you could have any pronouns you want?
FH5 is an insensitive, discriminating racing game that refuses to acknowledge me as a GTP racecar with turbocharged/V8 for my pronouns.
Elon's gaming company can't come soon enough.
Hopefully all the honest, passionate, and creative developers that jackoffs like this are alienating and ostracizing can follow suit and start their own MAGA or at least apolitical gaming companies.
I don't like seeing how this deeply captured industry is seemingly doubling down on its predatory, hateful bullshit in spite of the big political and cultural win we had on November 5. However, seeing the tide turn against this woke, regressive ideology gives me hope that something better is around the corner.
We're just going to have to take a very bumpy road to get there.
Do you think they'll stop if BlackRock and Vanguard are ever coaxed into cutting off the ESG bucks that fund this woke slop?
I think there's still hope; he and RFK Jr very publically teamed up. Kennedy said he'd only do that if Trump admitted Operation Warp Speed could have been handled differently.
Maybe Trump is waiting for an opportunity to admit as such when he feels he's in a position where he doesn't have to be constantly on the defense; i.e. after the inauguration.
I really hope that Trump putting anti-mandate people in health positions in his cabinet can open the door for the COVID tyrants to be held accountable.
I don't think we can really count on Trump himself to do it, but he seems intent on adopting a more hands off management approach. He's suggested that he'll generally let RFK Jr, Battacharya, and co. do what they want.
If they get to actually hold those globalist Big Pharma mad scientists accountable, I hope he won't get in their way, so to speak.
Hopefully we start seeing things turn around when Trump gets in and starts a big enough cultural realignment.
As we speak, X and Rumble are being DDoSed by a group that calls itself Dark Cloud. It's CCP affiliated but is likely in cohorts with the American Deep State.
Are they trying to shut down communications because they're hiding something? The MSM has been fear mongering about Iran killing Trump (it's likely the Deep State stragglers who would blame it on Iran) and the Democrats have been calling for violence. Alex Jones is breaking it down live- share this with everyone you can- the American Deep State doesn't want us to know this.