MasksAreChildAbuse 15 points ago +15 / -0

Uhhh, did you skip ahead or something? lol

MasksAreChildAbuse 7 points ago +10 / -3

In life sure, not in emergency mode lol His mom is gonna kick him out and he has no money. Keeping toys at a time like this is ridiculous advice. If you wanna game/play yugioh/etc do it when you can afford it.

Edit: wow people are literally condoning keeping yugioh cards while on the verge of being thrown out of a house. Wtf....yeah maybe you can use them for a fire to keep warm on the streets!

MasksAreChildAbuse 5 points ago +11 / -6

Completely agree. Sell any childish, or entertainment toy/device/etc.

(Although is keep a phone for communication)

MasksAreChildAbuse 5 points ago +5 / -0

If I was in your position this is exactly what I would do step by step within the month of October...

  1. Sell all Yugioh cards. If it takes too long to sell, I’d sell at 20% off, with a goal to have $800+ cash as an emergency. Do not touch this $ until you are kicked out.
  2. Save as much as possible for cash on hand, and pay minimum to debts and lower bills where you can (eg less tier cellphone plan). Additionally sell anything else you might not need to get as much of a buffer as you can (game systems, electronics, etc but keep a phone if you have one)
  3. If your friends offer you a temporary spot, that’s fine, but don’t rely on it for too long (personally I’d try to avoid it to not burden them). Search for roommates on craigslist in the mean time. I have met and moved in with many people from it, if you filter out weirdos by only keeping texts minimal and meeting in person it works! Keeps rent low too!
  4. things to look for, an existing house that has an extra room with common areas (try to get one with no lease), nearby work within walking distance (you’re gonna walk to work for a while)

All in all you can realistically get a safe room and a good spot with $1000-$1500 upfront, if not less. I moved to Florida last year and found a room for $600 with no deposit that I lived at for a few months as I got settled and got a job and found a better place. So be as frugal as you can.

Don’t get hung up finding a “forever” replacement now, or a bougie place. Or a car. Your goal now is to become self sufficient responsibly.

Once you have the place, your goal should just be to save money and go in Monk mode. Work overtime if or when possible. And that way if the place doesn’t turn out great you’ll be on better footing to take your time and move out normally.

MasksAreChildAbuse 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are you saying just to say that, or is that a “confirmed rumor” because I’ve heard rumors that the wahmen does not replace him. Curious now, if it is true, if they are trying to send a competing rumor that “she doesn’t replace him” on a technicality like “oh well she’s not 007 because she’s technically 008 dummy!” Or something.

MasksAreChildAbuse 3 points ago +3 / -0

If I stay online, I think the long term replacement for me will be locals.com

It’s more of a patreon clone than YouTube but it’s got a mix of it all, but does have a lot of useful video options other video sites don’t even have like live streaming and live comments. Plus it has a robust chat community since each page is a content creator and not just a random video.

And unlike patreon you can sign up for free, but people will usually put sole stuff behind a paywall, but I’m fine paying a few bucks every now and then for some content from people who do good journalism or make non-globohomo bs.

MasksAreChildAbuse 10 points ago +10 / -0

I noticed this when they were running PR laps around our media after their takeover.

Obviously they aren’t good guys because they still believe they are required by God to murder non believers, and shariah law, etc, but it will be real interesting to see if any of these changes run deep in their ranks, or if it’s all just for manipulation.

The Lotus Eaters had an interesting podcast covering the Taliban memes, and honestly there wasn’t much of a difference between their memes and the memes you can find here in relation to men/women relationship dynamics. We differ on pretty much everything else tho lol

MasksAreChildAbuse 4 points ago +4 / -0

I swear we are gonna be facing a long term future similar to the movie Children of Men.

The difference however will be the elite will still be able to have kids and/or artificial wombs to continue their lineage, and will use full automation and AI to be their primary workforce. And for those who refused the self sterilization or murder serum and aren’t dead from those, will be facing literal genocide and enslavement doing things AI or robots can’t do.

MasksAreChildAbuse 5 points ago +6 / -1

To a normie on this topic, this is the first post about jannies that has even remotely alluded to what a jannie is (although I’m still not sure tbh, someone who capitulates to the left?)

The previous 10,000 jannie posts were just like “fuck jannies!” And I was so confused lol

MasksAreChildAbuse 5 points ago +5 / -0

Oh I see how it works, you just add “reasonable” in front of anything that’s stupid and retarded and it makes it okay!

Let me try!

“You should be okay with reasonable imprisonment of random people for no reason!”

