H_Guderian 3 points ago +3 / -0

The point being that there are many, many cake shops.

Twitter is THE twitter. Google is so synonymous with Searches that it became a verb. The problem with tech is they have reached monopoly status.

H_Guderian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Libertarianism is a nice tool in a toolbox. Its a wonderful philosophy for the long term. If the Articles of Confederation showed us, having the government being Too Weak to step in is also a flaw. If The Libertarians of Texas are okay with second class citizens without access to the internet, fuck 'em. They only pull that one out a few times to wipe someone off the internet, but they'll use it.

Also the idea that Corporations have Free speech came in the 1936. Is there any shitty President in charge at the time who implemented many of the systems that ruined the country? Ah, right.

H_Guderian 6 points ago +6 / -0

Its the meme where a guy asks for solutions or he'll riot, the other guy offers something, the first guy lights the solution on fire while saying "You don't understand I just want to riot"

H_Guderian 2 points ago +2 / -0

People really love simping for their matyr.

H_Guderian 8 points ago +8 / -0

I feel flaccid Republicans will bail on him.

H_Guderian 19 points ago +19 / -0

Its that most people never did and never will care about making policy decisions. Playing to the center is weakness. Moderates choose from the extremes eventually.

H_Guderian 12 points ago +12 / -0

Surely once the polls and media are crushed AGAIN, and there's no big Russia Hoax to worry about Trump can get enough decent people into Congress, maybe the RINOs will surrender. He needs that vaunted "Mandate" from enough of a lead.

H_Guderian 13 points ago +13 / -0

I'm not a fan of the place, but surely this will kill it.

H_Guderian 11 points ago +11 / -0

You build a pocket far better than their pocket. Then they either want to get in, as long as you protect your bubble they will assault the walls until the corpses fill in the moat.

H_Guderian 7 points ago +8 / -1

It simply isn't the job of the government to police sketchwork. The site made the right call, morally. Politically? Who can tell in 2020.

H_Guderian 13 points ago +13 / -0

It goes back to when someone looks upon a great creative work and remarks "Now, this is Art!" Clearly they are stating the obvious. Of course it is art. But the implication is that the art is good or exceptional to receive that remark. When we say "Keep politics out of X." We mean, keep your low level surface level read and its corresponding ill-informed utopian solutions you thought up in grade school to yourself. Do it good or go home. They opt to do it bad and complain when no one cares they are hacks.

H_Guderian 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm still unclear of why lefties wanted to kidnap the most authoritarian leftie allies they have.

H_Guderian 6 points ago +6 / -0

The Libertarian perspective. But wouldn't another solution be to just be free speech?

H_Guderian 11 points ago +11 / -0

It is almost like there's a Get Woke something something quote I could use.

H_Guderian 8 points ago +8 / -0

This is what they do for everything, they ask you a question, and then when you respond they change the question. Really, 2+2 can equal 3, if either 2 has experienced quantum death of any of its parts leaving it to be 1.9 with repeating nines which can in some cases be functionally 2, and of course can be rounded down according to some rounding methods. Anyone who changes the question on you like this is operating in bad faith and had no other intention but to humiliate others with big words.

H_Guderian 4 points ago +4 / -0

No expensive dorms, no expensive buildings, no expensive sports to subsidize. Rebel indeed.

H_Guderian 1 point ago +1 / -0

See when you said that I entertained the idea they were shitting out the window. Luckily they had not when I watched the video. But I assume that isn't too far in the future.

H_Guderian 2 points ago +3 / -1

Indeed, we were watching to see when he'd take the red pill with the overwhelming evidence.

H_Guderian 4 points ago +14 / -10

One aggregates other people's news articles and used to do on the ground work and figuratively knocked out jack Dorsey and his lawyer on the Rogan podcast.

The other is an emotional liberal temporarily redpilled because he enjoys attention but it shallow.

If you owned a company and wanted to have a Rogan/Rubin style interviews but your cohost becomes a frothing Magatard, you might need to recast the role. Yeah Tim has plenty of problems, but if I want Trump cheerleading I go to T_D.

Imagine having any guests of any quality, being interrupting by conspiracy theories and /pol/ fanboyism with intermittent "the chat is talking about me!" and "UFO/Like Button" memes. Adam was there to have fun, Tim was there to work.

I enjoyed the show and tuned in, and sad they split, but I'm not gonna overcompensate.

H_Guderian 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's just a big hippie town. The protests remain in those cities because they have no means and no understanding of anything outside their cities.

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