This topic came up when I was talking to my brother recently. He has three girls and they just finished watching the Obi-Wan show and my brother said that show was such a blatant example of pushing girl power where it made no sense and it clearly showed the writers didn't know or didn't care about Star Wars. Now my brother likes Andor and Mandalorian so he isn't at my level where I cancelled Disney plus and truly despise disney Star Wars, but around his girls I remain positive since I don't want to ruin their fun because the sequels were the first Star Wars they were exposed to and then they watched the rest. I am thinking for Christmas I may buy some EU books for his daughters to get them into that timeline.
But he was just frustrated at the endless push to get women into things that generally appeal to men and he said men and women generally like different things. It's just that simple.
I would love to be at one of the panels at a Con where someone like Anita Sarkessian or the Star Wars, RIngs of Power, Wheel of Time writers give their usual speech about not seeing many women, people of color, etc. and simply ask them why they don't understand that certain thing appeal to more guys than women or that there were always women/minorities that were into these hobbies but they think something is wrong if a large number of white guys enjoy something.
Anyway, do you see this trend waning? I'd like to think so but even with constant flops nothing changes. I really miss the days of being laughed at for reading comic books or a sci-fi novel because the worthless activists in charge of the shows or the ones winning the Hugos or Nebulas were most likely the very people who mocked nerds or thought gamers were losers until they saw those things being trendy and jumped on board.
I was playing Metroid Dread the other night, and my cousin, completely unprompted, points out how stupid the representation argument is when there have been massively popular female leads since the beginning.
Honestly, I doubt it'll ever go away, seeing has how there was never a need for it in the first place. Grifters gonna grift, and all that. Anyone who says they can't relate to someone who isn't exactly like them isn't worth listening to, so people just need to stop listening to them and cater to the people who want to have fun.
Agreed. I’m mostly black and Spider-Man and Superman have been my favorites since I picked up my first comic. I love their optimism and their willingness to see the good in everyone and try to redeem them. But I’ve gotten so many downvotes on Reddit for telling people that it’s a sign you aren’t a real fan when the first thing you bring up is diversity/representation