“You should be okay with reasonable robbery of people against their will!”

Wow 🤩 I love it!

MasksAreChildAbuse 15 points ago +15 / -0

People: chasing cops

Cops: running away.

People: Change their Interest to another person running away in the opposite direction

Cops: stop, turn around, “yeah you better run”

MasksAreChildAbuse 10 points ago +10 / -0

Even if it is real, I seriously doubt a “real” news agency would report it. It reveals too many truths of modern women’s nature. How else could they spin this? When a story can’t be spun they just ignore and move on.

MasksAreChildAbuse 1 point ago +1 / -0

Honestly, with how I’ve seen western society crumble the more egalitarian we have become, the more I understand these strict social laws in super religious societies. The biological needs of women (“nOt aLL wAhMen!” Yes, but on a balance of probabilities...) are counter intuitive to a free and just society because women are hardwired to be communitarian. They are hard wired for equal outcome. Which is a recipe for failure. The restraints society and religion had in place for women is what prevented society from spiraling out of control for years, and it’s all accelerated tenfold with those restraints removed. Most modern women are adult children and it’s sickening.

MasksAreChildAbuse 6 points ago +6 / -0

Candace Owens posted an over 30 minute video detailing all of her discoveries of Klacik some weeks/months back. I’m inclined to believe Candace based on her commitment to MAGA and how she doesn’t use hedging language like many Rinos do like John McCain v.2, and doesn’t pull punches, although admittedly I didn’t corroborate her findings personally.

But the gist was she exposed Kim lied about several things, about her personal life, about her charities, and spending.

MasksAreChildAbuse 23 points ago +23 / -0

Their rule breaking reason doesn’t even make sense lol, they won the PLATINUM in the mental gymnastics to find a way to delete it haha

MasksAreChildAbuse 16 points ago +16 / -0

They knew. The point of Biden coming out with that EO, knowing full well it was unenforceable and will never be in effect, was to encourage corporations to just do it anyway.

The companies, many of the largest corporations not wanting to leave employees or customers in uncertain limbo, will just start adopting it to move forward and get it over with. Companies like Walmart and Amazon don’t care. And once the big players adopt it, many of the smaller players will too.

MasksAreChildAbuse 7 points ago +7 / -0

Holy shit, this is like every other person you will see living in Portland or Eugene lol.

MasksAreChildAbuse 15 points ago +15 / -0

Imagine in another country, say Japan, 3 or 4 of the candidates were comprised of white southerners from Alabama, or Nigerian princes, or a Navajo woman? Lol It’s just absurd to imagine right?

But it happens all the time in the west. It’s so fucking weird.

MasksAreChildAbuse 14 points ago +14 / -0

That post is so fucking disingenuous. Yes you took the vaccine card to school....one. fucking. time. Because the vaccines were permanent and provided a full lifetime of protection. Additionally if you had health conditions you were allowed to use a medical exemption without being threatened.

Now they are literally requiring you to use it more frequently than you would your drivers license as their goal is to require every store to check it. You know who I show my license to? The DMV, bars, and...that’s all I can think of.

MasksAreChildAbuse 7 points ago +7 / -0

If you are in Afghanistan and are STILL taking any credence in alerts on what to do, you are functionally retarded and are choosing to fail.

Not saying all those stuck there now are retarded, but everyone should be in Survival Mode trying to escape regardless what the US government says. The US government has turned their back on all citizens.

MasksAreChildAbuse 1 point ago +1 / -0

A couple of replies to my post in different threads, sure it’s whatever, but at this point you are obsessed with me dude. I’m not gonna reply to you any more. Hope you jerked off enough because whatever kink you get off of me is done.

MasksAreChildAbuse 1 point ago +1 / -0

No where in any of the texts does the employer mention that a vehicle is required to do the job. The job actually requires the person to remain stationary with access to an air conditioned booth to facilitate other traffic in and out of the site.

The car is only mentioned by the applicant assuming that in this clown world employers provide cars, when the employer states they do not provide a car, the applicant asks how he will get to work, to which the employer is speechless.

As far as getting a job you can get to without needing a car while you don’t have a car, we agree.

As far as the last bit I don’t quite understand. It’s completely possible to walk in the snow or rain and not look disheveled when you arrive. Ive walked in the rain or snow plenty of times in my life, including that job I referenced earlier. I just wear boots and a jacket.

Although what are you gonna say next? “How can you afford boots and a jacket if you don’t have a job?” that’s what your gonna say next isn’t it?

The fact any of these are considered barriers to people today is kind of shocking to me honestly.

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