DuxBellorum 3 points ago +7 / -4

Their work is catering to my needs, not partaking in the everyday workings of society. Their place is at home and that's it.

I don't want to come into work and have women work with me. They aren't my equal. They don't belong in the workplace. Every industry women work in they make worse. Every company women have a presence is worse for it. A woman's only value in society is to exist to please me at home and that's it. If she spews hatred against me then I'll beat her until she doesn't. If she keeps going, she's not a properly functioning object and she shall be discarded then. If she has no income and no one to care for her, she dies. Good riddance.

By letting women work and expecting that of them you are empowering women. Work gives her power because now she has value in the work she does and will use that to accumulate power. She will learn valuable skills and gain knowledge other people find useful and thus the woman now has power in the sense that they are a valuable labouror to another or for themselves even. The only skills and education a woman should have is how to please a man and make herself more attractive for a man. Outright banning women from work ensures women stay in their proper place in society which is barefoot, pregnant, in the kitchen or warming my bed.

DuxBellorum 8 points ago +14 / -6

There's nothing wrong with denying something that never happened. The holofraud is as real as the deadlines of covid.

Oh sure, some people died from covid but was it 6 girrilion? And were the unvaccinated responsible for the deaths? Was there a reason fat people died that meant they should be accountable for their own death or do we blame everyone else in society?

Holocaust is exactly the same.

DuxBellorum 9 points ago +9 / -0

It's actually an interesting opposite. Because you've watched hollywood display people losing consciousness so much in a professional manner, when it actually happens it looks "fake" because it's not what you've been taught to associate "real" with as per hollywood.

DuxBellorum 4 points ago +4 / -0

To be fair, statistically, if she did it once, twice is much more likely.

DuxBellorum 3 points ago +4 / -1

Except you haven't considered the more likely scenario. China set this up so they can use her as propaganda in their own country to prove how terrible America is for Chinese people.

DuxBellorum 5 points ago +5 / -0

Artificial wombs will empower women. Women are superior to men in modern society for slave owners. What good are men? Men are smarter, more rebellious and stronger than women but they aren't any better at putting numbers into an Excel spreadsheet. The modern aristocracy prefers women over men. Artificial wombs just make women even more valuable to the aristocracy. Women make perfect slaves. Men don't make good slaves.

DuxBellorum 5 points ago +5 / -0

If we sent all leftists back to their countries because they cared about blacks and asians more than their own people, we'd actually have a decent country.

DuxBellorum 3 points ago +3 / -0

Correct and the reason for this is women see men who spend their money easier to part with their money for the woman. Men who save their money are harder to get the man to spend it on women. Cryptos signify a man easily parted with his money because cryptos aren't a real investment yet it likely correlates with someone who isn't actually dirt poor or whose vice in spending money isn't something that would supersede a woman's priority, like a man with a gambling addiction. Crypto hits all the right buttons for women.

DuxBellorum 2 points ago +2 / -0

So you're saying no one on this planet has ever lived because they didn't have tons of material possessions? That's a young person's view. Living isn't about material things. That's why society is so fucked right now. The consumerist culture has taken people away from what is important to living (healthy relationships) and instead made people thing consuming to make corporations money is "living". It's not. What I described is in fact living is you have a loving wife and children. That's living. Not having a bunch of fancy material possessions but miserably unhappy while in denial about it with your 3 cats that you try to use for a substitute for human interaction.

DuxBellorum 13 points ago +13 / -0

As a Canadian, I will tell you with absolute certainty, there will be no good conservative leader. The party is too liberal now. We need a new party altogether. Full traditionalist super right-wing. The CPC are just liberals in blue.

DuxBellorum 1 point ago +2 / -1

As it should be but in reality, they shouldn't even be working. They should live at home until they marry.

DuxBellorum 4 points ago +5 / -1

It's actually very possible on one income. Buy a small house that isn't made of the newest materials in an okay area. Have the woman cook all meals from scratch. No eating out. No alcohol purchases. Woman buys basic clothes. Man buys bare minimum for clothes. No Netflix, no Amazon Prime, none of that garbage. 1 Used vehicle. No vacations. Done.

What you really need to do is lower taxes. With women at home to home school why are you financing public education? Cut income taxes down by abolishing public education and it becomes even more feasible to raise a family on one income.

The problem is that most people think they should be going on 3 vacations a year, newest Mercedes, fancy house, restaurants and lounges everyday etc... You don't need any of that and your grandparents in the 50s didn't have that either.

DuxBellorum 4 points ago +5 / -1

Who wants to marry and have children with a woman who works? You think I'm going to drive kids to school, make kids lunches, pickup the kids from daycare, cook dinner, keep the house clean and then listen to a woman complain about Chad at work before being told she's too tired and stressed to have sex with me? Lmao. The problem isn't a ban on relationships in the workplace, the problem is women working.

DuxBellorum 4 points ago +4 / -0

Put a motion forward to recognize blackface as a legitimate and non-racist makeup for costumes.

If the liberals support it, great. Liberals are now the same as conservatives. Social Justice Warriors look like retards for being against blackface etc...

The likely scenario instead is the liberals don't support it. Conservatives can start their narrative that Trudeau is racist because liberals won't support his use of blackface.

What does the current scenario give us instead? Liberals won't condemn blackface which is the correct stance.

DuxBellorum 3 points ago +7 / -4

Canadian conservatives are so dumb. There's nothing wrong with blackface.

DuxBellorum 7 points ago +7 / -0

Asimov literally says he based the book on The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Gibbon

DuxBellorum 6 points ago +6 / -0

All "online" decentralization efforts are still centralized to some extent in some manner. Most people don't care about the software system, they just want ease of use. Any user interface using some sort of decentralized effort still has to be programmed and maintained by people, which can at any time decide to start censoring. Since it's decentralized, you can't stop them from censoring either. It's all the same in the end. Those that control the software can censor. The reason these decentralized communication software interfaces never take-off is because of the lack of software supporting it. You aren't going to attract mass adoption if the usability and interface resembles that of some dos program 30 years ago. As soon as the software becomes good, it tends to become centralized.

DuxBellorum 2 points ago +2 / -0

I for one would love it if feminists went around killing men. The more men we kill the better.

DuxBellorum 21 points ago +21 / -0

That's probably it tbh. Imagine plotting your whole life to tear down the west so you could become its new masters only to be foiled by outdone by China.

DuxBellorum 44 points ago +44 / -0

I can't believe right-wingers are going to fall for the same bullshit all over again.

I don't like worshipping one man like a Torba but there are no alternatives to Gab until there is one. There isn't one yet.

DuxBellorum 13 points ago +13 / -0

I'm just going to play devil's advocate here so we're being fair, since we're men and fairness and justice are things we care about.

Working from home vs. being in the office is different for getting promoted. I, a man, used to work by myself (remotely) to a department on the other side of the country. I always got passed over by promotions, recognition in the office, etc... Not because I was less competent but because I didn't have an opportunity to always be top of mind. When I'm at meetings, I call in, while everyone else is sitting around a table and joking around. It is quite different. People who work remotely will have less of an advantage and it doesn't have to do with sucking dick.

With all that being said. Women should not be working anyway and if women work they should always be in lesser roles than men. Equality between men and women in the workforce is decadent.

DuxBellorum 4 points ago +4 / -0

The entire concept of public school was to indoctrinate children. Home schooling is better.

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