??? Not sure what the outrage is? The fag flag is the official banner of the American Empire now
We're not trying to export freedom and democracy to undeveloped countries anymore, no, we're exporting trannies, buttsecks, and drag queen story hour
and Send Messages
So, Aussie feds can get into your social media and email and send out the Christchurch video and manifesto to everyone you know? Then use that to justify throwing you in jail for spreading hate? Astounding
Bruh, ain't nobody wanna rape black women. The blacks and the afghans are gonna get along just fine
remove those positions with power completely so that no one can inhabit them.
Oh, an anarchist. How boring. Let me know when you graduate high school
I forgot there was a borderlands 3 tbh
Yeah, 3 and 4 were way too zany, you couldn't get immersed at all. 2 had the perfect blend of GTA and wackiness, which let the wacky stuff accent the game without you growing tired of it.
Borderlands 2 had a very similar problem
Nigger, we (the right) have been losing with grace for the last 5 decades, if not longer. It's no longer a strategy anyone intelligent wishes to pursue. Have fun going to the leftist gulags, at least you didn't compromise your clearly ineffectual principles! What are those again now in the mainstream "right"? Deepthroating Israel, exporting trannies and buttsecks to Africa and the Middle East? Real shit worth fighting for right there
I'll be surprised if lockdown skepticism gets got. They're run by cucks. "NOooOOoO you can't point out the logical endstate of lockdowns and vax, that's a conspiracy theory!"
They'll cowtow and censor whatever discussion is mandated from above
You are literally retarded man. "Tradcucks" did build the West. Traditions get ensconced into society because they were useful.
You argue for the extinction of man because the modern world has forsaken tradition. Muh women are gonna ruin everything, but how dare you want to return to the time when they didn't have the right to vote, when their job was to support the family via homebuilding.
It does say earlier that they could clear 50 miles in 10 hours on the level, so they were dumped only about a day's march away for their survival training
The hardest part of this book club is not re-reading this in one sitting.
Others have already mentioned in greater detail than I'd get into, the most striking parts, so I won't deep dive there. How the higher-ups are exceedingly compassionate, despite what it seems to the boots; Dubois' refutation of Marxist theory of value; corporal punishment in general (which I would find agreeable if any nation had competent governance)
What stuck with me re-reading these chapters is this small paragraph, sentence really, after Johnnie eavesdropped on Zim and Frankel.
I had an unsettling feeling that I had been completely mistaken as to the very nature of the world I was in, as if every part of it was something wildly different from what it appeared to be -- like discovering that your own mother isn't anyone you've ever seen before, but a stranger in a rubber mask.
As much as I'd like to read solely as escape from the real world, that in particular stuck current events in my head like an intrusive thought. I think people around here felt similar, though perhaps to a lesser extent, during Gamergate. What do you mean videogame companies and reviewers hate videogames?
But that's a sentiment I'm struggling with quite a bit now. I'm sure some of you are as well, especially those with close family of different political opinions. Never in a thousand years would I have expected the entire world to just roll over for tyranny over a bad cold, and yet here we are. The world we were taught about, values the Western world supposedly held dear, run roughshod over. Now you are required to show proof of being injected with an experimental "vaccine" which neither prevents you from catching or spreading illness, in order to travel, or even be in public spaces in some cities. And it only seems as though it will get worse. And what recourse is there for the common citizen? The world we were taught to live in, clearly doesn't exist. This representative democracy is neither representative of the populace, nor a democracy [acccktually its supposed to be a republic] any longer. Blatantly stolen elections (or at the least highly statistically improbable), senile men propped up as a figurehead for who knows who is directing things from the shadows, if there even is anything, the foremost values of the US appearing to not be freedom, but instead a deep-set need to spread alphabet and bn degeneracy to every corner of the globe.
It's one thing to say "the government is corrupt/inept/not looking out for your interests, etc." and quite another to fully have that internalized. For it to be so blatant. For you to know that nobody is coming to save you from any of this, it's just how the world is, and all the pretty lies you were taught growing up were just that. Maybe they weren't lies back then, but they are now.
Why are you still going to Cracked? I quit that site in high school because they were going to shit, years before the gamergate kerfuffle kicked off and I became aware of the why behind the shitturn
If you have to ask, it's probably cringe
They also vaccinated the entire control group after 6 months, so now there is no control for any longer term study
I'm a pioneer, I'm an explorer. I'm a human and I'm coming. I'm animated, I'm alive. My heart's big, it's got hot blood going through it fast. I like to fight too! I like to eat! I like to have children! I'm here, I've got a life force. This is a human! This is what we look like, this is what we act like! This is what everybody was like before us. This is what I am; I'm a throwback! I'm here. You'll never, never defeat the human spirit! You'll never defeat God! You'll never win! Never! Never ever! Never! And this is where we get tested, so rejoice to God almighty for this animated contest of liberty! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!
Moiraine should be the shortest person there. I knew hope was gone when they announced tall Moiraine. That was before they gave us a diverse Two Rivers and before I knew the showrunner's favorite character was fucking Egghead of all characters
It's been a few years since I read the series. Given that Jordan wrote 11.5 books, there's definitely a noticeable style change when Sanderson takes over, but that's unavoidable. I think Brando Sando is a bit more of a straightforward writer, less flowery descriptions of everything. My main gripe is that Sando doesn't grok Mat's character and so his storyline just flounders at book 12 and he's relegated to more-or-less comic relief.
Also the ending overall, but I had heard Jordan left detailed notes so I'll leave the blame on him
Chicks don't have dicks simple as
I don't care what their social policies are as long as they don't enact this social policy
voting makes a difference
Ooh boy, you've still got a lot to learn buddy
I believe there's never been a successful traditional vaccine for a coronavirus. At least, that would be the good faith reason for using new tech, and we all know that none of the ruling class deserve our good faith
The all-caps, overuse of exclamation points, jumping at shadows, making multiple posts about the same topic. I can't help it that your brain is warped, the Jews must have gotten to you when you were a child.
There are plenty of people here who view Der juden as the root of most problems in the world, but they don't post in such a deranged manner. They tend to calmly and rationally make their points to be agreed with or not
Okay, I literally just made fun of a dude for acting more deranged than stormboys in his anti-storm posting. That isn't a green light to up your own derangement levels
It's funny how this dude comes off as more deranged than any stormfag ever does whenever the topic comes up
I don't think the vax is meant for genocide but... Who are the most hesitant about getting the vax? The "elite" (PhDs) and the slave class (blacks and hispanics).
That just seems like speedrunning the logical endpoint of replacement migration. The lefty whites or (((whites))) or women, take your pick, up in ivory towers lording over their diverse defacto slaves.