White Anansi when? I don't care that he's a classical mythological trickster with massive historical significance. If I don't share a skin color with him, it's bad.
Sounds like helping someone with a drug addiction by offering them all the drugs they could ever want. Even if they don't die of overdose, they're going to hurt themselves before they get bored of the stuff.
Slavery is an unjust law. Taking property from law abiding citizens is an unjust law. Demanding people talk and think a certain way or be punished is an unjust law. Treating grown adults like children who need to be controlled by a nanny state is an unjust law. It's not rocket science. Morality is not relative.
For once, I can be proud of my motherland. Feels weird....
He went from jumping the shark to catching the fish.
"I prefer to DIY and have my immune system make my own vaccine. "
This couldn't possibly backfire and breed more resentment towards homosexuality. No way in the slightest.
Well, that's a brain fart on my end. There could be an innocuous reason still, but that drastically reduces the benefit of the doubt.
Not necessarily. When you're around kids all the time, it's easy to develop a taste for media made for them due to exposure. Especially if it's actually well written and includes things to keep parents and older siblings entertained too. (I speak from experience as an older brother.)
That being said, I'm not inclined to give the benefit of the doubt to an indoctrinator like her.
Do I gotta quote Shift the Ape from "The Last Battle" again? Why do people fall for words being defined completely backwards?
At this point, I'd rather see movies made by actual lizard people from the hollows of the earth. They'd probably have actual characters and logical plots.
Eat your heart out, Archie Andrews.
And just like a virus, they're only capable of reproducing by corrupting the reproduction of other lifeforms.
I. Hear. A. Sound.
Solid pick. I guess I just like the skipping samples in the other tracks more. The human brain is really disturbed by sounds that skip and cut off suddenly, so I'm impressed they could capture that feeling of wrongness while still making something recognizable as music.
You don't have to sell me on Drakengard's soundtrack. Where else are you going to get a song that perfectly encapsulates the sound of reality itself breaking down due to the end of the world?
I did enjoy reading TheDarkId's LPs of the series on the LP Archive. If you can't get the full experience yourself, it made for good secondhand madness.
Shame he went full SJW like most of Something Awful....
The problem isn't that they don't make new properties, it's that they give up on them when they don't bring in A-Lister sales immediately.
Appeal to Minority Fallacy. You've become the very thing you set out to destroy.
I knew nuance was dead on the left. I hate to see it croak here too.
It is wrong to generalize all men as a monolith of abusers and monsters.
It is perfectly fine to generalize all women as a monolith of abusers and monsters.
The current creative climate is full of people desperate to be taken seriously and be considered mature and adult. It's an ironically childish and self defeating mindset.
Huh. And here I thought Louisville was a total cesspool of Lefty nonsense. Glad to see things aren't as dismal as I thought they were on the homefront.