and hepatitis
you reckon mastermind kamala manifested this acute foresight herself
I am so proud to be white
kikeku in action
asmongoloid should stick to gaming, just how jordan peterson should stick to clinical psychology and philosophy
when celebrities venture into geopolitics without even bothering to understand what happened over the course of the 20th century is about as krinj as it gets
altho of course, asmongold seems genuinely ignorant while peterson knows exactly what's going on
my fellow trees, we must let the lumberjacks in if we are to survive
if he dies (from aids) he dies (from aids)
"the government wants to stop terrorism"
there's 2 types of civil war
A) organic, conceived out of grassroots rebellion
B) CIA-sponsored regime change
this video deals with A, but B (if not CIA something else) is always an option on the table
you can search for "ukraine age demographics" and see how it has the x-mas tree shape which is supposedly too old for the 2014 revolution to have happened
yeah i know, but i mean, you could cut out all the foreign aid, but washington would still find a way to launder that money to themselves and benefit the same people in the end
so if someone gives a dollar to a beggar it's the beggar's fault?
i saw a video of local police come and handcuff a fed that was snooping about some guys guns, exactly that scenario
such a satisfying watch, but also scary and ever-eye opening
"my fellow gamers, we must let pedos fuck kids if we are to survive"
it's plausible but there's not a chance in hell he was making "millions" from it.
either way he was probably arrested for not paying taxes
revealing his inner ukrainian
that's fucking hilarous.
I mean i think we all kinda suspected this but that's the first time I've seen it SOYENTIFICALLY tested.
I imagine this was well known for a long time, by those that want to funnel western society towards voluntary communism, you simply deprive men of their testosterone and they will naturally fall in line.
doesn't your body stop producing T naturally forever if you start supplementing it?
they "officially annexed" golan heights in 1981
this is just twitterzogslopping