Very nice great success and fuck blm
Dudes logic is horrible
Sounds like a threat
I want to stab my eyes out every time i see this horrible art style which seems to be in every commercial
What's up with the hijabs lul
I want what she's smoking
Who cares truck drivers could have green skin for all i care they are all just another obstacle in the road to me
LMFAO God people are weak
Worst suicide bomber ever
I can't believe people can get banned here that's almost as gay as reddit
No all pillows are the same to me and they always end up gone when i wake up
All hail the great negro
Is it really woke though since they are all about diddling kids
He was there for the kids
I can't stand these first world problem fuck heads
No thank you
Closer to death
Nice OSHA sucks
So true i know so many people that say they are queer and they just straight people that want to feel special
I know a few people that identify as LGHDTV and it's all for show cause they are all straight as an arrow
He needs to get the fuck out of the country before the n's get him