Castigale 7 points ago +7 / -0

The individual doesn't want to die and is most likely unaware of how dangerous a game they're playing. The agenda still wants its martyr though. Look at how much profit there was off of Floyd's corpse.

Castigale 9 points ago +9 / -0

Plus post editing only highlighting the best footage.

Castigale 17 points ago +17 / -0

the problems came when it was Africans and Middle Easterners arriving, carving out their own enclaves and holding onto past grudges and mentalities.

AS intended. Bend the first world culture away from its strong independent identity and turn it more towards what you'd get in a 3rd world demoralized country = win for globalization. Brexit was a huge blow to the plan as it showed Britain still had some backbone left. Looking towards the next 50yrs and beyond, they'll never allow something like that to happen again because all of the "Englishness" will have been bred out of it and replaced by Northern Africans and Middle Easterners. The entire population will be embroiled in too much perpetual conflict to stand up for itself ever again.

Castigale 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh I know. I mean at the moment we can't even predict next month's weather, much less next year's, or the next 5 in a row. The further out you go the less accurate forecast models are. Even IF you could somehow "prove" climate change was actively occurring you still wouldn't be able to predict it accurately.

Castigale 14 points ago +14 / -0

Wait places like this still exist!? I thought this was a climate crisis and everyone was going to die by 2025 because the North Pole was gone? So confused...beautiful shot though!

Castigale 5 points ago +5 / -0

Now its worse than that though, men are disposable to women, and women are often un-trusted by men. Those sentiments play off each other.

Castigale 3 points ago +3 / -0

So I guess there's no law banning human sacrifice then? If we're killing babies on religious grounds, I mean, that's a pretty damned textbook case of it.

Castigale 29 points ago +29 / -0

In the sad world of morons, they believe that the cops are supposed to show up and be on the side of whoever it is that called them. Which seems true until you think about it for 2 seconds, which is asking a bit much from this group.

Castigale 13 points ago +14 / -1

I feel like that's not too far off the mark. Women use children as sacrificial pawns during divorces all the time, take it just a step further and I can easily see some women thinking killing the kids is how she's going to get back at him. Its clearly psychotic, but women do shit similar to this all the time though. I still remember this one story where the girlfriend was upset that her boyfriend worked too much. If remember correctly he was a high powered lawyer, made fuck tons of money, but anyways he was at home in his office on a conference call with some new client and she decides she's finally had enough. So she storms into his office starts screaming at him in front of the client, then rips out his computer and throws it out the door. Million dollar deal, out the fucking window because she had to "get back at him" some how. Some women don't care about how much damage they do.

Castigale 12 points ago +12 / -0

One of those incidences happened in my town. It was the first time I'd heard of the NFAC people, and not even a day in they had already accidently shot themselves. I had to stifle a laugh when I heard about it. Fucking clowns.

Castigale 8 points ago +10 / -2

idk i see it suggested an awful lot, and its not that dealing with women isn't incredibly dangerous for the modern man, but it can't really be avoided, at least not by men at large.

Castigale 8 points ago +8 / -0

He could have abandoned the gun in the ally way in plain sight for the police to see, then tossed his hands up and stood still. That might've been enough to save him.

Castigale -15 points ago +3 / -18

Shit gets tricky when you see conservatives demonstrating and open carrying their AR-15s without being immediately gunned down by the police. I know the difference, but trying to break it down for folks is a tough one sometimes.

Castigale 21 points ago +22 / -1

He was very unlucky. In my opinion his goal was to hide the gun and then comply with officers. He was just a dumb 13yr old who was in WAY over his head, and unfortunately died as a result. The cop had every reason to believe he was about to be fired on, and exercised the only option you have in that scenario.

Castigale 14 points ago +14 / -0

"It's better to die free, than live as a slave." ~ Frederick Douglass.

Of course that's an American sentiment, clearly not a Canadian one.

Castigale 6 points ago +6 / -0

It IS a problem...

In a sane society we'd have our Blair White's on one side (extremely rare) and on the other side we'd have men seeking counseling to cope with the fact they were in fact born as men. Instead we live in a world where men masquerade as women oblivious to the fact that no one is going to respect them, find them attractive, or find them halfway believable and that they'll forever be dysfunctional freak shows.

Castigale 12 points ago +12 / -0

Time to bring back slut shamming.

Castigale 11 points ago +11 / -0

As if they actually care about "promoting hate". lololol

Castigale 13 points ago +13 / -0

The dems are really thirsty for a civil war aren't they? Its a catch-22 though, don't do anything and they'll gain as much ground as humanly possible. Do something, and watch them throw the full weight of the gov't your way to crush you. You all seen what they're trying to do after the "riot" on capitol hill. You know the one where everyone went home at the end of the day?

Castigale 12 points ago +12 / -0

I remember echoing this sentiment once upon a time at KIA 1/2, and got shit canned because "we're not your personal army". Still chaffs my ass, because I think there's some strategy in sinking corrupt establishments if you can the power to make a difference.

Castigale 6 points ago +6 / -0

Women can wear pants and a sweatshirt and go without makeup. Dressing in drag is unnecessary. You don't even have to shave.

Castigale 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's why I've always felt that it was important to confront Leftists directly on their moral high-ground. It's actually never as well defended as they think because they've never properly interrogated their own beliefs.

Can you elaborate on this point? Are you saying attack them on their morality, their sense of authority, or are you suggesting something else entirely?

Castigale 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is the most intelligent thing I've read in awhile. Really great breakdown you got there. Whether you're a lowwit or a highwit we all know the midwits, often thinking they're smarter than they are, because as you pointed out, that's what they've been told by authority and that's where they derive their truth. I remember getting ganged up on by a group of midwits who thought it was soo novel that they could call me out for being a white male. As if they had just discovered enlightenment, and now they where the elites. It was kinda weird, but the way you broke it down, now the whole exchange makes sense.

Castigale 4 points ago +4 / -0

The cops let the guy go to a hospital without escort, then lied so they could go inside and steal the guy's guns.

You'd think that would have been enough for a judge to throw the case out on its face and side with the home owner. We're not arguing here about whether or not police should be allowed wiggle room under the guise of "community caretaking", we're arguing about whether police are allowed to lie and steal while conducting unlawful searches.

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