FrostedCricketFlakes 16 points ago +16 / -0

Those tattoos show commitment to that size

FrostedCricketFlakes 1 point ago +4 / -3

The merger of state and corporation. Making all rights the state's, and the only freedom is in serving the state.

It's a globalist version, but fits many of Mussolini's statements about fascism. Even that it was possible because of liberalism, but liberalism is over now that it served it's purpose.

FrostedCricketFlakes 15 points ago +15 / -0

onset of symptoms approximately one to two weeks following administration of the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine

When the recipients are still considered "unvaccinated" for statistics

FrostedCricketFlakes 35 points ago +35 / -0

Every one of BlackRock's department leaders, including Fink is a WEF Young Global Leader

ESG is the metric behind the WEF's Stakeholder Capitalism. It IS fascism.

FrostedCricketFlakes 13 points ago +13 / -0

Trailer Park Boys, but streamers and no comedy or redeeming features

FrostedCricketFlakes 17 points ago +17 / -0

Tommy Robinson has a investigative series called "The Rape of Britain" where he interviews victims and calls out groomers and government officials.

Look at how people handled covid. Medical professionals were fine violating the Nuremberg Code if it meant they remained employed. The same applies for law enforcement not wanting to be doxed as racists.

FrostedCricketFlakes 13 points ago +13 / -0

reminder that nature medicine published Wuhan engineered covid studies. They later pretended the studies were unrelated to the virus.

FrostedCricketFlakes 5 points ago +5 / -0

Authoritarianism doesn't rule through happy feelings. It rules by force.

FrostedCricketFlakes 7 points ago +7 / -0

(not this video) Last night's TimCast IRL had a ex-trans person as a guest. She also talked about some of the issues that push people into transitioning.

She was in to Boys Love on Tumblr, and the idea was pushed hard on Tumblr that if you're a female into BL you must be trans male. Combined with other issues, she became convinced, and went to Planned Parenthood when she was 18.

She paid $200, talked to a nurse who wrote her a proscription for testosterone, but because she said she needed a higher dose, the nurse gave her a 4x dose. There was no analysis done, mental or physical.

She started roid raging, and was sent to hospital twice because she was a danger to herself. She stayed on testosterone for a year then desisted.

FrostedCricketFlakes 5 points ago +5 / -0

They believe all problems would be solved if people are eternally put more fully under the power of the state.

FrostedCricketFlakes 7 points ago +7 / -0

Their hero, Ginsberg said Roe v Wade was a bad ruling.

FrostedCricketFlakes 10 points ago +10 / -0

They just pretend all bad things didn't occur, or are already over, so it doesn't matter anymore.

FrostedCricketFlakes 40 points ago +40 / -0

When grooming gang victims went to the UK police, the police blamed them for enticing the men.

FrostedCricketFlakes 10 points ago +10 / -0

PayPal should have been cancelled years ago, but for too many services, it's the only way to receive payment. MasterCard's pozzed too, so they can ban you from any payment service that accepts credit cards.

One of the core reasons for the wider adoption of decentralized systems, including currency.

FrostedCricketFlakes 8 points ago +8 / -0

It is more real than a boob job, but still not a real sign of genetics or nutrition.

FrostedCricketFlakes 3 points ago +3 / -0

I tried to play in line with the story. Niko had a new life, and didn't want to kill anymore, so I avoided combat, and obeyed traffic rules. Roman calls, and it takes half an hour to drive to the other side of the city. When I got back to where I was, Roman calls again. I immediately stopped caring about traffic rules. Defeated the impact of when Niko had to kill again, for the story, when I had already run people over.

FrostedCricketFlakes 11 points ago +11 / -0

You get a free Krispy Kreme. You get a $25-100 dollar gift card. You get to be employed. You get allowance to leave the country (Canada)

FrostedCricketFlakes 5 points ago +5 / -0

voluntary, but once you have the ability, and people hooked up to the system, who knows. A little manipulation isn't very noticeable, but if you keep doing it constantly, it adds up.

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