Graphenium 6 points ago +7 / -1

Two things which early on convinced me there was a lot more to the story of “healthcare”:

  1. the mindless praise heaped upon vaccines for “eradicating” certain viruses, while totally neglecting or deceptively conflating the wide array of factors which changed at the time. Such as you mention polio, cases had dropped to a tiny fraction of their height in the years leading up to the introduction of the vaccine, yet all the credit for this reduction is impossibly attributed to the vaccine:


Tied into this point, is the fact that many commonly prescribed medicines don’t even exceed the performance of placebo (such as antidepressants). This indicates that these medicines are actually useless, and the governing factor is our bodies health, how well we’ve maintained our natural defense systems, and oddly importantly, our “outlook” or our “desire to live” you could say. If we abolished big pharma and put all that money into researching “the placebo effect”, I think we might finally start making progress in health/”medicine” again.

  1. Wim Hof demonstrating that through conscious control of the so-called “autonomic” nervous system, he and anyone following a similar protocol could, through nothing but their will, rebuff the effects of an endotoxin (“deactivated” virus that normally triggers a “useless” but harmful immune system response)



Graphenium 9 points ago +9 / -0

I think it would be interesting if you made a post about how you explain the state of the world, vis a vis these topics of subversion and outside control of America. Maybe use an alt?

59 standing ovations for bini from the uni party Congress. What’s going on? It seems like the only thing the uniparty agrees on is subservience to israel. How do you explain that? How far back does it go? 1967? 1948? 1913? Earlier? Why is it that any other kind of dual citizenship is viewed as nefarious and shady, yet were expected to applaud like seals when zionist congressmen wear their idf uniforms to a vote? Shits crazy.

Do you acknowledge how opinions on this subject are bound to fall on a spectrum, the vast majority of which aren’t as “extreme” as you portray? Hell, even the idea of “intertemporal race war” which you use dismissively, can be rationally described by a scholarly work like The Culture of Critique.

I know you to be someone who comes to his opinions logically, even if we sometimes come to different conclusions. Why not explain your views and where you think people are falling off a cliff with their views? You could contribute to pulling some back from the edge

Graphenium 12 points ago +13 / -1

My belief is that the human body’s defense systems are the main governing factor to “catching” as disease: living in a war zone, starving, being wounded, being poisoned, even living like someone in San Francisco, these all leave the body in a weakened state, susceptible to “diseases” that would have otherwise been rebuffed by the body’s own systems.

Basically, I’m talking about the difference between Magic Johnson living with aids for over 30 years, while most “san franciscians” died after a year or two. It has far less to do with “magic dr fauci aids medicine” and far more to do with him “cleaning up” his life after the diagnoses in the early 90s.

Graphenium 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just the shills slide posting garbage. It’s funny you’re still unable to point to a single unjustified post removal. Quit responding to me if you’re so incapable of such basic things

Graphenium -6 points ago +2 / -8

I don’t like low effort slide posts meant to divide and conquer*

What interesting information is present here? What does that information have to do with this forum’s moderation?

Simple questions, can you manage them?

Graphenium -5 points ago +4 / -9

It’s literally a screenshot of facebooks rules with two randomly highlighted - it doesn’t get more low effort. Do you have any specific examples of posts removed over reasons like these you want to complain about? Or is it just a general feefee of yours and you can’t point to specifics?

Graphenium 31 points ago +32 / -1

Just following some links from the video:

The woman (phoebe gittins) who decided to center the story around a literally unnamed nobody, is the daughter of one of the script writers for the real LotR movies:


Which explains how her braindead daughter both got to cameo in the old movies and somehow get one of the writer jobs for this abomination

Edit: actually it’s worse than that - mommy has “story by” and “produced by” credits on this while daughter gittens has “screenplay by” and “main character invented by”


Graphenium 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hell, that’s basically the goal of every industry these days, at the top. They don’t want to cure your low insulin levels, they want you to take one of their injections 3 times a day until you die. They don’t want you to own physical media of any kind, they want you subbed and auto-renewing so that your kids are paying the Netflix bill a decade after you’ve died to diabetes.

I think I heard Bret Weinstein go on about this topic well, back on JRE or somewhere like that. Rent seeking and game theory and how they’ve led to our modern shitshow

Graphenium 1 point ago +1 / -0

An entire worldview predicated on the no true scotsman fallacy. That does explain a lot…

Graphenium 1 point ago +1 / -0

The barrier to entry is literally clicking “play”, and even then it probably auto plays. You’re the one posting long theories on who did it, I’m presenting you with quality information you seem to be unaware of. Do with it what you will.

Graphenium 2 points ago +2 / -0

Watch the one I added in the edit (the odysee link), the other one was just the only one that came up after 10 minutes of searching, took me a minute to find the one directly on the subject

Graphenium 4 points ago +4 / -0

doesnt specify which of the two different three hour videos he randomly skipped through to find 10 seconds to cry about and dismiss the other 5 hours 59 minutes and 50 seconds worth of information

Cry more, the truth will always be there when you’re ready to accept it

Graphenium 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is actually an interesting nugget or two that could be mined from this image:

There was clearly a directive that one of the characters needed to be a girl, and one of the characters needed to be black - I picture Ed Boon saying “just make the chick black lol”

Then you have the actual ad which has both a “nice rack” comment and a joke about one of the lads “having to be the chick” - both kind of funny, but only possible because of the fact the characters were added in the first place - presumably they weren’t added to only be the butt of the joke

Here is the source of the image:


Most of the ads are similarly “shocking” compared to the watered down slop these days.

Graphenium 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry dude I double posted this to both KiA and c/gaming but decided it wasn’t actually much more than an irrelevant shitpost so decided to only keep the one on c/gaming:


Please feel free to bring this conversation over there! Or even make it into a post here, whatever you think

btw I was setting up emulators yesterday myself and got sucked into Metal Gear (the original) which I was accessing funnily enough through emulating the MGS HD Collection’s version of MGS3, which includes a built in emulator for MG1 and 2

Graphenium 4 points ago +4 / -0

Another really good one, from “peekers advantage” in modern day camp-fests to the older forms like map control/map knowledge (mostly neutered these days with the featureless ovals most games opt for), to advanced movement techs, to gameplay mechanics like kill streaks (i.e. “investment dividends”) or even just the psychological snowballing effect of hearing the announcer yell ”M-M-M-M-MONSTERKILL” - can’t have that these days, wouldn’t want someone to ever feel bad while playing, that might eat into MTX profits. Very multifaceted point

Graphenium 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hah true enough, eventually it got to the point with the OG blizzard devs where either you had left or you stayed long enough to be accused of sexual misconduct

Graphenium 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well… it is the donald he was talking about. I’d be surprised to learn there wasnt something weird going on beneath the surface with the administration of that place lol

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