Jack 3 points ago +3 / -0

You're right, nothing wrong with it at all and I appreciate each and every mod I've used and its creator for making it, god knows you can't play stock TES or Fallout because it's dogshit and relies on free labor from passionate fans to make it amazing. (just don't ask me to pay for mods)

Jack 4 points ago +4 / -0

What? 100 part for a match 3 game? So I went to look it up, sure enough 76 part video. Fuck that bro, I mean your majesty, I was about to come and say that sounds like it's a you problem. But it's not, you picked a shit starter tutorial.

While I can't give you a good tutorial to start with I will say that you want to aim for something that will show you results quickly at first, 10 minute snake video, 2 hour vamp survivor, 10 minute 2d platformer

I'll try a few of what I listed this weekend just so I put my money where my mouth is. Including this recently uploaded one.

The idea is to have a foundation, get comfortable with navigating around the UI, and tinker with the code to see if you can modify and improve the tutorial game based on what you've learned. It's okay to break thing. Low time investment. (stop reading here)

(rant) It's not for everyone, and it's not "fun", but I think it's rewarding, I like to think some of the really bad shit I made is my love letter to the world. There is no better time in history to start being an indie dev. No cost start, free video tutorials, royalty free engine, AI coding assist and asset gen, low system requirements, self publishing. Of course it's also the worst time to be an indie dev, satiated market, don't expect to make money off it, for every Vampire Survivor there are thousands of good, polished games that never get the attention it deserves. But then I see some motherfucker who puts up a pixel platformer for 2 dollars on the Nintendo eshop and it plays like some 2008 flash game and it's on the featured or curated part of the shop and I go: that can be me, my shovelware could be featured and then I'd be swimming in tens of dollars! And that keeps me going.

Jack 6 points ago +6 / -0

I do make games and have published before :-D I'm switching over to Godot atm, although it's just a long list of tutorials on my youtube playlist at the moment. I have a few game ideas I'm bouncing around but if I publish them I won't talk about it here as I want to be apolitical and don't wish to be targeted for wrongthink.

But yes it baffles me how many modders spend hundreds of unpaid hours making content for games. Yeah, like a handful got jobs out of it but for most its just a passion for a game they like, commendable I suppose, but baffling for me.

Jack 5 points ago +5 / -0

Last night on Tensor dot art, using some Hades LoRA I got this and this on the first try.

It's not close to perfect, but I think some more tweaking with the settings and then off to GIMP to lower the color temp to match the game, AI bg remove and I think it'd fit the game pretty well.

edit: that'd be for an actual patch to share on based mods, I'm making my own big tittied degen one.

Jack 4 points ago +4 / -0

They absolutely do, I agree 100%, but I argue their choice isn't artistic liberty, but based on ideology and deliberately defy what people imagine these gods are portrayed in popular culture. It's no different from race swapping in reboots and adaptations. The first deity that helps Hadesman is a black Athena, that is a statement: Fuck you, if you disagree with my choice - you're a bigot.

I quit out, check the wiki, saw all the uggos and got to working on fixing this issue.

Take what he said and would the producer say the same if someone made a game where African deities are replaced by white men with blonde hair? Or is artistic liberty one way with people like him? Past trends indicates he'd be big mad.

Jack 8 points ago +8 / -0

For fun: Casting call any suggestions as to how they should look? Don't have to give input on all of them, just whoever you actually give a shit about... heh, who the fuck is even still playing this game? Whatever it's new to me.
































Jack 16 points ago +16 / -0

First you need Deppth to unpack and repack the pkg files. Very easy pip install, everyone has python yes? That's like modern equivalent of winzip nowadays yea?

Next go to your common\Hades\Content\Win\Packages and unpack GUI.pkg

It unpacks everything into a folder, and the png files are all there. You can change out the portraits as you please.

Repack and you're done. The github page has instructions on how to set it up so you can distribute the mod.

I got few diy projects in the pipeline but this is maybe 3rd or 5th on my list so one day I'll change out all the pics with hot thots and play the game.

Also, it won't change the in game assets, I have no idea how many of these ugly gods and goddesses are actually in the game as npcs in the hub or as bosses, I'm not gonna bother looking into it, the main thing is FIXING the woke trash portraits.

Shoutout to AndreLouisIssa for making Deppth.

Jack 2 points ago +2 / -0

I unpacked some pkg files thanks to deppth and the textures in the GUI.pkg seems to be the one holding the character portraits. But I'm not sure if its the only asset file I need to alter. Can't test atm, don't have the saves. I suppose I can draw a mustache on Hadesman (whatever he's called) and see if it shows.

Dev.pkg errors when unpacking so... I assume it's encrypted, if that is the case and the actual assets that needs modding is in there then well, fuck, they really are a bunch of dog-water bitchasses.

