The houston sub thread on this is hilarious, they are in a full on meltdown over her being a "secret trumper"
Old family friend and i mean old in the how long we've known him/actual age was in town last night and we went out to eat and god damn it felt amazing walking in there without a mask, no retarded mandate, nothing.
And then watching people sitting at tables with masks on their hands to eat
Christ, i went to grab pizza for the family the other night and put one on out of habit and noticed the booths were open and some of the employees weren't wearing them and i felt like a jackass.
Someone already said it yesterday but...
The whole "harmful stereotypes" line gives the race away immediately.
Luckily her family is suing to find out his identity, piece of shit will have his day in court.
It was kind of funny at first but its just jesus christ man
It can't be healthy.
I don't care if this is meant to weaken us, good, someone needs to push that piece of shit on it, its inhumane what he's putting those people through for walking around the fucking capitol.
They've definitely got lawyers but... the establishment aren't going to let these people go any time soon.
Really fucking disgusting behavior.
They've got these people in basically a government black site, 23 hours a day locked up in fucking solitary, theres reports of them being beaten.
Honestly, russia is 200 percent right here.
I've been playing zero dawn lately just... because, the gameplay is fun but something about the characters bothers me, i can't quite explain it, they all look so fucking weird.
The moment i heard that crack about "rednecks on january 6th" watching some streamer play it it instantly went on my shitlist.
None of the sponsored people played it after the period ended.
Isn't most of her "content" sitting on her ass reacting to videos?
Which is somehow even lazier than playing games and this bitch has the audacity to bitch about communism, god damn.
And i have nothing against streamers, i usually have one in the background while i'm doing shit but god damn, appreciate what you've got.
I haven't really been watching much horror lately but i usually use spookyrice/foundflix videos for ideas and if it looks good at a glance i'll watch it
That said, the foundflix guy definitely has some biases although he's not as outright as deadmeat james talking about fucking george floyd
As far as religious horror goes though, borderlands/final prayer takes place in a church, i thought it was kind of boring paranormal movie but the final segment is worth watching the movie for.
Terrified was fantastic, its spanish so you have to read subtitles, its getting an american version but i don't trust them with it
Countdown is a really dumb idea executed pretty decently.
The hatchet franchise are good slasher flicks.
Black coat's daughter isn't bad, might fall into religious, less about the faith and more good versus evil though
Taking of deborah logan is pretty good
The final girls is fantastic but its pretty much a dark comedy
But whatever you do don't ever watch savageland, that movie is dogshit that still gets glowing praise probably because its blatant propaganda that has maybe one decent scary moment and the rest is a bunch of people blaming a single illegal immigrant for somehow magically wiping out a town even though its fucking impossible.
Hello? Garland? Want to comment on this? Is this thing on? Theres your domestic terrorists you fucking clown.
God i hate this administration. And they wanted that retard for the supreme court.
Meanwhile, in reality biden has weaponized the alphabet agencies against anyone to the right of mao and is purging the military of wrongthink.
I mean christ almighty ben franklin's fugly, inbred cousin is overseeing people's health.
Its always darkest before the dawn but god damn it needs to get here already.
Honestly, i'll vote for that art school reject just out of spite at this point, the way the left have been acting is fucking abhorrent and they could use a good cock slap.
I don't really have a horse in this fight but
mass import people from a region that hates not just western culture in general but jews especially
act surprised they gasp hate your culture and jews
No.... don't.... stop...
I don't give a damn, i'll judge you internally for being a pussy but as long as you're not forcing this hysteria on others why should anybody care?
I think its a nice change of pace but it did get a bit repetetive near the end between how big the city was and how many enemies there were.
TBH kiryu had 7 games and the ending pretty much outright states that theres more he wants to do.
My main thing is i don't know how the hell theyre going to justify setting everyone back to zero power wise. Or maybe they'll just pull some DQ/rpg in general stuff with his obsession over those games.
And the fact that a lot of 7 was pretty good because we got to meet the main characters and their plots played a big part.
I can't wait either way though
But i guess they could also introduce new characters but why the hell would they do that
I for one am more than happy to play by the rules set out under the trump admin.
Turn every gaffe into a major scandal and even create some wholesale out of thin air.
I love LOS, feel like i need to listen to his stuff now too.
Like them screaming bloody murder over twitter ahem "practicing their constitutional rights" and deleting certain things critical of Modi.
Theyre a private platform, they can do what they want.
I remember all the clowns on my city sub asking where the celebrations were after election night, i've been long since banned but i sent a couple of them some PMs reminding them of their advice to STAY THE FUCK INSIDE
My mother's pressuring me to get it and i'll freely admit to being a fat fuck, but its like... between the virtue signaling and zero testing i'm hesitant to. And i still have to wear a mask indoors anyways (well, state lifted the mandate, but places still require it) so whats the fucking point?
The rate were going xi's cocksleeve would arrest him over here too.