Killroyomega 10 points ago +12 / -2

I'm arguing that the idea of birth rates being an issue is a communist invention, created by a Jewish individual. 

You're a retard if you unironically think the idea of birth rates began in the 1920s.

Nations have considered this for thousands of years.

All this dude did was research methods and avenues of population control, while pushing for communist-type political subversion.

Your "point," and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, is that some random jewish bankster's son invented the idea of birth rates in the 20s and therefore wanting to have more children is jewish propaganda?

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you? You're arguing out of both sides of your ass. Somehow you're trying to both claim that jewish conspiracies are lies while also peddling a jewish conspiracy.

Killroyomega 9 points ago +11 / -2

Didn't ConPro build their entire cult off the idea that replacement rates are important?


Many, many, many people have explained to you the "traditionalist" and "nationalist" takes on birth and child rearing many, many, many times.

You refuse to even consider what we tell you. It's obvious you don't care at this point. Your hatred for women has become an all-consuming fervor. There is nothing else to you.

Killroyomega 14 points ago +16 / -2

What exactly are you trying to argue here, man?

You linked an entire wikipedia article of a jewish "social scientist" who seems to be openly communist without further reading. His works are mostly on population control and socialist economics.

I'm gonna keep saying it:

You're becoming more unhinged by the day.

Take a break.

Killroyomega 22 points ago +25 / -3

No one in Japan who has dealt with blacks likes them. There's a reason they're universally portrayed as drug addicts and violent mercenaries.

Especially in Okinawa where nearly all crime is committed by drunken niggers from the US bases.

Killroyomega 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yet again you've got the reading comprehension skills of a nigger.

You read my point, I explain my point, and you still argue past it towards the strawman you built.

My target audience is the denizens of this forum who think that sales of this game are an accomplishment. I don't care what normies and leftists think on this because it doesn't matter.

Him making and selling a game is more relevant 

None of this matters. It's not relevant.

Stop being such a fag.

Killroyomega -2 points ago +1 / -3

No, dumbass.

I'm saying that people who think this matters aren't even participating; they're bystanders.

This is completely irrelevant in every conceivable way.

Killroyomega 0 points ago +2 / -2

Do it the way our ancestors did.

Public hanging.

Leave the body to rot as a warning you others.

Public executions are based and necessary for a functional society.

Killroyomega 2 points ago +3 / -1

Dude's gonna "ooga booga where the white bitches at" his way through history. It'll be a giant cuck fantasy of him picking up random white chicks through history and "saving their lives."

Calling it now.

Entire thing is just some black supremacist humiliation fetishist shit.

Killroyomega 9 points ago +11 / -2

Funniest shit is that whenever they go back to India, the few who do anyway, even the most "anti-racist" liberal woman will IMMEDIATELY return to being ultraracist and ultranationalist while with their family.

Killroyomega 6 points ago +7 / -1

I think a male chang doctor who could work and would be hilarious.

Have him operate in and around China and make him do shit like smuggle heroin across time to help build a secret gangster organization for reasons. Just go wild with it.

It's the BBC so they'd never do it nor do it well, but it would work.

Killroyomega 0 points ago +2 / -2

I don't care at all about the karma.

I simply find it rather curious that I'm downvoted and you're upvoted in the same comment chain for saying basically the same thing.

Killroyomega 0 points ago +2 / -2

I'm being realistic, not mopey.

People playing a game on steam is not an accomplishment.

It's nice that it got released and its doing well, but that's all.

This thread is characterizing good sales as some kind of cultural turning point, which it is most certainly not. This game's release and sales are not even part of that "tug and pull." It is a completely irrelevant object.

Killroyomega -5 points ago +6 / -11

This literally doesn't matter though.

Who cares about how many hours you waste in an online single player game?

You're not "winning the cultural war."

You're running away from it.

Killroyomega 1 point ago +3 / -2

I never finished them but wasn't the whole plot of the first few books awkward teenage sexual tension?

Killroyomega 2 points ago +4 / -2

Ukrainian officials said they have killed approximately 12 generals on the front lines, a number that has astonished military analysts.

It's astonishing because it's a bold faced lie.

This article is just another bit of war propaganda and a humiliation piece meant to drum up the vision of US INT.

Everyone has known from the beginning that this is a proxy war. It's Russia vs. NATO. Without NATO support Ukraine would have lost in a week. The only reason Zelensky is forcing this conflict is because he has US and NATO puppets whispering in his ear all day.

Ukraine is taking constant losses and their army is so incompetent they hardly win even favorable engagements anymore. All of the guys with more than two weeks of training are either dead or stashed away near Kiev.

It's gone beyond clusterfuck into pure madness. Zelensky and everyone behind him are perfectly fine with sacrificing mass amounts of Ukrainians purely to drain the arsenal of Russian weaponry. This whole thing is sick and anyone still supporting Zelensky is a twisted, pathetic creature.

Killroyomega 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's like saying 94% of kids who join the Hitler Youth wanted to continue

By all accounts yeah, they did.

The Hitler Youth was basically the same as old school American Boy Scouts.

Comparing that to trannyism is pretty stupid.

Killroyomega 3 points ago +4 / -1

 17 year old rich kids who have not had to have any interaction with the real world, who do nothing but sit at home and masturbate all day.

Depending on the measures taken they might not even be able to masturbate.

The puberty blockers and hormones that they load kids up with leave them with micropenises and ED. If they went further and got dick removal or pole building surgery then they're left in incredible pain whenever they utilize their "assets."

What's most sad and pathetic is just how hard the tranny community works to hide all the massive downsides from people. Were these kids to understand what exactly is being done to them and where it leads they'd certainly never agree.

Killroyomega 12 points ago +13 / -1

Golly gee, oh man.

I sure do wonder what the illustrious Mr. Fink's background is!

Surely it couldn't be of the chosenite variety?

Killroyomega 19 points ago +20 / -1

No, smartass.

I'm warning you that you're heading to a very dark place mentally and you're going to snap soon.

You really need to take a break from the internet.

by borga
Killroyomega 8 points ago +8 / -0


Look at his head.

He's not white.

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