Headache fuel.
I didn’t think it was possible to make budweiser worse. Im impressed.
Laughing at their pathetic physiognomy is fun.
These are the grown kids of people from digg. Its disgusting.
Why did he not identify as Tran? He is literally Tran.
They’re being litigated out of existence for showing proof of history. Cant do that in a facist society.
Sorry I dont speak mexican. Can you talk louder?
Furure jewish suicide squad of America.
Shut up argie. I just told you, you’re mexican!!
Im so sick of this. Thats not stupid. Thats acting in denial of reality. The immune response to viral pathology is very well understood for more than a century. The classical methodology that forms the basis of all effective vaccines mimics this immune process by inducing the response via the manual introduction of a viral fragment and an adjuvant/irritant.
Vaccines are literally telling the immune system, ‘OK, Now!’ for all practical purposes. There are no magic juices or potions in them. They are the medical equivalent of some jew shooting up a school to attract police and media attention.
A false flag.
Kill all the leftists?
80’s vidya franchises. Donkey Kong starring Danny DeVito and Ron Pearlmann. Pac Man starring Igor Zelensky. Missile Command, starring Israel. Centipede starring Mexican immigrants.
If we could just shoot them they could be saved from horrors like this.
Nope, just the thought is enough. Thats why they’re cray cray.
I dont see a real downside here?
His soymouth tells the tale.
This is insulting to my intelligence.
It means we understand most people are short sighted and mammalian brained herd like creatures, and if we can distract them long enough they will forget we’re disgusting.
And leave skidmarks on your corpses.
Wokeness is saying its someone else’s fault that you have problems.
Back in the day of spears and making human chattel of your citizenry? Or when they sold themselves out to the French? How many lasers does Africa produce? I hear their auto industry is way ahead since they invented the wheel and all.
I gon name yo clamidia gon rhea siffyless jones. After yo father.