The media is already pre-programming America for Birdflu to become COVID 2.0 right as Trump takes office.
Don't be fooled, it's just an attempt to sabotage his agenda before he can start it. They're running the same scam as before where they jack the test equipment's sensitivity so high anything will be considered birdflu.
Don't fall for any of this propaganda. It's another made-up crisis. Fight any new medical mandates wherever you can, and refuse to live in fear! These globalist mad scientists engineering these viruses need to be thrown in prison.
The media is already pre-programming America for Birdflu to become COVID 2.0 right as Trump takes office.
Don't be fooled, it's just an attempt to sabotage his agenda before he can start it. They're running the same scam as before where they jack the test equipment's sensitivity so high anything will be considered birdflu.
Don't fall for any of this propaganda. It's another made-up crisis. Fight any new medical mandates wherever you can, and refuse to live in fear! These globalist mad scientists engineering these viruses need to be thrown in prison.