FrostedCricketFlakes 7 points ago +7 / -0

The only person that would say a black person isn't smart enough openly is Biden. Many democrats think it, but will only infer it, like when talking about black people not knowing how to get a driver's license.

Her record on treating pedophiles with "kid gloves," including one that broke his conditions and re-offended was what people were much more bothered about. The inability to define a woman, and saying that people don't have natural rights in a constitutional republic are also problems.

by folx
FrostedCricketFlakes 13 points ago +13 / -0

Men can birth kids bigot

FrostedCricketFlakes 8 points ago +8 / -0

archived https://archive.ph/o8UM6

There's innate immunity and natural immunity. Innate is the generic immunity prior to the developed natural immunity. They argue the jabs are required because people will die before they develop natural immunity. This ignores that the younger a person is, the more effective their innate immunity is. Children die more from influenza than covid. The only "covid deaths" for children in multiple countries was kids who had morbid obesity or severe disease.

by folx
FrostedCricketFlakes 14 points ago +14 / -0

No, school should clearly be about exposing kids to pedophiles and indoctrinating them into loving authoritarian government so much that they even report their family for wrong-think. It's also important to make sure they're too focused on identity politics and quick dopamine to ever notice who is taking everything from them. Critical thought, math, actual research skills, comprehension of information is too dangerous to the system.

The fact that math scores keep decreasing while xirs keep increasing means the system is working as intended.

FrostedCricketFlakes 6 points ago +6 / -0

Singapore also has robot dogs that go around telling people to go inside and photographing anyone who isn't.

Dallas airport has a robot that photographs people without masks that https://archive.ph/5uIr1

by folx
FrostedCricketFlakes 17 points ago +17 / -0

This is probably referring to the new bill preventing teachers from teaching about sex and sexuality to prepubescent kids. "You can say straight, but not gay" sort of thing.

FrostedCricketFlakes 10 points ago +10 / -0

It identifies your "privilege" and cements the importance of immutable characteristics over character.

It's also important in grooming. Cement in kids that they're bad because of their immutable characteristics, really make them hate themselves. Then offer them an out to become good again, becoming gay or trans, they might take it. Being a "progressive ally" or Marxist that puts others with higher "progressive" value before yourself is also a less good, but still better option than being unrepentantly original sin.

FrostedCricketFlakes 8 points ago +8 / -0

It served it's purpose. There needs to be charges for entrapment.

FrostedCricketFlakes 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's just a copied article from elsewhere that had links inserted in the text. Smart because it doesn't seem like spam, but they didn't write it themselves. Good reminder to check links before clicking on them.

Some other links posted on .win have tracking features, but because people grabbed it from a mailing list, or grabbed the link to a tweet from a website. The actual content they linked is legitimate, but the poster either didn't notice or bothered to remove the extra bits added to the url. You can get browser add-ons that sanitize those links, but for the OP's links, you need to use a firewall.

FrostedCricketFlakes 11 points ago +11 / -0

Bill-C11 would.

Elections Canada had a secret trial and fined him $3000 because he wrote a book in the year of an election that compared Trudeau and the Liberal Party to the Sopranos.

Keean Bexte who worked for them had been prevented from attending multiple press events. Barred at the entrance or carried out by police.

They had to sue to go to the single debate Trudeau would allow for two elections in a row.

If they don't have an injection they can't fly or leave the country. It can take a week of 24-hour driving to cross the country.

FrostedCricketFlakes 21 points ago +21 / -0

They previously passed Bill-C10, but it died in the senate. They've brought it back as C-11 and will pass it again.

The laws grant the ability for the government to censor any speech online.

FrostedCricketFlakes 22 points ago +22 / -0

They had one mod that talked about how they bring children to their apartment apartment to inject them with hormones. In the very degenerate way of saying it, like "girlie juice" or something like that.

Candy Vans are outdated.

FrostedCricketFlakes 18 points ago +18 / -0

In the years after his first show and before his "resurgence," he did an ad for an ionized water cleaner. It was a spray bottle with a battery in it that sold for $150. He claimed it could clean anything.

FrostedCricketFlakes 6 points ago +6 / -0

The Alberta government won't allow covid antibody tests in Alberta. They prevent it from happening under the public health service, and they intercept and stop it if done privately.

Shiela Gunn Reid of Rebel did monthly antibody tests with her friend, and they had to use a US company. She's a dirty filthy unvaxxed who had covid and her friend who had two shots. They want to see how long their antibodies last because the Canadian governments don't recognize natural antibodies.

FrostedCricketFlakes 15 points ago +15 / -0

It's not nice to talk about Feds like that

FrostedCricketFlakes 11 points ago +11 / -0

Many of them accused PPC supporters of being traitors, and said that "Conservatives need to move to the center." They had passed the center long ago and were following Trudeau off a left-wing authoritarian cliff, but that's on course apparently.

FrostedCricketFlakes 4 points ago +4 / -0

You can find more job postings on toilet stalls. Make sure to bring a friend's cell phone.

FrostedCricketFlakes 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you want more Robotech, the real version is Macross and there's 7 different series under it. Macross is the original (including the Macross Do You Remember Love movie). Macross Zero is good. Macross Plus, and Macross II Lovers Again I haven't watched, but seem fine. The rest lean much more into music/idols, including Macross Frontier which is good. I haven't watched Macross 7. Macross Delta has good music, but I stopped watching because idols standing on jet wings while they dog fight was too much.

For just older sci-fi:

Akira is a classic movie.

Dirty Pair (1985) is a comedic show about 2 female mercenary problem solvers. They have a high success rate, depending on how you interpret it.

Planetes (2003) is a show about people clearing debris orbiting earth.

It's been way too long to recommend, but you may want to check out: MD Geist (2 movies). Venus Wars (movie).

FrostedCricketFlakes 3 points ago +3 / -0

I forgot to mention it, but there's also recommendations by users: https://myanimelist.net/anime/967/Hokuto_no_Ken/userrecs

The 2nd recommendation there, the first Berserk is a classic. Disregard the 3D follow ups.

You can also search by season of release, going back decades: https://myanimelist.net/anime/season/1984/fall

FrostedCricketFlakes 4 points ago +4 / -0

I like Armored Trooper Votoms. It has a 1983 show and 3 later 80s movies. There's also a 1994 show and some 2007-2011 stuff. It has an old console game, but I don't remember if it's translated.

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