Sorry, my original post was me being retarded.
I still advocate not buying products as a knee-jerk reaction to this culture war stuff, because I guarantee you that the vast majority of the developers can’t handle the heat and will capitulate shortly after the controversy begins, or were already left-leaning and are willing to give in to seem “reasonable.” If you want to support a creator after a controversy, wait 2-3 months afterwards to make sure your support isn’t wasted.
Agreed, the more I think about it, the more I see the ankle thing as a very autistic reaction by Matt. Though to be fair, it was probably just the straw that broke the camel’s back, but that was partially on him for letting things get this bad rather than talking to Blonde about her laziness (in nicer terms than “laziness”). I think Blonde is going become more unstable and have more woman moments that will eventually lead her to dropping off the internet altogether.
Yeah, there were definitely multiple moments throughout her appearances on the show where she appeared very unstable and did not even show any sense of remorse for her unhinged actions (the ghosting of one of her boyfriends was pretty damn insane). She admits that she is guilty of being a woman, but just gives in to those feminine tendencies that she claims to despise rather then try to overcome them.
Shame, I like watching Matt’s videos and I don’t plan on stopping that anytime soon, but I do appreciate Blonde’s less restrained inputs on the podcast, because sometimes the “nuance” Matt shows can be a bit grating when he clearly knows the reality of the situation.
I think Matt is probably much more in the right than Blonde though, as her deleted tweets come off as more entitled bitchfit trying to scrape together a victim narrative than actual unfair treatment by Matt.
I would say Blonde taking 50/50 is crazy when she does so much less work than Matt, but the reality is that she might be bringing the boys to the yard so to speak LOL
Yeah, that contributes to the problem too, though the female protagonist basically went under the radar for the majority of the marketing by Ubisoft. The Overton Window for women in traditionally male roles has been shifted over for decades now.
There are more people who are aware, but the mocking of Yasuke was easier for normies to do because Ubisoft has become the industry punching bag where the games are so bland that there is basically no passionate fanbase behind their games along with Yasuke being so ridiculous of a character. Sony’s single player games are basically treated as “premium” content for normies who have convinced themselves that cinematic slop is a sign of “sophistication.” It’s harder to break the conditioning when the game is by a developer the gaming zeitgeist has deemed as “good” and has enough of an illusion of normalcy in comparison that the zeitgeist can defend it and call anybody who opposes it as insane.
Sick days normally aren’t paid out in any circumstance, at least in America. It is literally a “use it or lose it” type of situation.
Annual leave is the one that often gets paid out if you leave the company, barring any yearly cash out options that companies normally don’t do (often there is a use it or lose it clause if you go over a certain number of accumulated annual leave hours).
These NGOs are funded by neighboring countries like Germany. Individual EU countries are enacting various means of unconventional warfare to destroy their neighbors at a faster rate than the aggressor countries are destroying themselves.
Remember when Razorfist praised Dragon Age Inquisition as a return to form? God damn, what a dumbass.