So, you see that it stores keys for cryptography, but you don't see how said keys can be used to identify you.
You also don't seem to understand the implications of having this kind of cryptographic system that you're not in control of.
When gamergate first started I didn't give a shit. Like "who fucking cares about some girl getting her ass censored?", I said freshly out of college (well plus a year moving back in with my parent from the collapse and Obama). Little did I know how slowly it starts.
First they came for the X, and I didn't speak up about it because I wasn't an X
Then they came for the Y, and I didn't speak up about it because I wasn't an Y
You know the drill.
People need to be reminded that science doesn't come from top-down authority. It is a continual process of scrutiny.
People keep using the term "Trust the science" to mean "trust the people appointed into positions of authority", rather than actually engage in the scientific process.
They can't be reasoned with, and they can't be placated even if you do everything they ask.
Do not give them positions of power in the first place if you can help it.
Do not reward them with money.
Do not apologise to their moral outrage.
Do not let them define any of the assumptions in your worldview.
Do whatever you can to remove them from power. They won't go voluntarily, so they need to not have a choice in the matter.
Whether it be by starving them of money, voting, or any actions you can take if you hold any positions of power, do it.
Don't do business with woke companies. Refuse to take orders from them.
Create our own positions of power. Make our own companies. Maybe we do actually need to create our own government at this point.
It's not about rights, or oppression, or decency. It's about power.
Every time they censor or cancel something, they tell us it's not a big deal, we can go get the thing they censored/cancelled somewhere else.
Until they come for that, too. And they will.
It's not the first thing they've censored/cancelled, and it won't be the last. It will never stop unless we stop it.
I think it's a vague reference to how the Nazis made good uniforms.