I wish I lived in Nevada four months ago
It’s like with the modding scene, developers will shoot themselves in the foot just to funnel you into systems they hope will result in you spending more money. Abandoning support for server browsers (hosted at the community’s expense even!) in favor of shudders peer2peer matchmaking is another example of their retarded greed.
How many games have been kept relavent decades after they have any right to be by their modding scene? Not only are companies giving up the free money associated with popular mods (continued sales of the base game), they’re giving up what used to be a major tool for finding new talent (aka hiring a mod team and sometimes even bringing their mod to market, see DotA, Counter-Strike, Team Fortress, Day-Z, and so on)
The only apparent reason being that if you aren’t on community hosted servers, you can’t play with mods, which means if you want to change how anything looks, you need to buy the “skins” from the “market”. I still remember the switch from CS:S to CS:GO, all I could think was “you mean now I need to pay to make my guns look cool? This used to be free!”.
I can't say I see much of the 'colonialism' narrative in Europe. Maybe the UK
My understanding of things is that almost all of the early non-native populations in white European countries (like the UK, France, Spain, the Netherlands, etc) came from their colonies. The UK took in a bunch of indians, France took a ton of Algerians/africans, Spain took a ton of South Americans/mestizos, the Nordic countries allowed people from their African colonies to immigrate, and so on and so forth.
Which is to say, I totally see the “colonialism narrative” existing as part of the root cause of the current migration crisis in Europe, parallel to those other narratives discussed earlier, and likewise built on “national shame”.
But if you talk with them like "sensible people are against X", they can be with you.
Makes sense and seems like an improvement over the endless adhoc adhoms which tend to be the default - that is, as long as it never gets to the point of an attempted gaslight (“this is what sane people think!”). Not to say you do that, but it’s an easy trap to fall into. You see it often in conspiracy discussions. Someone will have “insane” (to normies) opinion X, Y, and Z, but if you mention conspiracy W to them you’re either a retard or a shill.
He’s a real no-nonsense kinda guy
LUCKILY those in the know can still find Anglin’s antics
And iirc the 350lb woman died of a heart attack
Both shame and pride can be used to keep the people down.
Best example today is israel, ironically (?) enough
Look at how shame is instrumentalized in Germany and the United States.
Yeah I think there are a lot of parallels all around the world on this one. I just read someone comparing the slavery Narrative in the US to the colonialism narrative in Europe to the indian mistreatment narrative in Canada and so on and so forth - but now I can’t find it. Unfortunate, because it was spot on with the parallels.
What I mean, in terms of World War 2, is that "Churchill was a psychopath" is not a particularly useful statement.
Ahh, that makes sense. Yeah I guess more broadly this issue is “hyperbolizing / straw manning” the opposition. I see it so often where all people who call themselves “left leaning” are smeared with the worst possible framing of the word. “Everyone’s a deranged commie, they’re all satanists, they want to kill babies” etc etc
99% of people think they are the good guy. The vast, vast majority of those people are reasoning their way to that position, though it must obviously be the case that the vast majority of those are using faulty reasoning in some way(s). Therefore I try to treat the faulty reasoning as the enemy, not the dunce who’s been duped, because I know that often enough I’ve been that dunce.
I’ll illustrate with a scenario since everyone has seen different images/posts/articles/etc:
Open gewgle - search for “talmud quotes”, go to images
First result looks exactly like the kind of post we’re talking about (damning talmud quotes)
Though it’s posted to r/judaism in the context of “I’m sure these are fake but I don’t know how”, this helps ensure discussion stays safely within bounds
Here is one of the top responses:
Soferim does not exist. This is a completely fabricated book and quote.
He then goes on to use word-magic to muddy the waters on a few of the other quotes. Is he correct? Only by adopting some excruciating twists of logic. Will (most) everyone who googles “talmud quotes” walk away thinking the whole thing is much ado about nothing? A large amount will, unfortunately.
But yeah, what I mean by “fake” quotes are the ones taken from sources other than the talmud, being presented as “talmud quotes”. Often you’ll see stuff from, e.g. the toledat yeshu added in. Heinous filth of course, but there’s no reason to muddy the waters of our own arguments (when we uncritically share selections with these subverted/smuggled in verses). I’m not talking about the pilpul often used to try and weasel out of the plain meanings of the translations, just the conflation of sources, which happens surprisingly often.
I was kind of blown away when I found this movie the other day called “Look Who’s Back”
In a sentence, imagine “Borat”, except with the main character “Hitler”. At first I was astounded, how could such a movie have been made, in Germany of all places. By the end of the movie it will be more clear, but regardless I found it an enjoyable watch. Some of the most surprising parts were when Hitler interviewed some of the founding members of the AFD, people at migrant protests and the like. Shocking all the more so because this was made in 2013.
Here’s a short clip to see if you think you’ll like it (it’s what convinced me to find and watch it lol):
There's no need for fake talmud quotes.
Yeah, exactly my point - best example I can think of, given the despicable nature and insidious cultural results of the real verses (and the surprisingly frequent occurrence of such “fake” verses being smuggled into a set of real ones, leading to dismissal by association).
