They have due process over 7000 have been released because of the appeal system they have, I'm pretty sure they are compensated for there stay when they are released.
If you are all tatted up looking like a gang member don't be surprised if you end up locked up for a while, bad choices have consequences.
Many people have been granted their freedom because their tattoos were simply "art".
It's the way he speaks, sounds annoying and has annoying opinions.
But wearing a tiny hat instead.
It's the price they need to pay to join the EU, it's like 98% white, and they can't have that.
It's the old adage of how are we going to rebuild literally everything after the war but in neo-brutalist architecture style using millions of poos?
How about you simply don't? scale the infrastructure of the country to its population size? Absolutely riveting thought I know.
If you wonder how tasty the Swedish liver patée is, only cheese and ham beats it in sales for the morning sandwich, and it really tastes nothing like fried liver at all, no bitterness whatsoever.
If you are eating Swedish breakfast with the family and there is no liver patée is it even breakfast at all?
Cod liver oil has no minerals in it, only vitamins A and D plus some omega 3, and it lacks the B-Vitamins.
You will want calf liver as it has the least amount of vitamin A, overdosing on that will not be fun for you and is a real risk if you eat liver from a mature cow often. In an oven with the door ajar or in a convection oven at 80 degrees Celsius you can dehydrate it.
First you must remove the membrane that surrounds it, use kitchen paper to get a hold of an edge you may need to peel up an edge slightly first with a knife.
Then you put it in the freezer for 3 hours to let it firm up for easier slicing .
Now it's time for slicing, you may want to use a plastic glove on your off hand since it gets bloody cold, slice it in 1 cm chunks.
Use some grease on a mesh rack or use baking paper and put your liver on it, put a pan with some tin foil under it for easier cleaning if using mesh.
When you take them you can dice them up into smaller chunks to swallow like pills.
I don't do this very often but keep an eye one it and you'll see it gets done quite quickly.
Dry weight should be about one quarter of wet weight, calculate your portions based on that so you don't end up with vitamin A poisoning.
VERY IMPORTANT do not freeze liver for storage as the important vitamin B12 and B9 (folate) degrade rapidly. For storage you must use silica gel desiccant packs or it will go mouldy.
I usually eat Swedish style liver patée that I make myself from what we call "young cow liver" which has a much milder flavour this is NOT calf liver just slightly older and half the price. I usually spice it with freshly ground cloves, coriander seeds, allspice, sage, garlic a couple of splashes of Tabasco for acidity and that fermented taste, sometimes I use dill pickles instead.
Mine is heavily inspired by this recipe from a legendary Swedish chef.
Unfortunately I can't tell you precisely how I make it because I do it so often I just know how to make it by feel.
Personally for me there is no substitution for liver, unparalleled in density of nutrients and has an extremely low cost. At first when I started taking liver I was eating about 100grams a day to replenish me body of nutrients and I would get this crazy feeling of satisfaction and calmness through my body.
Trust me it's not.
I was prescribed various ADHD meds including pure dextroamphetamine for over 10 years in total. I kept switching and coming on and off meds because I would have horrendous side effects.
Everything was fantastic usually for the first two months until the poor quality sleep or sleep deprivation catches up to you. The medication itself inherently masks these issues making you think that you're working optimally. In time though your performance metrics will get so much worse that you will start to notice despite the meds masking the problems.
Since I came off them 4 years ago and started eating liver to improve micronutrients in my diet I have never felt more mentally sharp. You cannot underestimate a full 8 hours of sleep.
Literally what about all the action scenes that were ripped off from the OG? Did you just conveniently forget that?
It was literally the most predictable action movie I have ever seen, as I was watching it with my brother I could predict everything that was going to happen 10-30 seconds prior to it happening. It's not just that it was too tropey it's the fact that the story is almost identical to the original and they simply rehashed many of the scenes.
Not based enough, send them to mental institutions and see how long they keep pretending and keep them for 6 months extra.
Look at that jaundiced jew face holy shit.
I thought that it was cancelled since I heard nothing of it since season 2. Not sure if it was covid or bad numbers, probably both TBH.
Yeah they make them do hard labour like cabbage farming and ditch digging.
Not dead but your cock and balls were mutilated by flying shrapnel and you have to shit out of a bag for the rest of your life.
If you don't intend to wash your eyeballs with lye today don't google 'bug chasers'
They had months to sell and reinvest into American manufacturing, lots of smart people will be making so much money over the next 4 years because they believed what Trump was threatening to do.
Put GPS locks on their weapons that only activate when they reach the frontline, if they turn around, artillery fire sorts them out.
We all know that the UK is just going to send it to China since refining ore is so dirty they could never do it at home.
He will sign the mineral deal, Russia will retreat, and two years down the line there is a revolution in Ukraine which nullifies the treaty as they rename the country to Greater Khazaria.
The worst part is pedestrians and cyclists complaining about how they can't walk anywhere, I'm sure they would love to be burned alive when the fire department can't reach anywhere because they were busy plowing bike lanes and sidewalks.
Just buy a pair of snow shoes, they cost almost nothing, cars need winter tyres why wouldn't humans?
It's all part of the replication crisis in science. So many people who don't belong in university have been admitted that they start making shit up and the few competent people left cant be arsed to reproduce thousands of obviously bunk data papers.
Demand a simple IQ test be done, lawsuit dismissed.
He really wasn't helping himself walking around in the streets crying he is about to get murdered. How about you don't broadcast your location? Absolute moron.
It's for every reason you can imagine, if you are identified as a prison guard, they will find and kill you and your family.