Kienan 4 points ago +4 / -0

Man, I get the appeal, but I think it's the last thing society needs. Well, unless you view it as part of a natural cycle of complete society breakdown. And, I mean, someone is going to do it; it's pretty much inevitable.

It's a shame we can't seem to learn from sci-fi.

Kienan 33 points ago +33 / -0

This isn't even the first ad like this, targeting black men. Again, it's a really bad sign - for her - that she needs to target black men at all.

Moreover, what's the message here? Vote for me, or you can't date...black women?!

Your terms are...acceptable. *Gleefully pulls "Trump" lever.*

EDIT: Found the other ad. Same actors, different scene/ad. Also, if you take it at face value...it just looks like women are dumb and shouldn't be allowed to vote in the first place.

Kienan 18 points ago +18 / -0

They've been super aggressive. I know people who didn't vote last time, and some of them got handwritten (I think), out of state notes, that had a hilariously threatening tone. "We can tell if you voted," that sort of thing, as well as the "report cards."

It's actually pretty insane.

Kienan 10 points ago +10 / -0

I heard about this because Legal Mindset was laughing about how, of course, the internet immediately lewded her. (There are a few cute ones before the timestamp, too.)

Kienan 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think we simply don't know yet; could go many ways. I get why people are blackpilled, and there will (and are already) some pretty big shenanigans, but I personally think Trump wins. But he might not.

I think it will be funny if he wins, to have a bunch of Democrat politicians do an Insurrection. But, you can't stump the Trump. It won't work. And if it does...things could get spicy. But that's pretty far down the list of possibilities.

Kienan 35 points ago +35 / -0

Funny. They were probably the worst spreaders of monkeypox as well!

Kienan 22 points ago +23 / -1

Like most politicians, I still don't trust him...but, yeah, he's amazing in these interviews, and it certainly does make me more willing to extend the benefit of the doubt. He's an incredible politician. Hopefully he's for real, and is a good guy too. Seems like it, but you can never tell.

(of the final candidates, he seemed the best).

Agreed. I had my issues, but I was rooting for him too. He's delivered, and then some. A lot of some.

Kienan 4 points ago +4 / -0

Start with yourself, and try sticking to the topic at hand before trying to lecture me about opinions you invented for me.

I stuck to the topic. You got off in the weeds and accusatory.

I can never tell if you're just bad faith, or actually have some major comprehension issues.

Kienan 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm sure you're going to link a source to me where I've ever said that jews and leftists can't be the same person.

So I did so.

Fair enough.


Now what about that part where I say Leftists can't be sons?

You mean the part I also quoted? That part? Yeah, I included more context than I needed to from you, so as to be fair. Because I'm actually not disingenuous or unfair.

Do you think that it's fair to frame me as someone who thinks that only jews can't be Leftists?

I said you claimed leftists can't be Jews. Which you did. Which you asked me to prove. Which I did.


Kienan 5 points ago +5 / -0

You wanted to talk about a different subject, that's your problem, not mine.

Except I didn't.

The thread is about a Americans.

Which was my primary focus.

Talking about whites as a global minority is a whole other topic.

Which is why I only touched on it briefly, after someone else brought it up.

Do better, man.

Kienan 13 points ago +13 / -0

you want to talk about a completely different subject: whites as a global minority.

Except, if you were being honest or had reading comprehension (I think the issue here is that you're disingenuous, not retarded), you'd admit that that wasn't my point. The opposite, in fact. I was clearly focusing primarily on countries where whites are not (at present) in the minority. So kind of the opposite.

You're not willing to hear me on anything I have to say


Kienan 8 points ago +8 / -0

Since you've only just now remembered that your insane position of "no intents, thoughts, and beliefs are determinable by any amount of evidence", I'm sure you're going to link a source to me where I've ever said that jews and leftists can't be the same person.

Your smarmy disingenuousness aside...

Too easy!

Leftism asserts Ideological Totalism..."I'm a Socialist and a Jew". No. You're just a Socialist. You can't be a Jew, nor a husband, a brother, a son, a father, a friend, a college, a co-worker, a neighbor, an acquittance. You are nothing beyond a Socialist.

Kienan 11 points ago +11 / -0

I like Jimmy because it's good to get the other perspective, but from someone who is sane. There's tons of stuff I disagree with him on, but I can at least see where he's coming from, even if I think he's wrong. Sane leftists are rare. And, as mentioned, hilariously get lumped in with the Far Right.

Kienan 13 points ago +13 / -0

This is retarded, even by your standards.

Also, so ethnicity does play a part in things like political alignment now? That opens up some questions, doesn't it?

Kienan 20 points ago +20 / -0

73% of the United States, idiot.

73% is absolute high end, too. It's a bit hard to measure, but some estimates have it closer to 60%. Also, I don't think that takes the eternal eleven million into account. Which is somehow still eleven million after, what, ten to twenty million more illegals came in in the last four years? 11 + 20 = 11.

US used to be more than 90% white, around one hundred years ago.

You literally see less demographic movement in actual invasions, occupations, and imperialism. Roman and British occupations had less of a shift than that, some over longer times, too.

The whole 'whites are a majority' is just a misdirect, to distract until whites are not the majority...which they've said is their goal. And I've said before, whites are the only ones who have "X majority" countries. It's language that makes it malleable; it's a temporary status. You don't hear Asian countries called Asian majority, of African countries African/black majority countries.

It's amazing how people like you will do anything to keep people from talking about this reasonably. Whites are a global minority and, even within their own countries, are being targeted and massively demographically shrinking. This is fact, and you know this. We've never seen anything quite like it.

Kienan 36 points ago +36 / -0

Which I love. I'm no fan of Ana, and I don't feel any need for her to be on my side of any argument...but I'll certainly still take it, because it's funny as hell.

I'm fully in favor, for meme value alone.

Also, not sure what it says about the Young Turks, one of the top leftist channels, when they keep churning out dissidents. Jimmy Dore was on TYT too, and is now probably considered 'far right' by the lunatics who watch TYT.

We just need Chunk, for full meme value.

Kienan 41 points ago +41 / -0

"I will not ban guns."

"What should we do in our stupid video game stunt...? I know! Ban guns!"

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