CatoTheElder -1 points ago +1 / -2

hitler was based cultural marxist collectivist socialism is fantastic if it's not targeting me"

Every single word in that is a lie. You are the socialist around here because you believe the Tabula Rasa.

CatoTheElder 1 point ago +2 / -1

Your ancestors were sitting in mud huts rubbing sticks together while mine were signing the Declaration of Independence. Why would I want to claim your history of eating mud and bugs. Nigger.

CatoTheElder 5 points ago +6 / -1

Your self awareness is less than a chimp. You call everyone you disagree with a leftist, but throw a bitchfit when you are called a leftist.

You can't see past your own hatred of whites.

CatoTheElder 12 points ago +12 / -0

I guess it's time to grow a mustache.

CatoTheElder 4 points ago +5 / -1

That is because you live in a White nation, nigger.

Whites are the only people who vote republican. They vote 57% republican.

Jews vote 68% democrat. Niggers like you vote 92% democrat. Spics vote 72% democrat. Asians vote 73% democrat. Importing more of any of those, like you want to do, will just make the left win more.

You are trying to prevent white straight males from forming a voting block because you really want democrats to rule forever.

Not that it matters. Demographics is destiny, and spics and blacks now outnumber whites in schools. In 10 years they will start voting, and republicans will never win another election. The US is over. It will be the Estados Unidos del Norte de México.

CatoTheElder 46 points ago +46 / -0

Trump is Hitler, Elon is Hitler. Maybe Hitler wasn't that bad.

CatoTheElder 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's just another example of the euphemism treadmill.

negro->colored person->black->African-American->person of color

CatoTheElder -5 points ago +7 / -12

If you vote for Trump you are choosing war with Iran, Replacement Immigration but from India instead of Guatemala, Operation Warp Speed, Trump Bux, amnesty, gun control, and unlimited money for Ukraine.

Anyways, he's already gotten two votes from me. I never vote for the same candidate a third time.

deleted 12 points ago +12 / -0
CatoTheElder 0 points ago +1 / -1

Are you? It doesn't matter that it is ostensibly two different companies. The CEO's went to the same schools, they have the same marketing firms and brokerages, they attend the same parties and conferences, and they sit on the same boards. It is the same shit in a different pile. It is a false dichotomy.

The fact that *you *don't understand that is telling.

CatoTheElder 3 points ago +5 / -2

Your understanding of English is like a 2nd grader telling a math professor that you can only subtract the smaller number from the larger number.

What you have written isn't a title, it is a description. It is as painful to read for a native speaker as rubbing one's face on a cheese grater. It is like listening to someone with a stutter. It destroys it's informational content even as it attempts to deliver the information.

From the Harbrace College Handbook, 12th, ed. ch. 33f, section 3

The title is the reader’s first impression and, like the introduction, fits the subject and tone of the paper. Sometimes the title announces the subject simply and directly: “Grant and Lee” or “Civil Disobedience.” Often a title uses alliteration to reflect the writer’s humorous approach, as in “A Pepsi Person in the Perrier Generation,” or a twisted cliché, as in “The Right Wrong Stuff.” A good title may also arouse the reader's curiosity by asking a question, as does “Who Killed the Bog Men of Denmark? And Why?”
A good way to begin developing a title is to try condensing your thesis statement without becoming too vague or general. Reread your introduction and conclusion, and examine key words and phrases for possible titles. Try to work in some indication of what your attitude and approach are.

Your title fails at being a title.

CatoTheElder 1 point ago +2 / -1

Both side of the PC/mac crap did benefit. It's not like they weren't laughing at the rubes who were taking sides.

CatoTheElder 4 points ago +4 / -0

The hall of fame:





You're officially as bad as a games journalist for posting that if you mean it and also as dumb as one for giving people the full context of my post and the only people who are upvoting you are retards who didn't bother reading the post.

Nothing will top that.

CatoTheElder 51 points ago +54 / -3

Nothing will happen. The boomers with the money and guns will just whine, complain and call people feds, the millennials will go to their dead end jobs just to put food on the table, and the zoomers won't even notice because it isn't on tiktok.

CatoTheElder 2 points ago +2 / -0

always demand they're paid only a percentage of net revenue

Funny thing about that. It's standard in the oil industry. The mineral rights owner gets a 1/8th, the geologist consultant gets 1/32nd, the refiner gets 1/8th, and the operator gets the rest, but has to maintain it.

CatoTheElder 7 points ago +7 / -0

This just means it will infect a different company as parasites always find a new host.

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