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Why not all three?
She’s saying that witches are better than blacks.
Dodged an invasion with that one.
Another in a long row of sad days.
Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
I upvoted for “crime minister,” but downvoted for “prise.”
FBI strikes again.
Thank you, Elonwy of Liar and Adam Sewer, for your ignorant opinions.
Won’t someone please think of the millionairs?
Seems to be part of a larger problem.
Yes. Yes, it is.
All CNN stories are hoaxes.
She’s a lying cheater so naturally she assumes all men are, too.
He knows that when white Christian men have finally put up with enough bullshit they rise up and topple empires. He desperately doesn’t want that to happen.
Hymie was mad because he thought they said “missile-toes.”
Muslim parents, too?
Maybe he’s Sammy Davis Jr.
They’re both mad that someone else is trying to steal their business.
She should have.
Deported to Hell.
Stop noticing!
Or a man.
I was picturing Daisy Duke.
Why not all three?