GreatGrapesOfWrath 8 points ago +8 / -0

Am I the only one who thought the mention of KF just felt like a really obvious false flag?

GreatGrapesOfWrath 4 points ago +5 / -1

That's a dumb question. The US is a quickly sliding target and trying to measure yourself against such an increasingly corrupt and despotic regime is only going to lead to confusion as the two states hurdle faster towards the abyss occasionally passing each other.

If you're going to compare yourself to something you need a fixed point of reference. Something that's a known quantity and not going to change by the day.

Something like China.

Now the answer to THAT question: Is Canada (or the US) freer and less corrupt than China? THAT'S a question I'm not sure how to answer at this point.

GreatGrapesOfWrath 7 points ago +7 / -0

Victory is won by whom has the highest resolve.

The left wins because they have such a resolve. A resolve that says that destroying everything and going to the brink (or past it) is worth it in the quest for power.

Do you have such resolve?

GreatGrapesOfWrath 4 points ago +4 / -0

As is Jesse Singal. But he's not just smart, he's Very Smart and refuses to see the error of his ways.

by folx
GreatGrapesOfWrath 2 points ago +2 / -0

Razor, Corsair and Steel Series are gaming. That still leaves open the office market, among others.

GreatGrapesOfWrath 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's the group that manages much of the progressive nonprofit sector. It's one of the key pillars of Soros' empire.

GreatGrapesOfWrath 17 points ago +18 / -1

In fact, some recent violence is threatening to start a full race war in India right now.

Evidently, some Muslims murdered a shopkeep on video who what blaspheming the prophet.

And with Kashmir always on the verge of exploding (as it always is), I'm sure this is a very imaginary border and some kind of western misunderstanding.

GreatGrapesOfWrath 9 points ago +9 / -0

In unrelated news:

Several Senate Republicans have been talking about rolling back copyright protections from 120 years to 56 years (the historical norm before Disney lobbied endlessly to protect The Mouse). This would apply retroactively.

Why wait for them to go broke when you can shove them off the cliff?

by folx
GreatGrapesOfWrath 6 points ago +6 / -0

Considering how Logitech seems to have something of a lock on the peripherals market, maybe it's time for some A N T I T R U S T

by borga
GreatGrapesOfWrath 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. And the winner will have (checks notes) 110% of the vote and a 156% approval rating! Democrats win again!

What? You don't believe me? Yoink There goes your social media. Yoink There goes your bank account Yoink There you go to gulag.

GreatGrapesOfWrath 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sunshine was a pretty obvious culture war bit when it was released.

Good design of the spacecraft, but it was very overt and absurd with it's "Christians EVIL. Science GOOD" message by the end.

That's not woke, and it's not one I'm particularly disinclined to disagree with either. But it's hard to argue the devs weren't already pretty deep in the culture war and it's not surprising they'd go Atheism+

GreatGrapesOfWrath 12 points ago +13 / -1

Is there a good place to get a dump of the instagram? Let's not let this get memory holed by the system.

GreatGrapesOfWrath 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bigots forgot the agender pennant on the other side. REEEEEE