LauriThorne 1 point ago +2 / -1

Crying faggot, truly the mark of someone who can't fucking read.

We're talking about the Trump assassination conspiracy, not 9/11. You're trying to use 9/11 to justify this being a conspiracy for some dipshit reason and I was pointing out that nobody would bring in this NYT photographer into their conspiracy.

Pointing out this guy used to work for AP doesn't exactly help your point since, you know, that applies to them too.

LauriThorne 0 points ago +2 / -2

If you think they let the NYT into their little conspiracy you're a moron. Conspiracies only work if the group conspiring is kept small. The number one reason that 9/11 wasn't done by tye government is because it would require way too many people in the government to be involved for us not to have found out by now.

MkUltra was kept secret for so long only because it was a small group wholly within the CIA running the show. You don't bring outsiders into it unless you want to he caught.

I'm not a retard, if a simple explanation exists that doesn't involve shit with no evidence outside of "this guy was at two major events involving the same kind of people" it's not evidence of a conspiracy.

LauriThorne 2 points ago +2 / -0

Could have been luck, could have been training, the story that he wasn't allowed on his school shooting team for being bad could be a lie, could be a second shooter, or about a dozen other things.

About the only thing it can't be, is staged by the Trump campaign.

LauriThorne 11 points ago +11 / -0

he did it all on his own for no reason

stop looking into the culprit he's dead

his family had no idea

Why are you peddling conspiracy theories!?

LauriThorne 11 points ago +11 / -0

I don't think it's a coincidence that the guy that NYT pays to take pictures of presidents at their events happens to have pictures of them at events. How many thousands of pictures of presidents doing normal shit this guy takes doesn't get noticed?

Also, those settings aren't actually that weird, that's what the settings his camera uses when doing burst mode which is what most photographers use since they have way more storage than ever in the same form factor.

LauriThorne 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nah you have to be smart enough not to buy the "official" narrative that this was a lone gunman, but dumb enough to buy the establishments bullshit.

It's the bell curve meme.

LauriThorne 12 points ago +12 / -0

Thinking the secret service and Trump staged this is a midwit take.

You're smart enough to know that it's not just incompetence that caused this, but not quite smart enough to break out of Orange Man Bad^TM

LauriThorne 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yeah we're the weird ones who know the woman who starred in dozens of movies and TV shows including classics like Taxi Driver and Silencs of the Lambs

Next you'll tell me you don't know Alfred Hitchcock is to prove just how above it all you are, then make a post whining about some genre of video games you don't like.

Put the shovel down.

LauriThorne 1 point ago +1 / -0

Taiwan has artillery that can range to the Chinese coast and hit a major (aren't they all in China?) city. No assault is going to be without Chinese losses.

LauriThorne 10 points ago +10 / -0

The average intelligent normie strikes again. He's smart enough to know that a lot of French people died in WWII and a lot of buildings were destroyed, but not smart enough to realize that the same is true in the places he claims these migrants would have been coming from.

So even if it was true, abandoning your home to rebuild someone else's isn't the flex he thinks it is.

LauriThorne 10 points ago +10 / -0

If the government did 9/11 it still wouldn't be "staged" it still happened, people still died. They didn't pretend to destroy the towers and kill all those people.

LauriThorne 4 points ago +4 / -0

What they would do is use a squib, people get shot in the shoulder all the time in movies and video games so the normies wouldn't even question it.

Or, you know, not stage anything at all because you'd have to have way too many people in on it to keep it quiet especially too many people from the opposition. It's not like the Biden FBI is gonna help with the cover up nor would the lefty state's police.

It's a room temp IQ take.

LauriThorne 3 points ago +3 / -0

We try to show the same level of care for schools, but for some reason the left really doesn't want armed guards or even fucking locked doors and gates at schools.

Really activates the Ole almonds.

LauriThorne 9 points ago +9 / -0

They don't hate guns, they hate that we own guns. They only want people they control to own guns.

LauriThorne 2 points ago +2 / -0

What even was that, why to the dems let that guy talk?

LauriThorne 17 points ago +17 / -0

They probably should have at least found a think tank that was proposing something that was a little farther into the future. You can't just start talking about an evil plot less than a year away from when it's supposed to be finished.

The Heritage Foundation has been discussing this thing for years and it only became a dem talking point now that Biden has dropped off a cliff.

LauriThorne 5 points ago +5 / -0

No, the judge got her marching orders and threw the case out over any excuse that was left.

LauriThorne 6 points ago +6 / -0

According to Wikipedia, it's HR speak. Apparently "competence" is "what the job required" and "competency" is "what skills you have"

It's all made up so they can pretend to have come up with a new and exciting concept to trick companies into buying their bullshit.

LauriThorne 11 points ago +11 / -0

Hitler's brown shirts were also drinking buddies and people could recognize them as "that's Hanz from the beer hall, he was ranting about some guy called Hitler and National Socialism last week"

No one knows where these guys come from.

LauriThorne 12 points ago +12 / -0

At least the monsters in Twilight had human anatomies most of the time.

What the actual fuck is going on with Mothman and that fucking giant?

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