Whether or not I have kids is no politician's business.
He probably had a 3D printed sawed off semi-automatic pistol rifle with a bump stock that made it capable of holding over fifty shotgun shells.
I remember talking to someone in the games industry about stories involving confidential studio info getting leaked to the press. They told me that most of the time it was due to an executive with loose lips either having had one too many drinks or trying to impress someone in the room.
When a low-level does it, they're fired, blackballed and worse. When an exec does it, it's an "oopsie."
I remember when punk rock bands didn't tell you to obey government guidelines or try to get you to vote a certain way.
Valheim. I played it in a creative capacity over a year ago before setting it aside, but recently I got a friend into it and they are absolutely hooked. Now we play to get through all the content; and now I build structures for function instead of decorum.
On occasion I'll also play on a TF2 2fort 64-player community server to unwind. So much chaos, so much trash talking that would get people banned in other games...good times.
Just another day in the Austin-metropolitan area. If the headline isn't a shooting or a SWAT team call, then it's probably a deadly car accident.
Bonus points on the occasion that a headline is "omg a court ruled against LGBTBBQXYZ! Be outraged!"
I've asked people who can't stop gushing about California why they moved to Texas. They usually answer with BS about how they wanted to expand their horizons and how good the jobs in Texas are and how their friends are moving there. But they would never admit that California is too expensive to live in and that the big cities are shitholes. I almost wish Texas would reverse their constitution and have state income taxes just to spite blue state imports.
They'll simultaneously deny the great replacement theory while explaining how it's happening.
I liked the Critical Drinker's take on multiverses in his video where he compared Multiverse of Madness with Everything Everywhere All At Once. It can be used in telling a good story, or it can be a device that ruins the story because it takes away risk and finality (and good luck getting the human brain to comprehend the stakes of destroying a multiverse).
It also reminds me of time travel. I started watching End Game wondering "How will the universe get fixed? Maybe the Celestials will get involved? Maybe a magical mcguffin or a trip to where the infinity gems originated from?" When the movie made it clear that the answer could be time travel, my reaction was "Damn it. I guess I don't need to see the rest of the movie to know what happens next."
Meanwhile in the city of Austin they'll probably welcome people wearing a "Viva Mexico!" t-shirt carrying a Mexican flag in each hand.
Not just TV either. Show a normie some classical architecture and they'll probably think "Why do all the buildings look funny? What's wrong with simple box shapes? Why did anyone bother to paint the ceilings?"
"I'm citing you for jaywalking."
But I have to because I'm not allowed to use the sidewalk.
"You step on that sidewalk and I'm arresting you buddy, okay?"
Sometimes the most damaging kind of bombs can be "love bombs."
My dad stopped watching the news when he got tired of shouting at the TV. And that was decades ago before I had an inkling of how bad things really were.
Tomorrow's headline probably: "Streaming services increase customer rates."
Saturday's headline probably: "Canada launches investigation into streaming service business practices."
But racism and bigotry is fine when it's against straight white people!
/sarcasm even though a lot of people sadly believe this.
Nixon's strongly negative presence in media greatly eclipsing that of other past presidents since the 60's was always a red flag to me. Before that I thought he was just a "very bad person." Now I'm certain he must have done at least one thing that drew the ire of very powerful people.
Between now and then we can expect social credit systems to be fully in place. You won't get executed, but good luck trying to buy groceries after speaking truth to power when your "anonymous" post gets traced back to you.
I live in a deep blue city and know a number of people who are gay. And I can't name a single one who isn't seeing a therapist, has no health problems, or has no enmity with one or both parents.
And they celebrate living this way.
Homo-phobic? Why would I be afraid of someone who is gay?
I have no desire to donate my organs upon death and I even made that clear in my living will, but I expect they will get taken for the grift anyway.
The "conspiracy theorists" were right yet again.
I'm sure that if any of them came across this story they'd think "The science was already settled and Oxford is full of anti-vaxxers."
Locking a thread is how they're resilient in the face of adversity? So brave! Such courage!
Or incredible Airsoft arenas.