Walsh actually replied and said that includes Israel:
Probably a bug. There are so many tranny and gay subs getting banned. No way the admins would ban any of that intentionally.
Here's a list of banned subs, it just keeps going: https://www.reddit.com/r/BannedSubs/
Most of the leftwing media in the West is heavily funded by governments.
It's pretty extreme here in Germany.
The government runs the biggest media empire straight up itself which they finance by levying a mandatory fee on all citizens.
As for "private" media, if they are small enough they're run as NGOs and get grants directly from the government. If they're too big to technically count as non-profit the government has to launder that money. They either give it to "independent" NGOs who then forward that money to the media or the government disguises payments as ad campaigns.
It's a whole propaganda industry that mostly relies on governments paying them.
It used to be a place about openly hating white people. On black people twitter you were only allowed to post positive things about blacks and on white people twitter you were only allowed to post negative things about whites.
These days it looks like just another TDS sub.
T_D got quarantined and banned over a couple of comments that had practically no upvotes or were even downvoted and rotted somewhere deep in the comment chain.
WhitePeopleTwitter was full of upvoted, highly visible calls to murder.
But I mean what do you expect from Reddit admins? Holding themselves to their own standards?
I'm kind of looking forward to it. Imagine games so absurdly bad they make Failguard and Concord look good, well, less bad.
I mean, I won't play them but the videos of people shitting on them will be entertaining.
Dude looks like an AI generated caricature on the same level as the happy merchant. He looks so absurdly stereotypical that I didn't believe it at first but that was actually his own profile picture (Instagram IIRC before he deactivated it).