JustHereForTheSalmon 13 points ago +13 / -0

How about transforming a few basic, common sense, and actually functional vaccines into a pharmaceutical onslaught of 30 vaccines by the age of six?

JustHereForTheSalmon 12 points ago +12 / -0

I love that the same government that cracks down of illegitimate anti-allergy claims also allows up to 120 insect parts in a 16 oz. jar of peanut butter.

JustHereForTheSalmon 6 points ago +6 / -0

Why does the venue get to walk away like a crime wasn't committed?

* Edit: I mean, aside from the obvious TPTB approve and endorse the T-virus

JustHereForTheSalmon 12 points ago +12 / -0

Was playing Hitman, the first in the remakes, doing the mission in the country with the four targets. Was having a good time when I ran into some NPCs having a conversation talking about how he likes Trump, all but says his name: talks like a leftist TDS meme with distorted talking points and misrepresentations of what he said. It was supposed to be very "ha ha these murderous rebels really love Trump because they are murderous traitors ha ha".

There was nothing political about this fucking game. Fictional organizations in a fictional world order but the devs just couldn't resist. By the time you got to this mission it was well past the refund point, too.

by folx
JustHereForTheSalmon 16 points ago +16 / -0

While all troons should die, I sit back and drink mint juleps when I hear about women spaces getting invaded by "chicks" with dicks.

JustHereForTheSalmon 17 points ago +17 / -0

When one has no redeeming skills or value to society, the only thing they can possibly offer is obedience and subservience to others in the hopes it pleases the master.

JustHereForTheSalmon 4 points ago +4 / -0

Oh, I suppose we're back to using the word "suspect" when it's leftists?

JustHereForTheSalmon 5 points ago +5 / -0

“The mood is anger,” said one DoD official, who like others quoted for this story was granted anonymity to discuss internal reactions to the leak. “It’s a massive betrayal.”

Aren't all leaks heroic? That's what the news and leftists said when it was Trump trying to make a difference.

JustHereForTheSalmon 8 points ago +9 / -1

Uh... no! No, that's all alt-right Nazi propaganda!

Come on, lefties, gulp them down. Take three or four at a time, show the evil raping men who's boss!

JustHereForTheSalmon 6 points ago +6 / -0

Oh no, he used the words "limited government"! Now I'm forced to let people murder, let people cheat in elections, let pedophiles molest children, and let kids mutilate their genitals in taxpayer funded medical institutions!

DARN, now I know how Rumpelstiltskin felt.

JustHereForTheSalmon 5 points ago +5 / -0

Are people here still thinking Elon is some kind of free speech champion? He's an occasional and accidental ally at best.

JustHereForTheSalmon 9 points ago +9 / -0

"History is boring! Also, never forget that slaves built this country."

JustHereForTheSalmon 3 points ago +3 / -0

I never knew enough people interested to play growing up, but was invited to 5E as a player a while ago which I thought was just okay. My least favorite part was combat. I felt like I was playing a less enjoyable version of a video game tactical RPG. I took initiative to get the OSE kickstarter a while ago and the OGL drama was the perfect opportunity to strike and offer to DM, armed with some old TSR modules picked up from ebay and a pledge that I wouldn't demand people memorize rules beyond what's needed for their character.

We like it a lot. There's a lot less of "these are your options" and more "what would your like your character to try?", which I think the lack of a very detailed menu leads to. Combat is much more deadly and I think this leads to a more realistic behavior of trying to be sneaky and clever instead of just using brute force. When fights do break out, things are just tense knowing that doing something stupid will have consequences. This also leads to every round being "important" and, in terms of what's happening in-game, they feel more badass as each move is a seemingly good one because, well, they have to be.

The spellcaster wasn't very happy with how completely hopeless they are in early levels but I think they've grown into it, and I think it's lead to some interesting emergent storytelling as the rest of the team defends the old guy with the stick with the promise of great magical favors to be granted in the future. Speaking of, the limited spell list doesn't really tickle the imagination like the post Level 6 spells in other editions but we haven't broken out the house rules yet. OSE has an "advanced" tier which I think mirrors AD&D's expanded spell levels but I'll pick that up some other time.

Overall, would recommend.

JustHereForTheSalmon 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's occasionally a hard sell, though, especially expanding outwards to new blood.

They're all interested in the latest and "greatest" edition, because that's what the marketing tells them is the best and only thing worth talking about (see saturation on social media).

I'm part of a group of four that are playing basic D&D via Old School Essentials and it's been kind of difficult to convince others, the same way it might be difficult to get people to watch an old movie or read an old book.

One could say the person who's so easily swayed by shiny keys shaking in front of them isn't the kind of person you'd want to play with (of which I would wholeheartedly agree) but if anything, more people are falling into the Consoom mindset with each passing generation.

JustHereForTheSalmon 5 points ago +5 / -0

The finders of fact, a jury of his "peers" (really, 12 rabid TDS liberals who are able to keep it together long enough during voir dire to successfully lie about being neutral), will just decide it's true.

JustHereForTheSalmon 2 points ago +2 / -0

They wouldn't even care to accuse an innocent man of wrong doing so that they can participate in their religious sacrament.

JustHereForTheSalmon 26 points ago +26 / -0

pre-censored image on twitter

I'll take "More Fake Emails from Leftists" for $200, Alex.

JustHereForTheSalmon 31 points ago +31 / -0

Can't have a female character in any mainstream production that isn't a mary sue.

JustHereForTheSalmon 1 point ago +1 / -0

What platform are you playing on? I seem to recall MGS2 relied heavily on PS2's pressure-sensitive buttons. Does it work alright?

I'm pretty surprised how much of that game I actually don't remember at all. I might enjoy a new playthrough myself.

JustHereForTheSalmon 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm feeling shitty about a purchase I made like two years ago.

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