Counter-Counter-Point; Captain Marvel.
Schrodinger's Offense. Both innocuous and intolerable depending on the observer., offense in general, then.
When I was a kid, I thought Spidey was calling Bonesaw a girl. The very concept of homosexuality was a vaguety to me until my mid teens. In my mind, guys kissing guys was to mess with and humiliate them, Looney Tunes style.
This is why we can't have nice things.
I'm working on it. I'm definitely working on it.
Batman Beyond is my go-to example for this. Bruce may be too old to keep going out and being Batman anymore, but he's still Batman. Whether he's coaching Terry from the Batcave, or he actually has to go out and do some work in the field, he's still as awesome as ever, even if a bit more fragile.
And then, of course, Terry wasn't created solely to one-up Batman. A recurring theme for the series is how Terry has a lot to learn, but he's also got his own perspective and talents that bring something new and different to the table.
Of course, it helps that it was made by the same people who made Batman TAS, so they had the respect for their past works by default. That's the missing ingredient that causes everything Disney touches to crumble to dust.
Luca was golden. I will 100% stand by Luca as a modern classic that had no right to be so perfectly done. Especially in The Current Year. Other than that, yeah. Pixar's hasn't had an unambiguously good movie since Toy Story 3.
We really are living in two seperate worlds. They cannot understand why anyone could possibly take issue with their pure, noble and inherently good intentions.
Programming? Writing? Tech Support?
I wanna know too. Banjo? My guess is Banjo.
pulls off mask
Gasp! Old Man Impossible1!?
Thank God for North Katanga.
My last job had me providing tech support for an assisted living nurse course. If there's anything to make you wanna die young....
Let us praise the resurrection of our Lord and Savior! Then go pick up discount chocolate and jellybeans on Monday.
I'm surprised Sonic 2 hasn't come under fire for including the Master Emerald.
Sure you don't.
4kids get a lot of crap, but people remember things like their Kirby and Pokemon dubs very fondly.
I wonder. Is the the stuff they think people like, or the stuff they want to MAKE people like?
It could be you! It could be me! It could even be- BANG
Check it out. See the UN’s plans for Chrislam
Tashlan. I'm getting very concerned with how relevant The Last Battle continues to be.
...that tied back to Chrono Cross.... Because THAT'S what Trigger fans want to be reminded of....
"Cross" is to "Trigger" as "Sequels" is to "Original Trilogy."
Well, see, they're girls. So they deserve all the bad things that happen to them. /Imp1