Dual_Fire 6 points ago +6 / -0

It saddens me to see my country (Chile) on that list. But I'm not surprised.

Dual_Fire 27 points ago +27 / -0

This is what happened today in my country. We are changing our constitution due to horrible riots that happened around 2 years ago now, right before covid. And long story short, the committee in charge of the whole thing is headed by a literal communist indian (native from the country) who hasn't lived in the country in all her live (she lived in France, Canada an other places for most of her 60+ years of live) who can barely speak Spanish and gave her acceptance speech in "Mapudungun" (native language) who less than 5% of the population speaks (since most of her people don't speak it either), oh she also come dressed in full indian regalia (for extra victim points). It was a shit show, and my country will become the next Venezuela.

The country is Chile btw.

The event had everything, including a riot that delayed things by hours. Everyone (including the very few right wing involved in this) spoke in neutral language, or naming things in male and female connotation CONSTANTLY. Embarrassing doesn't even begin to cover it.

You guys need to stop your country from turning into this. Don't compromise.

Dual_Fire 7 points ago +7 / -0

They/Them pronouns lol, beyond crazy

Dual_Fire 4 points ago +4 / -0

Bara is awesome ?

Dual_Fire 4 points ago +6 / -2

I'm from Latin America, she ain't ugly, I would describe her as homely/cute? Specially compared to most people here lol.

I mean it could have been worse! Haha.

Just another Disney movie I won't watch.

Dual_Fire 8 points ago +8 / -0

I mean she isn't particularly wrong, the idea is to form your own opinion from all available sources. It's thanks to that you start to realize a particular media bias (and so you take that information with a grain of salt)

Dual_Fire 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean it depends on what you are playing, lately I've been binging rogue like games, there are quite a few good ones (like Slay the Spire, Monster Train and Tainted Grail), and they are all fairly different from each other. (Or at least the good ones are).

I guess these type of games would fall on the "really small indie" type, but still! There are decent games out there.

You can also just stick to japanese games, they do all right.

I don't think I have played an actual AAA game in years, absolutely no interest in them.

Dual_Fire 6 points ago +6 / -0

We have Quarantine hotels in Chile too, the state pays for them and then bills you (and if you don't pay it takes it from your Tax Returns) you HAVE to stay in one for a week every time you go out of the country (Wich is a pain in an of itself, since the borders have been closed since forever, and so traveling is heavily restricted)

Dual_Fire 10 points ago +10 / -0

If I remember right in that book everything goes to shit the second the male population dies lol. It takes them DECADES to recover, and it's all thanks to literally the only dude alive.

The original comic isn't all that bad, since it predates most woke stuff, I'm sure the show about it will be beyond awful tough. The guy was mostly the butt of the joke in the comic, so it will be 1000% worse in the show, unless they make him black (that would be funny, oppression Olympics in full swing).

Dual_Fire 30 points ago +30 / -0

It is never enough.

Also I wonder if he will grow a backbone (unlikely) and either ignore or stand up to this?

My money is on a groveling "I will do butter" speech, followed by not actually doing anything (and/or making a token donation and anti white statement).

Dual_Fire 7 points ago +8 / -1

The saddest thing is that she has made Reddit a ton of money by removing what made it great in the first place. Now it's just like all the other cookie cutter sites out there, same thing is happening with YouTube (and has been going for a while now) the "sterilization" of the internet.

Hope she chokes on a loaded shotgun (in Minecraft)

Dual_Fire 27 points ago +27 / -0

Comicsgate isn't/wasn't Alt-right tough (whatever that means). People just got fed up with socjus bullshit in comics. I know that after all that fiasco I'm not into comics at all, the whole thing should burn to the ground. Comics people are some of the most entitled brats around.

Dual_Fire 6 points ago +6 / -0

It will probably be like the X-Men anime (remember that?), cool designs, entirely forgettable.

If a Japanese company gets to do it, it MIGHT not be woke, but since they don't really get western audiencies, it will at best be okay.

Dual_Fire 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hard to say really, it's a bit different with animated shows since they take so long to make (about 2-3 years), so you can't really make sweeping changes (you can change the dialogue, but not much else)

Dual_Fire 7 points ago +7 / -0

See? I just took a wild guess and I was right lol. Haven't been keeping up with news about this show at all. She will probably be near perfect, a love interest and more "masculine" than he-man. But aside from that? I doubt they will shit too much on him, they want to sell toys after all.

Dual_Fire 9 points ago +9 / -0

It's probably just a rumor, while there WILL be woke stuff in it (cause it's Netflix on 2021) it will be more inline with Invincible, so probably a member of the supporting cast will be absurdly woke and/or race swaped.

Dual_Fire 17 points ago +17 / -0

Probably just a matter of time, if it's somewhat profitable a grifter will get involved somehow.

Dual_Fire 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's so weird too, like the movie has no sense of direction. And it ends on a sequel bait, so expect more of it in the coming years.

These are also the "magic zombie" types, with different types of zombies as well (like shambles are the lowest of the low, there are also fast ones and an alpha one). And by magic I mean they can only be killed by destroying the brain, anything else just stops them for a bit (it's mentioned in the film that they hibernate or something, they don't need to eat at all).

I can see some of Zack Snyder in the film, but it feels like he phoned it in, like the whole movie was shot in one weekend or something. It feels rushed, poorly put together and fragmented at the same time. And like with EVERY zombie movie, the twist is that humans are the real monster. It's an incredibly unimaginative movie, and tries to be "Meta" to cover it up.

Dual_Fire 12 points ago +12 / -0

I saw this movie yesterday with a friend. It's horribly bad.

I find it kinda funny that they accuse him of being "right wing" when the whole movie is a commentary on detention camps (in the misinformed insane lefty view of course). All the women are justified in their actions and are presented as awesome, all the men are presented as either wrong, dumb, quirky, outright evil or incompetent in some way. Even the main character is presented as something of a self absorbed asshole.

I do admit I started to check my phone more and more during the movie, as I found it to be an absolute waste of time (it's over 2:30 hours long). In the end we were having much more fun laughing at the movie than actually enjoying it. It's chock full of SJW nonsense, don't waste your time with it.

Dual_Fire 30 points ago +30 / -0

In what world do they live in?

And also, any of you looking for a husband? I wanna leave my shit hole country pronto if possible.

Electing communist to any political position has to be grounds for immediate termination. (CHILE)

Dual_Fire 1 point ago +1 / -0

"A marxist fighting fighting Islamism for 50 years" don't Link to human turds please.

Dual_Fire 6 points ago +6 / -0

You actually CAN'T enter any store here without wearing a mask lol. You are also supposed to wear it at all times while outside, and everyone expects you to do it... Like people here judge you if you aren't wearing it (everyone stares and moves away). The histeria is off the charts.

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