I know you're just trolling, but you also are very ignorant on some areas that aren't trolling.
No one uses nukes in a civil war, no one uses them in a genocide. China isn't nuking the Uyghur, not because they care about what the world thinks, but because they want to use their land, wouldn't want the fallout, and like free labor. They don't want to bomb it either, for similar reasons.
Moreover, US pilots wouldn't bomb suburban neighborhoods, even if ordered by the clowns in charge now, and antifa members can't hold down a part time job, let alone learn to pilot a jet. They would need foriegn forces to bomb the US. Still, even with jets and bombs, there is no guarantee; somehow the Taliban won the war of attrition against such things using AK's and goats.
Moreover, any attack on Middle America triggers a famine for the world. Almost everyone loses.. That is a goal of the globalist leaders: they want the plebs like you and I to starve.
There will be such times, of widespread famine, and plague, and war, but it will essentially all happen at once; the Bible predicted it 1900 years ago. There will be a globalist government, forcing a social credit system on the world, and there will be population reduction as long planned by Rothschilds and Rockefellers. But there will also be massive earthquakes, and unexplainable signs, and pain and death like never before, and the fools who think they rule this Earth will be plunged into despair, because their master the Devil is not as strong as they believe.
We hired Indians, Arabs, and Hispanics, almost no black hires.
I did like the one black guy in my work group (maybe the only one in the entire office of like 100), he was funny and honest. Our rival department swore my old boss only hired him to win the annual department basketball game, especially after he single handedly crushed them in the game.
The government is the reason why, companies, at least in California, get in trouble if they don't diversity hire. Like I had a job where the boss, a conservative white guy, threw out all white resumes because the last 2 guys he hired were white, so he needed to add a diversity hire next.
I've read their education training books, half of it is CRT. I had fun writing papers agreeing with their discrimination by talking about China having slave labor camps for those who aren't Han Chinese, or Libya Arabs trading black slaves.
If I was a billionaire, I'd buy the rights to some moderately popular comic character, then do story arcs where they become a Christian. Have them fight to stop sex trafficking, making comments about how the porn industry fuels the sex trafficking. Have them protest outside of abortion clinics.
I mean I think the only thing that would get him in trouble with the globalists is claiming that Trump won and the election was stolen; anything else about January 6th is probably fair game for controlled opposition.
Not saying he is, though Fox News most certainly is.
It started in 2004, but it continues to this day. They have a "class of 2___" format, with most of these being much more recent than 2004.
They edited it to put it all in one picture, but I've seen an archived version of the old website and this is real.
It isn't a one man job. They potentially need up to as many men as gun owners have bullets, without having people cower away from the task.
I think of the story in the Bible, when the king of Samaria sent a detachment of fifty men to detain Elijah.
They boldly claimed “O man of God, the king says, ‘Come down.’” Elijah replied, “If I am a man of God, let fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty.” And fire came and killed all fifty.
The same thing happened again, and again all fifty died a miserable death.
The king sent a third group of fifty, but the leader of this group started out by falling on his knees and begging for mercy, and mercy he was given.
This is human nature, the first wave of jack boot enforcers are a lost cause for turning to good, their pride in their strength and ignorance to the evil they support leads to either tyranny or their death. Second wave is often similar.
But repel two waves of commie enforcers, and the powers will have trouble finding men for a third wave.
Aside from the moral aspect, I don't know how people watch Disney owned media when you know who is going to win any confrontation between a male and female character. It takes any and all suspension out of everything they put out.
They are injecting people with Mako, turning them into Jenova clones! Or at least they talk like the clones, all saying the same stuff when called upon.