Unga bunga doopity doo. I've got another puzzle for you. Unga bunga tippity toast. Can it be time to finally fedpost?
If representation matters as much as they say it does, then this really speaks volumes.
Liking a trap on a surface level isn't gay, otherwise it wouldn't be much of a trap.
Liking a trap knowingly is unquestionably gay.
I remember being a minority right-winger on old KIA and not really having any issues until the censoring started. That's how it always goes, innit?
It was kind of fun arguing with Shadist. His arguments never had any legs to stand on, but he'd act like he was right purely because he had the power. I'm shocked he never outright banned me for challenging him. I guess he was smart enough to realize martyring someone who has called out your ability to silence opposition wouldn't be a good look.
Pink and Shadist were the absolute worst.
Fedposting won't be a problem once the feds are dealt with, essentially.
I wouldn't say it's a worthless plot point. Eggman was clearly a little conflicted about his time as Mr. Tinker during the zombot arc. With Belle' addition and Dr. Starline stumbling upon Eggman's hidden toy collection, it looks like they're trying to set up a long-term internal conflict between Eggman's fun loving, good natured side, and his megalomaniacal, control freak side.
Good ol' modern art. Lowering the bar to the point everything becomes meaningless.
Ah. So Asians are white this week. Got it.
Prevent the purloining.
That's the wrong mindset. You're not trying to convince them that they're wrong. You're trying to convince onlookers that they're wrong. That's why they're deathly afraid of debate. They know they have absolutely no ground to stand on and will look silly at best, and evil at worst.
Shut everything down, it's not up for debate. To say otherwise proves you're just full of hate. You must wear a mask to keep grandma alive. If you don't it means that YOU WANT PEOPLE TO DIE.
I actually had a discussion with my dad about this relating to all the racebending going on these days. There's nothing wrong with portraying Jesus differently to make him more relatable to other cultures, since he came to save everyone.
That's not what's going on here.
Everything's connected to the internet, the average person is so stupid they fall for obvious evil schemes....
Wow. We really are living in the Megaman Battle Network timeline.
Barring that, they can always fall back on Mario Paint.
I know you can look up your own comment history fairly easily. But it's supposed to be secure for only your eyes.
I don't do it as much as I wish I did, but I've got so many ideas for games, comics, books, etc bouncing around in my head to varying degrees of completion, with notes and art and concepts, etc scattered around. The hard part is actually sitting down and getting the ideas solidified on paper. It's easy to think "Man, this'd be cool!" or "This would be a fun character to tell a story about!" or "Wouldn't this be a fun kind of game?" It's a lot harder to actually work out all the nitty gritty that goes into actually producing something.
You bounce your ideas off me, I bounce my ideas off you, and we'll see if we can't actually make worthwhile things, eh?
As a creative type myself, I'd love to read what you've got going!
If people are waking up to the war on Christmas, maybe one day they'll realize Gamergate was telling the truth too.
I always love watching A Charlie Brown Christmas and picking out 5 and his twin sisters 3 and 4 in the dance scenes.
I'm Type 64, obviously.
So, I've been a little out of the loop regarding Cyberpunk 2077. What about the game is so bad that it warrants this kind of reaction? Is it really more broken than Fallout 76?
He already won. The cheating was blatant and obvious.
Just because people refuse to acknowledge the truth doesn't change it.
Well, that explains why the factory I work in just started requiring face shields in addition to masks.