I’m not sure how often you browse beyond the walls of KiA, but the best user on the site for exposing fake talmud quotes (when they get posted, usually by handshakes) is, in my experiences, TallestSkil, funnily enough. That’s the hardest part of discerning the truth imo, seeing through the bullshit constructed to mislead us based on our biases. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn much if not all of the “fake” stuff originates as deceptive psyops, “poison pills” meant to spread in the discourse and kill the discussion before it can begin.
They are very invested in WW2 being 'the good war', and they in turn vicariously playing the role of 'the good guys' - because it gives them legitimacy.
That’s absolutely a huge part of it, more so in the past than today (which has chosen to suppress the memory of past glory in order to fixate obsessively on alleged shame) - the Narrative(s) told about this time are far more widespread than the realities
I do think the way the ultra-right goes about combating this is very counterproductive and wrong.
I think I know what you mean. When the “enemy” has so completely assumed control of the Narratives, and the Paradigms, and the organs of society, the only proper response is shining the light of truth. Things like fake talmud quotes or purposefully taking things out of context are poisonous, doubly so because there is so much real crime and corruption to expose.
There really is something to be said for “not stooping to their level”. And I’m not saying that in a “oh just turn the other cheek” cop-out, I’m saying: the entire legitimacy of this “new world order” rests on their ability to predict our actions. The worst thing we can do is fall for the same traps that are always set and always sprung. We need to surprise the “powers that be” with something new.
Even though no one of his claims “went too far”, the ones that have the usual suspects shiddin themselves are…thought provoking to say the least. Some interesting commentary happening over at Unz/alt media in general, which is the more interesting/important outcome of this discussion imo.
It’s being hit bigly by the ol’ streisand effect
Kevin Macdonald writing for the Occidental Observer with some interesting takes:
Johnny English has been deployed:
If you want to see the usual cryfest from the usual suspects, just search “Darryl Cooper Tucker Carlson” in your subverted-searchengine of choice and you’ll have pages and pages of denunciations and accusations to laugh at, but I won’t bother linking them here. The only reason the piers video came across my screen was (I assume) because I watched that rabbi shmuely video the other day. What a time to be alive.
Epic orchestral pieces
You might enjoy that. A play (and far more) on the ever-impactful suite by Holst:
Wow…quite the mindfuck
I wonder if he’s going to share any thoughts on an audience that was atleast partially made up of people watching just to see him die
I was only ever vaguely aware of the guy, but this seems like the best possible outcome. He has left his personal Kali Yuga behind.
The crazy part is he made the account before the pedojeet ever even showed up. What does that say to us, given his name?
Important note:
Sentiment on the issue has swung violently the other way in the past (and there’s a reason the modern West is called Weimar 2.0)
The other important reality that must be grappled with is what the zionazis call “the Samson Option” (i.e. global annihilation).
We need surgery, not a bombing campaign
Trump is an elite. His wife (Ivana) went around with jizzlane picking up kids for epstein[1]. All of his adult children have married {{{elites}}}.
The whole idea that trump is an outsider or anything approaching a real threat to “TPTB” is what’s known as kayfabe
[1] according to the first epstein victim to come forward, Maria Farmer:
Voting isn’t real dude don’t worry too much about it. Besides, aren’t you guys on track for your 7th PM in 3 years or something like that?
Fucking Norbert
Enlightening documentary, built around the core of Maria Farmer’s (first epstein victim to come forward, back in ‘96) interviews with Whitney Webb (world class investigative journalist whose work gets nowhere near the amount of exposure it deserves). Uses other interviews and news footage to add interesting context. It’s speculated that the young woman who made this documentary, PVPGURL on youtube, is one of the thousands of victims who never came forward publicly, and who like Farmer tried to express the truths she had come to learn through art
Webb’s site:
In practice it just means the hundreds of millions of CCP zerglings who populate the internet, though ironically, like with the whole “semitic antisemitism” thing we see happening in gaza, one could equally describe the Taiwanese as “Chinese Nationalists” right?
But it’s those people who DDoS’d blizzard over Blitzchung and a million other of these “Chinese Justice Warrior” events. I remember when that Genshin Impact game came out I’d see stories leaking out about this or that decision by the devs which had sent 6 gorillion “Chinese nationalists” into overdrive, but it’s happening constantly and all over the place, so often that we end up just forgetting or ignoring a lot of it (another winning tactic for China, the death by 1,000 cuts)
Huh, interesting options
I guess the smallest form of “government” is interpersonal, and how you understand other people will play a big role in those interactions, so I see where you’re coming from
Lmfao, there’s like what, 800,000,000+ chinese nationalists? I don’t think they need to team up with anyone to drive sales much less the likes of KiA5 and co
Yeah, I could see it, or atleast sections of it, fitting nicely into a new WW2/History curriculum for the older kids who’ve got a basic picture that they’re building on. That would require quite the shift in the popular consciousness though, to ever see a lesson plan like that lol.
Any other options you think are slightly more likely?
Seems like a safe bet