Jack 3 points ago +3 / -0

Did you play the game? Please help:

Look at this shit image of "Aphrodite"

is this the only portrait of her in the game? or are there angry, happy, or other facial expressions or body changes for this character?

I think I found the files but I can't play the game at the moment, so any changes I won't be able to tell if it works till I get around booting it. But knowing this tidbit would really help me know if I'm on the right track.

Jack 7 points ago +7 / -0

That's the plan :-D I just wanted to check first, because if I do it it's just going to be topless big breasted women that will have no ties to the artistic style. If I do make it I might, might, release one using ai generated hot chicks that fit the game's art style.

I read that the game is designed to be super easy to mod, but I haven't looked into the file structure and part of me suspects these fuckers would go out of their way to make just this one part more difficult.

Jack 32 points ago +32 / -0

I got the game for free after a friend kept telling me to try it. I noped out after seeing Lance Reddick in a wig cast as Athena. I checked out Based Mods and Nexus and no luck. There is one on nexus for removing portraits so I know it's possible.

They know what they were doing, deliberate as a fuck you, the fuckers.

Jack 1 point ago +1 / -0

I understand but here is what I found sus about the post:

Bruh SWB's post shows he used GPT3.5. GPT3.5 does not write a single paragraph it word vomits.

the google translation is word for word (minus a badly placed "respected") what SWB's posted of his gpt 3.5 result

GPT3.5 is fucking wild, you can try it yourself, I used Poe and using their gpt 3.5 it won't even generate an apology due to those naughty words used in SWB's prompt.

I know enough about LLMs to know it has randomness due to seed and temperature. I'm not saying Mr. Ye didn't use chatgpt to write an apology and nothing wrong with that imo, it's no different than hiring a PR guy to draft it for you only its free.

What I am saying is: that image of the chatgpt response being word for word the same as the google translated apology - Bullshit.

Jack 16 points ago +16 / -0

am I missing some context here? My understanding is you're not going to get the same word for word results with each result, and even if it does give the same word for word response, how did SWB know the prompt mr. Ye used?

How did they find out or are they just flat out lyi... being deceitful?

Jack 5 points ago +5 / -0

so you're 40?

Jack 4 points ago +4 / -0

Merry Christmas ya filthy animals!

Jack 6 points ago +6 / -0

As someone who used yahoo's babel fish to translate japanese and chinese back in the day, guess what? humans can understand context. Which I understand why that might be confusing to liberals who needs people they agree with to contextualize everything in their twisted and distorted point of view (see: everything Trump says gets "translated" to be much worse than what it actually means)

I digress, even with now considered ancient translators I understood what was going on in those mangas. So take your agenda and go wait in the uber line at the airport and finally do something useful and contribute to society for a living.

Jack 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you think about it, it's between rounds, what attention is being diverted? I mean, it's TMZ so I guess it's some purple haired heavyweight TDS hambeast champion of the world who never watches the fights.

Jack 1 point ago +1 / -0

Brainworms are real.

Jack 19 points ago +19 / -0

and just like that, suddenly the comment section is filled libs who cares about canon.


Jack 8 points ago +8 / -0

Tinfoil hat ahead:

Didn't watch the video yet but just want to say a few years back I went to a few of these porn sites and of course I don't have a fucking account with them because I'm just there for some porn not to join a fucking community.

And all the front page stuff is interracial with black cocks on white girls, cucking, joi, and fats.

I call my friend and told him to get on the same site and see what his front page look like, he was trepidatious and asked why, I told him I want to know if the pages are curated by ip because I never watched interracial porn in my life* Sure enough it's not, if you don't have an account you get a stock front page that they can set base on their algorithm.

They were literally manipulating and shaping the fetishes of young people thru their platform. Not just pornhub, but damn near all the major porn sites.

It's never easier for youth to get their hands on smut (baffling why they simp), and it's one thing to have pretty much zero restriction on their end and expect parental control to gatekeep kids out of those sites, but it's damn irreprehensible to have kinky ass porn on your non-curated front page. You can say trending but motherfucker you put it there of course it's trending you're promoting it on the front page.

(*edit: that's a lie, I have, I'm a fan of all hot girls regardless of race. I meant to say I never go out of my way to hunt down videos of girls getting railed by black dicks.)

Jack 6 points ago +6 / -0

If I got my hands on those thunder-thighs? It'll be a little gooey and salty for sure!

Jack 8 points ago +8 / -0

Any websites for Street Fighter VI / Capcom mods that's not Nexus?

I don't have the game but I'm getting a custom fight stick for Christmas so I might end up with the game and I want my Chun Li like I like my steak.

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