Most women I knew in WoW played Night Elves, and that was especially true for the ones playing hunters who would then complete the old meme just to collect "cute" pets, normally a cat.
My first gf literally mained a NElf hunter from Vanilla to Wrath retail, although she was adamant about playing as Survival instead of any other spec which would actually do damage 🙄
Horde wise was similar but with Blood Elves.
Ah yes, geometry confuses the supernatural being that can often turn into a bat and fly through 3 dimensions which inherently requires greater spatial awareness than terrestrial beings. Hell, even fish have that sort of awareness so if anything us mere mortals bound to the earthly plane are a significant downgrade in brain power.
But at least we came up with how to draw triangles and other things, right? 🤔
I would have one account if
Lie. All your accounts are months, if not over a year old, so no matter what happens to any current account you are using to spam here you already have others you'll just use the next day because as mentioned you're a spammer.
Easy fix, have the new OC be added part way through the game and then make the titular character actually evil and the big bad at the end you now have to kill because he was infected by far alt right memes for reasons and now needs replaced repatriated liberated by his internalised evil.
Done with all the nuance and subtlety of multiple bricks through a window, of course 🙄
It's been gone for a while now. Someone mentioned it over a week ago in a thread.