Definitely not woke though. Definitely a great show, canon aside.
Hypothetically speaking, if jews are overrepresented in "musical, theatre, literary, and film masterpieces" and these have been all been left leaning since the 60s at least and are now overtly anti-white, anti-conservative, propagandistic nightmares, what does this say about our greatest allies and chosen people?
Purely hypothetical of course.
They really thought they had it with the IDW didn't they?
I know you put it in quotes, but Eric Weinstein is literally progressive scum who has an undying fascination with calling everything and everyone antisemitic. At least his brother is much better at hiding his anti white resentment.
I submit /pol/'s razor:
You'd best start believing in modern day religious holy wars, atheist, yer in one.
Whose real name is Elisa Ann Schwartz. Lmfao
As I said in another thread: use these articles to get your own shit and your own life together, because in our lifetimes they will be much more overt with their authoritarianism. These are shots across the bow for what they're about to do to you. Take them as such.
Which again just leads me to the fearporn conclusion
Christianity has been infiltrated and subverted a long, long time ago. Every branch and denomination. Before you'd have been right: convents and social shaming would have done the work. Now the solution for us moving forward is triage. Forgive the truly repentant whore but give her nothing until she's proven herself time and time again. Give all assistance and resources to the worthy. Gatekeep locally! It's the only thing we can realistically do. Get a core of 10 solid people in your life and weather the storm. Christians and aware-Secularists alike need to batten the fucking hatches and not pretend this is a solveable problem in our lifetimes.
Christianity Inc. is just as pozzed, if not moreso, than Conservative Inc. They're either brainwashed into thinking the problem isn't a problem (Knowles, Wilson, and Walsh, imo), or they're actively subversive and giving bad advice (looking at you, Klaven). All of these idiots need to be told off and mocked. The Pope is a perfect example of modern "Christian" thought and a prime example of what everyone should be skeptical of. Yes Prots, even you, because the heads of your organizations are just as bad, if not worse. They just don't get the publicity the Pope does.
Discernment and proper judgement are the cornerstones of Christianity. What Doug Wilson, Michael Knowles, and the rest of the authorized modern public Christian voices peddle is bullshit post-1990 "just be nice" Christianity. It is possible to forgive genuinely repentant whores for their whoring and you can also correctly determine that they are still unfit to be around you and yours.
Forgiveness and "forgetting pasts entirely" are two different things you literal Somali-brain retard. Not all Christians are 70 year old winsome Evangelical boomers.
You can't just choose to stop breastfeeding your child. They need connection with the mother as much as the nourishment it provides. This and articles like this are purely fearporn created to further demoralize women and mothers, convincing more to not have kids in the first place.
Another +1 for ToME. One of the best games I've ever played, bar none. I have quite a few wins but I've been playing it for like 12 years now. The pre-Steam days were wild.
You can say "niggers" here
I haven't yet played HD2 but my initial assumptions are actually that it leaned woke. I believe this because it seems satirical in the same way Starship Troopers is, but they intentionally made it so you as the player question the motives of your missions and whether or not the enemy is actually an enemy. Where Starship Troopers portrayed Earth as Literally Doing Nothing Wrong, HD2 seems to throw all kinds of hints and references that you're actually horrible. It's no surprise that a bunch of fags worked on this, because it seems the spiritual successor of Veerhoven's vision (not his actual end product).
So I ask the room: are the bugs and robots as unequivocally bad as the bugs in Starship Troopers? Or is there always an unspoken "you are the reason for all of this" running throughout?
Highly rated post yet still underrated
The only difference between a monarchy and our managed democracy is that you know who runs the monarchy and what they're responsible for (everything).
I'm not exaggerating when I say that my home is the culmination of effort of my entire life to date. Aside from the family God blessed me with, it is the only thing I actually care about in terms of earthly gifts. If you think I'm giving my entire life over to some 60 IQ, drooling Somali so they can dump garbage in my living room and shit in my yard, you don't know what the term "roof koreans" means.
It's not about coherence, it's about removing all forms of male power whatsoever, especially the Male Gaze. It's literally fine when they do it because women "don't have power" and are "taking back power" by dressing like whores. When YOU dress them like whores, you are turning them into dolls you have power over.
This is their apeshit, schitzo reasoning for every decision they make revolving around this topic. It's literally not supposed to make sense to you because they are actively warring against everything that you are (and by extension, God and all His creation as well).
This is about as controversial as saying that obese women have a harder time finding relationships, which means it's worse than saying the nigger word
Can confirm Shogun is an excellent book. The 80s miniseries is also excellent as well. Both are immeasurably better than the recent girlboss version.
I was being sarcastic, you autists.