You drink water? HITLER DRANK WATER!
Canon is such a joke. As long as people treat "Owners" as the lorekeepers rather than the creators, it's only going to keep going downhill.
It still blows my mind that some people will admit that certain sequels are garbage and bad, but insist "It still happened though." As though it's not all made up at the end of the day.
I think what I'm most offended by is how absolutely unsubtle it is. Even Totally Spies had a BIT of subtlety to its rampant fetishes.
I wonder if the artist was into it, or if he had to suffer for his paycheck....
Man, the New Super Virus series has gotten so stale. At least New Super Monkey Pox Wii had interesting multiplayer interactions.
I deeply pray that this chops down the treehouse. It must burn for the crimes it has committed.
Apparently, there was an animated show that delved into the history of the Mogwai. Take it with a grain of salt, because Expanded Universe nonsense, but apparently, they were created as part of a bet between two Asiatic deities regarding the capability of Mankind to be responsible. But the side opposing Humanity stacked the deck with the infamously fragile rules, and designed the Mogwai themselves to actively seek the failure state.
So in that sense, Gizmo is kind of defective in his benevolence.
It's honestly kind of depressing that they run black heroes into the dirt like this instead of appreciating their genuine accomplishments....
It's a mindset of "If I didn't accomplish the absolute peak I didn't actually accomplish anything." What a defeatist way to live....
I think the key thing is Gizmo actively refused to eat after midnight after the others sabotaged the clock. So the question is would he even become a gremlin in the first place if he has the self control to behave on his own?
The wolves have decided what's for dinner.
I mean, I want to visit someday. Just see the sights, experience the differences, be a respectful guest. Then come home.
That's a fallacy fallacy.
I suppose you think the People's Republic of China is both a Republic and by the people.
Oh boy... My sister has been ragging on me to read the books. I've enjoyed the Stormlight Archive so far, but I got hung up on the dumb politics tearing all the good guys apart. I know it gets better, but it just killed my motivation to continue.
Now I'm concerned what they've done to my Blue Bomber...
Considering the odd amount of venerability Catholics afford Mary, this is even creepier than normal.
God's whole deal is explaining things to us through metaphors. All you have to do is look at Jesus' ministry to see how inherent explaining complex concepts through simple parables is to Him.
So fictional or no, it takes some real special "headcanon" to reinterpret a story God thought was important for us to remember as "They were actually gay, tho."
But Ruth was married. And Naomi was married. And Naomi was Ruth's mother-in-law. And they were both widowed. And the whole point of the story is Ruth getting married again to a righteous man.
Why tell a story to anyone if they're just going to decide for themselves what it's actually about?
I get a lot of animation related videos recommended to me on YouTube, since I'm an animation nut. Sadly, most animation Youtubers are completely insane with leftism these days. One trend I'm seeing though, is that they all absolutely hate Moana 2. So I'm not sure how much if a success it's going to be in the long run, when all the word of mouth is negative.
Orz are frumple that more bubbles are not being happy campers! It makes us want to dancing!
I read a fanfic once that posited in fantasy worlds of common healing miracles, conditions like diabetes would struggle to be recognized. If everything else can be cured with a simple wave of a wand, who's gonna waste time studying mundane methods to solve something that's either constantly patched up magically, or "clearly beyond magical repair?"
It's possible to include the mundane into the fantastic. But you have to actually let the fantastic BE FANTASTIC, and not just ignored when convenient.
I've been thinking lately that we've lost a lot of the "What if?" In favor of the "Real." People stop caring about imagination and expression in favor of "representing" reality. Or at the very least, their twisted, dull impression of reality.
YMS is a retarded furry, but there's a sarcastic line in his live action Lion King review that's stuck with me in the best way. While complaining about how dull and lifeless the live action sky is compared to the animated one, and pointing out that there are beautiful skies in real life, he quips, as the director: "Nothing in real life is beautiful, I live in Los Angeles!" People live in their dull little bubbles and decide all life must be like that. No wonder their stories are so dull and bland.
The phrase "Unreasonable search and seizure." Comes to mind.
Also, just LOOK at those eyes! I'm hearing cuckoo clocks just from looking at this guy's face! To say nothing of the rest of his regalia.
Honestly, people need to be willing to cut creators off too, when they go off the deep end and start vandalizing their past work with retcons and sequels.