You get what you pay for.
jews: 0.1% of the population
That is a lie.
They got there.
Thanks for the summary. OP is a faggot who didn't write one.
Poland: home of the jew.
And Christianity is a suicide pact. They go hand in hand.
Demographics is destiny. The great replacement has already happened. It is past tense. All the powersthatbe have to do now is wait and keep whites passive. All they have to do is silence anyone who proposes <removed due to mods silencing people>.
Whiles will not exist in 2100, and because of that, humanity will be extinct by 3100.
What kind of names are Strauss Zelnick, Karl Slatoff, and Lainie Goldstein anyways?
It's called GLOBOhomo for a reason.
It's kinda funny, they had the opportunity to make some guaranteed money with KSP2, but they fucked up so bad that the game is one of the worst rated games on steam. Part of it was that they gave it to the retards at UberEnt. All they had to do was make KSP but with more efficient graphics. Instead they made it with horrendously unplayable fps and only a fraction of the rocket parts.
I'm glad I stayed away from it. It was obvious what the results would be just based on the publisher and developers.
No, but thank you for noticing, but you did forget to call me a "racist bigot" too.
Imagine getting upset about illiterate clowns.
Implying that Jews control all other sites is a rule 16 violation.
Don't forget, the Jesuits were majority Conversos. You can change their religion, but you can't change their genes.
I mean the books ARE noir detective stories, the problem is I probably just don't like noir detective stories. To much pretentiousness.
So they got the southern border wall finished, right? Right?
I've been reading The Dresden Files. They are... pathetic. Disappointing for how much they were hyped. I'm on the third one and I just can't be bothered to finish it. The last book that I read that was this bad was Tale of Two Cities.
That's just you being a racist nazi. You don't want to be a racist nazi now do you?
They don't leave North Korea alone. The US seals still conduct raids across Pakistan's border. US "advisors" shoot Russian advisors in Syria. ZOG sends hundreds of billions of dollars (and euros) to Ukraine. Nah, nukes don't stop them.
Ultimately, not matter what system, the best status effect is "dead". Not stunned, not silenced, not pacified or sleeping. It's dead. Kill them and they will never be able bother you again.
It really seems people need to re-read Ender's Game. At least all but the last chapter.
If Poland was actually based and not just a part of Greater Israel, they would do some live fire "exercises" in the Mediterranean. Just claim that any migrants hit was an accident because they did not respect the live fire zone. After all, the USS liberty was just an accident, and the jews only had to pay $4,000 for each soldier killed. $4k is much cheaper than 20k Euro. The only way to stop the hordes at this point is to make them too afraid to make the attempt.
So much for that parallel society thing, eh? They will never leave you alone.
It's telling how they remove Kipling and keep (((Hemingway))) and add (((Steinbeck))). Only way it could be more obvious was if they used Arthur Miller or Karl Marx.
Somebody call the Ghost Busters.