I stopped lurking there years ago soon as I saw a .win domain for KIA, and never looked back. As you've now discovered, the sub is for trannies and faggots, like all of Reddit.
Laughs at how hysterically Clown World the Tweet's message sounds.
- Farrell had shown... photographs of children he had molested.
- Francis was a convicted child molester....
- Roberts was sentenced for trying to strangle a four-year-old girl in order to rape her."
Huh, suddenly him having a game console doesn't sound that absurd to me.
What a freaking disgrace that we need laws to enforce humans to act like humans. The absolute pussy state of society to even get us to this point... Makes me sick.
That was the least convincing "we're gonna win" I've ever seen in my life.
Audi not see that coming. Neither did they.
- Faggot Bureau of Insemination
- Cuckold Insertion Agency
- Negro Swallowing Agency
- Department of Dickheads
- Department of Homosexual Sex
Did I miss any?
I agree completely and that's one reason I don't think they will, or even can (unless it becomes a threat to them, or they're under foreign control, then they mighttry to restrict the commoner's access to it). At the end of the day, much like with the Internet, they can restrict it as much as they want, but there will always be someone able to take some sort of advantage of the technology.
You're on the money. AI is new but, combined with robotics and inevitable progress in computation, has almost unlimited potential since it's basically a technique to get computers to learn and do what humans can do, except millions of times more quickly.
We're in the early 90s Internet era of AI. Give it a couple more decades to really mature into the true beast it certainly can, and will, be. Unless, like you mentioned, governments kill it.
I'm on the way to platinum the Shadow of Colossus remake, and while the landscape, lighting, and effects graphics are all extremely pretty, BluePoint couldn't help but alter the entire art style of the original, as well as make lots of other unnecessary changes (and their changes to SoTC were, comparatively, very restrained, and sometimes improvements).
That seems to be their modus operandi, as the DeS remake showed what they do when they've got no one to restrain them. The Body Type A/B thing was just the crap cherry on top of a crap-frosted cake (even though, mechanically, the remake felt fine).
It would be an absolute travesty if Soyny got their tranny mits on FromSoft.
Movie: The Prestige
Show: The Twilight Zone (the OG)
I always appreciate biblically-sound responses by brothers that represent Christianity truthfully, so thanks for taking the time to write this out.
Edit: You're the same guy with the grunge recommendations lol. Thanks for them, I'll definitely check them out.
Oh, I've listened to all their stuff. Facelift is my no. 2 from them, Sea of Sorrows being one of my favorite AiC songs (and Man in the Box is great). I actually don't like the super dirty grunge all that much, like Jar of Flies doesn't hold too much that I like listening to, but even there the rock factor is excellent.
Are there any other grunge bands worth listening to? I know of Soundgarden and Audioslave, but I'd like more recommendations (your original comment mentioned Stone Temple Pilots, so I'll have to give them a listen).
Yeah, I think the rock value of grunge gets overshadowed by its mopier side, which is really unfortunate.
I'm not even a massive rock or grunge guy, having been raised on Romantic classical and late-90s videogame electronica, but Alice in Chains is awesome (I like some Soundgarden stuff, too). "Dirt" has so many bangers. Even "Would?" being a little on the mopey side is still some great freaking rock, and it's my personal favorite of theirs.
Maybe I'm speaking as a casual grunge listener, but I feel like Nirvana is overrated. I've listened to everything I could find on the Internet from them to see what all the raving was about all these years, and I'll admit I really love "Smells Like," but otherwise I don't understand its legendary status.
I wouldn't call most of Nirvana bad by any means (and I guess it's basically sacred for mopey-music listeners), but I especially just don't get the superfandom for Cobain. Maybe painting a wall with your brains enhances your legacy more than wasting away from, and then dying to, heroine and cocaine overdosing, though.
Edit: Just watched OP's linked video and, in retrospect, maybe my opinions on Cobain formed from a natural aversion to faggotry.
"For the first time...."
There's your problem, sir. Hope he's young enough to learn from subsequent ass-whoopings.
You hit the nail on the head for me and my close relatives. We've all noted how time feels faster now since 2020, and that dude in the video you linked expressed a lot of me and my family's own sentiments, as well as many of the comments. I think back on the last several years, and remember stuff from 2018 like they occurred, quite literally, just yesterday.
Pretty wild stuff, hearing so many people noticing the same thing.
This universe, AKA the one where the devil runs the world.
(This topic is a repost to correct my previous one that had incorrect info stating that the game would be delisted on Oct. 30, rather than already having happened. The comment below was directed to those who might have been interested in buying the 2007 version before it was delisted.)
I thought I'd also add that, while the 2007 version is a bit graphically outdated, the recently published "Enhanced Legacy Edition" mod from ModDB improves a lot of the graphics, adds some much needed QoL, nice new features, and 2 new well-made civs (Americans and Maltese) which otherwise cost $6 in the DEI version.
Edit: HOLY CRAP I'M RETARDED. I just re-read the news post and the first few words say it was already removed from Steam today! This post isn't much of a PSA, in that case. Sorry for the retardation.
I thought I'd also add that, while the 2007 version is a bit graphically outdated, the recently published "Enhanced Legacy Edition" mod from ModDB improves a lot of the graphics, adds some much needed QoL, nice new features, and 2 new well-made civs (Americans and Maltese) which otherwise cost $6 in the DEI version.
I would bet she's just going to give the proceeds to people she knows ("BIPOCS" wink wink). Maybe she owes them money, who knows.
"Never let a crisis go to waste." - Saul Alinsky