CatoTheElder 11 points ago +12 / -1

I don't have the words. This shows that human stupidity is truly infinite.

CatoTheElder 14 points ago +14 / -0

Because their bodily fluids are a biohazards, and they love spreading them everywhere. They will spit in your food to spread their diseases.

CatoTheElder 14 points ago +15 / -1

Somehow the nation that is home to half the worlds tech companies is losing to a bunch of goat hoarders in the cybersecurity arena.

Not only that but you are repeating literal CIA propaganda from the WaPo, which is just one of their front organizations.

Why do I even bother. The OP is Gazerbeam, an Israeli operative.

by Lethn
CatoTheElder 19 points ago +19 / -0

Nobody tell her about Zachtronics games. She'd throw a shit fit about someone having fun in a manner she does not approve of.

CatoTheElder 2 points ago +2 / -0

Still, there's a large percentage of people who believe the propaganda, and build it into their policies, like LEOs and lefties. The recent German non-white stabber is a good example of this. The German cop tackles the White good samaritan who tried to stop the stabber, and for his stupidity, the cop immediately got stabbed in the neck.

That's not correct. NONE of them believe it. Not the black woman on TV claiming that whites are the greatest threat, not the FBI or CIA claiming that white supremacy is the greatest threat, not the Pakis or Pajeets who mouth off about how diversity is so much better. They all at the end of the day know they are lying. They know you know they are lying. They don't care because it benefits them to say it. It benefits the zogbot who tackles the white guy, right up until reality asserts itself anyway.

CatoTheElder 0 points ago +2 / -2

The context is that you are repeating Elie Wiesel bullshit catch phrase. It is mental poison and you are spreading it.

And in case you don't know: Elie Wiesel is the biggest propagandist of the 20th century. He is the reason the West founding myth was changed to the Holocaust. He is the person who we have to thank for the endless middle east wars. He is the person we have to thank for the inability to criticize jewish people for anything.

CatoTheElder -2 points ago +1 / -3

So you would rather be hated by a billionaire with an army of lawyers than have a billionaire who doesn't care about you?

Stop repeating Jewish bullshit.

CatoTheElder 5 points ago +5 / -0

teaching people to fear White people

And yet none of them actually fear Whites. They move to White neighborhoods, they don't cross the street to avoid Whites, and they seek Whtie mates. No one is afraid of Whites. This needs to change.

by Lethn
CatoTheElder 1 point ago +1 / -0

As much as I like it here, we're not as big as half-KiA was in its heyday, we're not as big as KiA2 at its prime on Reddit either.

So who is more likely to do something: Someone who is STILL sitting on an enemy occupied and controlled platform, or someone who moved to a "more" free speech platform that supposedly wasn't as controlled?

Their shill and demoralization ops here are more effective, because they don't need to do anything to anyone who STILL has a reddit account.

CatoTheElder 3 points ago +3 / -0

Next Title: Middle Earth: Shadows of Gondor. The Heroine (a fat trans nonbianary Urk) brings diversity, inclusion and equity to the patriarchal halls of Minas Tirth.

CatoTheElder 27 points ago +27 / -0

But I was told here that all conspiracy theories were wrong. They said that there is no such thing as a 15-minute city. Agenda 2020 and Agenda 2030 don't exist, WIV didn't make Covid 19, and the Georgia Guide Stones never existed. There is no such thing as the WEF, the Bilderberg Meetings, the Bohemian Grove or the Club of Rome. I'm pretty sure they also mentioned that Newton's Fifth law says that "a group of people cannot conspire together."

CatoTheElder 9 points ago +9 / -0

We actually have 4, but 2 of those are by invaders so they don't count.

CatoTheElder 4 points ago +8 / -4

Well Imp is banned so someone has to saturate this space with anti-natalist propaganda.

CatoTheElder 13 points ago +13 / -0

except as slaves to enhance our wealth and power.

No, not even that, but first you have to get the normies to accept that it is ok to employ whites and discriminate against non-whites.

CatoTheElder 24 points ago +24 / -0

This is why the concepts of Kosher and Halal exist. They ensure their own food supplies are safe, while at the same time ensuring that their tribe has guaranteed jobs there. It's time for whites to remove non-whites from interacting with our food.

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