Take your meds. For what f****** reason with the feds have to blow up their own f****** building? Kids of federal agents died. I'm so sick of literally everything that happens to being some dumbass conspiracy theory. Sometimes things happen and they aren't a conspiracy.
Would have been super simple to put tariffs on goods to stop factories leaving. I wonder why (((they))) didn't.
I think you mean literally all media.
Exactly. Boycotts we're always fake and never worked, but now it's just insanely obvious. The Democrats would just hand Disney billions if we somehow boycotted them enough to cause losses. It's pointless.
Blacks are never on the front lines getting killed. They are way too valuable to the globohomo for that. They will vote 90%+ Democrat as they have been doing for 100 years.
Cool made up math. The problem is that blacks have never voted 20% Republican and never will.
It also shows blacks voting 20% Republican... This is just a poll, and it's way off just judging from the black numbers alone.
They have Hispanics, Jews, blacks, Asians and every groups besides whites on their side.
It's cuckservative propaganda that Hispanics are conservative. When 35% of them vote Republican this is considered a major victory.........
Sniper elite 5 is just more Nazis bad. I don't know how you could be excited about that.
Diversity is just code for less whites.
Nah. It corrupts and destroys
Are Jews part of the special group or not?
He was just trying to do the right thing by reporting Jews. Poor guy :(
Guessing it's just because it's "racist" because in their minds every institution is racist and evil.
They have their own police force. The actual police probably aren't allowed near their houses
Expect any evidence they find whole doing so of any "wrong doing" they can arrest you for. It's just a way to get around the 4th. Stop licking boots
How can you stand the smell....
ItS aLL fAkE.
Yeah bro, that's why blacks everywhere, including in real life constantly shit on whites. Is Lebron James fake too?
Are you just a JIDF shill or do you actually believe this nonsense?
They are attacking white people. It's pretty simple.
Yeah, like 30 years ago. It's just another antiwhite Jewish org now.
Oh no, Jews have to start paying real wages instead of slave labor rates. The horror. Back to Israel with you.
Probably just because they don't filter results.
Just report the site to the feds and then wonder why nothing is done and then do some research and find out that the feds take over and run those sites....
Lawyers are afraid to take cases to advocate for whites because they might be disbarred. The bar associations are all ran by liberal lunatics.
Yandex is shockingly amazing I've been very impressed with it.
Do you think anything ever happens or is it all fake? Name some events that really happened.