ClownTamer 7 points ago +7 / -0

Probably not as big as you’d think given a lot of it’s Indian outsourcing. Part of the reason a lot of games suck now from big companies is they’re made by revolving doors of contractors that last 6 months, most of which are Indians.

ClownTamer 27 points ago +27 / -0

I don’t think the author realizes that saying we did it in a way that nobody noticed also means they didn’t really accomplish much of anything.

ClownTamer 16 points ago +16 / -0

Boomers also caused the student loan crisis by convincing everyone to go to college and get a degree in anything at all, even if they couldn’t afford it. It is an awkward dichotomy of them living off things their kids are paying for while also having shackled a lot of their kids with $150k+ in debt by the time they were 20.

My parents are great and approach literal saints, but Boomers as a demographic did fuck everyone and cause this mess. That’s why in Asian there are mass movements of younger people no longer supporting them or helping out. They were the first gen that had a higher standard than those before and after them.

ClownTamer 15 points ago +15 / -0

I know an illegal family where I live that did a bunch of health care scams like that. Slightest thing and they’re in the ER, and the mom brought her own mother out here to go in for super expensive surgery at our expense.

ClownTamer 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wasn’t going to buy it because it seemed like it was in development hell for years and they continually had nothing to show for it. Turns out that was because it went woke.

ClownTamer 3 points ago +3 / -0

Realistically they made more money than they know what to do with, so I think they’ll still consider it worth it if they don’t go to jail. For all everybody did and lied about, they’re still walking away with hundreds of millions each for some of them, if not more.

ClownTamer 7 points ago +7 / -0

Pandemic was Gamergate 2.0 for redpilling. Bunch of fake news caused people to actually look into things, who soon realized it was all made up and that their government actively hated them. Without Gamergate, might not have been a Trump. Without the pandemic, probably wouldn’t have been a Trump 2.0 where he’s just freeballing anything he wants to say or do.

ClownTamer 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m happy it still exists as a safeguard then. Digital distribution practices are a little silly.

ClownTamer 9 points ago +9 / -0

Do they think they’ll be the first people to actually stop piracy? Most people don’t even do it anymore because it’s easier to just pay $5-10 a month or whatever it is now.

ClownTamer 10 points ago +10 / -0

They say she filmed it. I’m assuming the film exists somewhere. Not sure if anyone’s seen it. And OnlyFans apparently removed it, so somebody has seen it and probably archived it.

ClownTamer 9 points ago +9 / -0

This is going to be looked back on as one of the weirdest times in human history. At state colleges in CA there are people going around marching with similar signs saying “we are undocumented and we are not afraid.”

How the fuck’s an illegal getting into a state school? They have entire programs to give them free college too. I saw one video of one student in the program saying he was afraid because he was majoring in Mexican Studies and wanted to study abroad this semester in Mexico to see his brother, but didn’t know if he’d be able to make it back after. Mutherfucker’s an illegal going to a state school studying Mexico that’s afraid that if he goes to Mexico to visit family, as funded by the state, he’ll be stuck in Mexico. With his family.

No one will believe this era existed.

ClownTamer 7 points ago +7 / -0

Best part is that if people hate it, they’ll boycott joining the DoD. Reminds me of the O’Beasts with blue hair saying they weren’t going to have sex or procreate anymore after Roe v Wade flipped. Both terms are acceptable.

ClownTamer 6 points ago +7 / -1

Sexy girls from pretty much any culture that doesn’t chant ‘death to America’ are welcome. Would make for fun conversations about it all.

“You can’t just deport all the illegals!”

“We’re letting the hot female ones stay and inviting more of them for expedited admission.”


ClownTamer 12 points ago +12 / -0

Boomers did start a trend of unending selfishness that’s never been seen in recorded history. Pretty much all major decisions made as a demographic were about them and their own self interest. They had less kids because it was more convenient and fun for them. Religion wasn’t fun all the time so they abandoned that and didn’t want their kids to have it. Kids were sent away to X, Y, and Z, they didn’t let or want them to stay. There was relatively less community and communal living within families in the West during that time that as far as I can tell wasn’t present before. The more egregious part is the condescension because ‘graph go up’ says things are better than ever despite it costing so much to buy a home now even in places people wouldn’t want to live that I know a lot of people going to school that just sleep in their cars. A lot of class conflict at this point is just intergenerational conflict with boomers.

I know plenty of good boomers. As a demographic, a lot of bad decisions were made.

ClownTamer 6 points ago +6 / -0

It is hilarious to see Vivek try so hard and rise to the top so quickly, only to be completely smacked out of the political scene by revealing he actually hated American culture and looked down on it.

ClownTamer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did many if any of the big Microsoft Studios Games ever end up coming out this gen besides Forza and Halo Infinite and Starfield? I guess the new Hellblade? They have all kinds of good IPs and hyped up this and others but not much really seemed to come out. Still waiting on State of Decay 3.

ClownTamer 2 points ago +2 / -0

If she was giving the handjobs and foot jobs at the same time, she’d achieve peak female productivity.

ClownTamer 5 points ago +5 / -0

I guess it could go faster if they used both holes as that would double the rate of guys. Or did all three.

ClownTamer 5 points ago +5 / -0

That’s the first thing I thought when I read the numbers. If sex is defined as successful ejaculation inside of her vagina while wearing a condom, 1k+ within 12 hours means those guys were standing around together jerking off and then just sticking the tip in as they splooged before almost literally having to run out of the room to make room for the next. It’s not like they all had actual sex with her that someone may have wanted before this incident.

ClownTamer 4 points ago +4 / -0

It’s hilarious that it’s gotten to the point that, like accusing people of racism, people like me no longer give a flying fuck or care. The anti-racist and sexist movement single handedly brought back racism and sexism because demand outstripped the supply and caused a mass, worldwide number of people to start doing some noticing.

ClownTamer 4 points ago +4 / -0

You at least understand the different answers though. To be fair to people whose initial answer is “but I did eat breakfast” or something else, most people asking you in real life how you’d feel if you didn’t eat breakfast probably are asking if you did eat breakfast. The most frequent context of a question like that is someone asking you if you did eat breakfast or want to or something, not some out of context hypothetical, which is weird if you’re casually being asked that during another completely different conversation on something like Twitter.

ClownTamer 10 points ago +10 / -0

Yeah that lie was pathetic. “I’m literally on the phone with him right now.” “Can I hear?” “I meant I’m trying to call him, I have no service.” “Okay let’s go get it and let me hear.” “I wasn’t expecting you to call me out on camera about that. I have to go now.”

ClownTamer 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think she had one movie recently where she was a tennis instructor and hot guys drooled over her the whole film. It was like the movie was her wet dream. She’s not at all on par with that level of attractiveness it implied.

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