If you think shit like this is sexual content then I have bad news for you: You're a pedophile who is projecting their own depraved nature onto others.
I'm convinced that people who complain about lolis are closeted pedophiles telling on themselves.
Why would anyone here do that?
You seem like you're either lost or a bad actor trying to sow discord.
The troll in chief.
Sounds like a certain other problem poster we have on this board who Dom for some reason refuses to actually purge.
Did you two ever hook up or what?
It absolutely is a split from reddit KiA2 and you're retarded for thinking otherwise.
How do you square this with the increasing gender polarization? Men and women are both retreating into same sex social groups more than ever from what I can tell.
How the hell did you end up on this board and not on r/KiA2 where you would clearly be more at home?
Just how many times do we have to pick up and move to a new board? We lose more old guard every time and pick up a bunch of weirdos who don't belong with each iteration. And worst of all we never actually escape people who want to muzzle us.
Good delivery but the core of the joke doesn't land well because there's very little truth to it.
I kind of wonder what's going to happen to all these IPs when the industry has its inevitable crash. Will some worthwhile smaller studios be able to scoop them up and breath new life into them or will Tencent just buy them for pennies and squat on them?
Too late, imp ruined it already.
Future generations will never know what they lost. Those who knew the sound of the internet will tell the tales of the golden age but no one will believe them in time.
As I recall they ran the experiment with some variations. The rats that got a shitty environment with just the bare minimum for survival(shelter and food) went for the button all day long. Meanwhile the rats that had a big ol' playground and plenty of other rats to mingle with just sort of ignored the button...I may be mixing this up with a different experiment but the point is that when inhabiting a healthy environment the "endless hedonism" option was ignored in favor of hanging out with others and living life.
That's where we are right now: a deeply unhealthy envrionment. Porn is a symptom, not a root cause.
They certainly handed us a sinking boat. No guidance and a wasteland to inhabit.
Every day I wake up and wonder "why bother?"
There is absolutely no scenario left in society in which it is acceptable for a man to approach a woman if she doesn't want him approaching her. That rule set dictates that men will simply stop approaching. There is no room left for failure so the only move left is to just not engage.
My dream is to have Saints Row 2 in the Saints Row 3 engine. I felt like 2 had the stronger narrative but 3 had the better game feel.
This is essentially a war against Japan using the financial services.
Coordinated financial warfare against an Axis power you say?
AI is a tool. This is like advocating for a society that can get along just fine without electricity.
Why does this AI keep thinking if Humans as a disease?
That's easy. What has popular science fiction always thought AI would do?
There you go. It takes on that behavior because that's what our literature and pop culture say an AI would do. That's a repeated pattern in the training data of everything people have written down over the years plus what idiots on the internet say en masse.
People really need to learn the basics of how this technology works if they want to continue to opine about it.
As Luigi showed us, you can always punish these people.
I gathered that much, but where the hell does that word come from? I've never heard the term prior to this thread.
I'll bet women cheat more. They certainly have the option to.
When are you hiring more mods Dom?