I'm on the way to platinum the Shadow of Colossus remake, and while the landscape, lighting, and effects graphics are all extremely pretty, BluePoint couldn't help but alter the entire art style of the original, as well as make lots of other unnecessary changes (and their changes to SoTC were, comparatively, very restrained, and sometimes improvements).
That seems to be their modus operandi, as the DeS remake showed what they do when they've got no one to restrain them. The Body Type A/B thing was just the crap cherry on top of a crap-frosted cake (even though, mechanically, the remake felt fine).
It would be an absolute travesty if Soyny got their tranny mits on FromSoft.
I'm on the way to platinum the Shadow of Colossus remake, and while the landscape, lighting, and effects graphics are all extremely pretty, BluePoint couldn't help but alter the entire art style of the original, as well as make lots of other unnecessary changes (and their changes to SoTC were, comparatively, very restrained, and sometimes improvements).
That seems to be their modus operandi, as the DeS remake showed what they do when they've got no one to restrain them. The Body Type A/B thing was just the crap cherry on top of a crap-frosted cake (even though, mechanically, the remake felt fine).
It would be an absolute travesty if Soyny got their tranny mits on FromSoft.