LandoNorris 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can someone post a non archive link? I have google blocked so it’s a pain to access archive.org

LandoNorris 7 points ago +8 / -1

I built a great shed a little while back. Materials cost $2,500

I also buy some of the little Lego car models that they sell for like $20 each.

Sure there’s cheaper woodworking projects but you can do both

LandoNorris 19 points ago +19 / -0

How’s that meme go? Something like “if illegal immigrants were mostly thic latinas and cute Asians, white women would form SS units overnight” lol

LandoNorris 5 points ago +6 / -1

I’m wondering why an app like temu was ok but TikTok isn’t? Temu app was owned by millions and is presumably scraping the same data that TikTok is.

LandoNorris 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think he’s referring to a tiktok or something video that went viral where a guy claimed that the drones are looking for a nuclear weapon that was lost/stolen from Ukraine.

His theory doesn’t make a lot of sense because it’s doubtful you would be able to use sensors to see them as nuclear weapons don’t really leak much radiation. They theoretically could be looking for some radioactive materials but unlikely it’s a nuclear warhead

LandoNorris 4 points ago +4 / -0

I hear that it was a 3d printed gun so the malfunction makes sense. In my limited experience they need a significant amount of breaking in to get them to function as well as an off the shelf version. A friend of mine made one and it jammed a lot

LandoNorris 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe the studio had her say this shit so that they can have an excuse to never release this movie and avoid the embarrassment

LandoNorris 4 points ago +4 / -0

And tons of other podcast apps. I use overcast.fm because Spotify absolutely rapes the shit out of your personal data.

LandoNorris 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think you need an account to search for tweets, view comments etc. you can view tweets and people feeds or whatever but that’s it. So it can be hard to find specific tweets.

But I also can’t view archive links because I block google so I’m pretty much shit out of luck most of the time lol

LandoNorris 8 points ago +8 / -0

“Of which there are several posted daily”

Several!? Wow, how can they stand it under the extreme strain of several per day?

LandoNorris 0 points ago +1 / -1

To play devils advocate, we can see a bullet go by his head. (From that one photo) It appears like he was grazed by it but you can’t actually see it hit him and I haven’t seen any photos that show any damage to his ear.

The photos I’ve seen immediately after show some blood on his ear but I don’t see any damage. But old people ears look weird sometimes, hard to say for sure

LandoNorris 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well I don’t agree but if everyone in the world was as honest as you, it would be a better place.

LandoNorris 14 points ago +14 / -0

You want to put conspiracy theorists in asylums? So basically 90% or more of this website should be in an asylum? Yeah great plan bro

I actually do agree about bringing back asylums lol but just don’t agree on who should be put in them

LandoNorris 6 points ago +6 / -0

Sorry, I meant Truman not Roosevelt.

You think it’s like a big gotcha that you can pick apart each specific piece of evidence by itself without context of all the other evidence.

And you seem to love to put words in peoples mouths about what they believe.

A year or two ago I was on here doing pretty much exactly what you’re doing. All I can say is to keep an open mind and once you start looking at piece after piece of evidence, if you are being objective then it’s impossible not to start to question their narrative. And yes, you can not believe their narrative while also believing that millions of Jews died in camps. The two are not mutually exclusive

LandoNorris 10 points ago +10 / -0

Who is “they”? the fact is that you can’t question the numbers in basically all western countries save a few. And if we didn’t have freedom of speech it would be illegal here as well.

You said it can be questioned and it can’t, you’re wrong about that.

LandoNorris 8 points ago +8 / -0

I’m curious about your thoughts on the fact that Roosevelt, de gaulle and churchhill wrote memoirs after the war. Thousands of pages and not a single reference to the holocaust. None of them even thought it was something worthy of mention at the time. The whole narrative didn’t really form for a decade or two after the war

LandoNorris 4 points ago +4 / -0

And now I can’t even log in because they won’t allow it if you block google trackers (I block all google domains with a dns filter) and they even block many vpn servers so occasionally I’ll have to switch vpn servers to even view the content.

But like you said there’s still decent content for niche topics… for now

LandoNorris 6 points ago +6 / -0

Occasionally my wife and I will watch a few minutes of these shows to laugh at all this egregious shit but this is by far the best one yet. I gotta check this show out lol

LandoNorris 10 points ago +10 / -0

Based anecdotally on the YouTube videos of police chases that I watch, 99% of police chases involve blacks.

LandoNorris 18 points ago +20 / -2

Anti tv people are kinda like vegans. They can’t simply ignore posts or conversations about tv, they must tell you how they don’t watch it and don’t like it.

lol I’m just bustin your balls

LandoNorris 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’ve used Firefox forever and I can’t remember ever seeing an ad. Where do they even put them? Do they load them up automatically when you start the browser or something?

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