BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +10 / -0

Are you fucking serious? It's meaningless talking to you, because you say the same thing about everything. There is literally nothing that produces a different reponse.

BulbasaurusThe7th 12 points ago +12 / -0

She was a passenger, you cretin. Not the driver. Or do women control cars through evil brain waves?????

BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points ago +10 / -1

Yes. The fact I am not raging on some random ass woman based on your word of her being some diabolical rapist means I am one. I never defended the idea of fucking teenagers. I am just against you trying to turn us into our manic brigade hating on some woman you picked, because we already know you create these deranged theories in your head that have nothing to do with reality.

And tomorrow you will go on and claim you are being downvoted by bots, ConPro, the CIA, the secret cabal of wehmen.
Not us, the regulars here, because you are being mental.

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +10 / -0

What implies she did have sex with teenagers? Also, in many places even if she did, it's not illegal.

So prove she did it, prove she did is where it's illegal or STFU.

BulbasaurusThe7th 8 points ago +9 / -1

Why? Again, I think she is full of shit.

1, you did not post this, you just said something and expected us to rage with you.

2, no proof she did anything at all.

3, so we should also have YOU banned for your deranged shit? Or anyone who says stuff we dislike?
Like when some of the people here defend loli porn, which I think is also abhorrent shit?

BulbasaurusThe7th 15 points ago +15 / -0

Who cricles what? First of all, your word is the only proof we have of her being a pedophile. Which... Let's just say, I wouldn't bet on. You have accused random Ukrainian women of being Lithuanian secret assassins, out to kill men and other stuff.

Second, we are not your army in your retarded war on some woman.

Third, the answer is still the same. What advice do you expect? "Yes, call the police on a random person you don't know, with ZERO proof of any wrongdoing, without knowing her personal details"???
I would say the exact same if the genders were reversed. You can call the police if you want, but I think they have some training that tells them hot to tell you to leave them alone in a polite way.

BulbasaurusThe7th 12 points ago +13 / -1

So basically you post something. Then you go into reeeeeing assumptions. Then you say "but I know more" when nobody gets what the fuck you are on about and keep assuming a crime is happening.

You are literally the kind of person like the feminazis who report men in the names of other women, because they ASSUME something is wrong.

Yes, saying "women shouldn't have men in dresses in their sports" is the same as wanting to send the police after a woman because she said a teenage boy is good-looking, without ANY proof she did ANYTHING.

BulbasaurusThe7th 13 points ago +14 / -1

Dude. Read the actual thing you posted. It never says the person who posted it talks to the kid. It says the women at their workplace talk to him.
Are you trying to what? Send the police to shoot up some random person who said they saw something?

Jesus CHRIST you are autismo.
Even if it was the person, saiyng "but I know they do more, because my butthole tingles" is no reason to swat them.

Oh yes, your exclusive community. I'm sure you are the greatest arbiter of your kingdom of not at all deranged shit.

BulbasaurusThe7th 11 points ago +12 / -1

You are being a feminazi brained sheep again.

1, Not saying it's not weird to be all UWU around a teenager. But what is GROOMING about it? Especially when you defend transgenders who are known to get children (like actual children, 10-year-olds and such) alone, they tell them to stop talking to their parents, they send them hormones, etc.

2, No crime happened. Being fucking weird is not a crime. Laughing too loud at the retarded jokes of a teen boy isn't a crime. Saying he is hot isn't a crime. Weird. Sure, undoubtably. But where is a crime?
Like people are not arrested for having children perform at Gay Pride "dancing". Do you think these women will be taken to prison or shot on the spot for TALKING TO A 16-year-old too much??

3, Report to whom? For what? "Police? I read a story on reddit. Yes, a teenage boy... dunno where... was talked to too much by women. Yes, bring the big guns. This is a serious situation. According to a redditor. One I don't know. Act fast."

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dude. Please. At least write creative titles that let us understand what's going on. It's okay to be a bit spicy, but sometimes it's totally impossible to understand what you're trying to fucking say.
Please. It's making this place harder to navigate.

BulbasaurusThe7th 51 points ago +51 / -0

I remember Swedish media doing something really hilarious.
They pixelate people's faces, right? To "protect their identity", even filthy criminals. But you can see the shade of the pixels, so you know when the criminal is an arab or black.
Smard Swedish media decided hmmm, that leads to le raycism. So they started lightening the pixels. But mate. If the pixels don't match other visible skin, like the hands, then it's all for nothing. So they started pixeling THE HANDS of non-white criminals. :D

BulbasaurusThe7th 38 points ago +39 / -1

Eh, in a way. Libs are a huge block of the population who do the whole consooming. Not even Netflix expects hordes of black people watching some slow ass show about some queen seething and girlbossing zoomed in.
So sure, there is some mid-looking black girl on the cover, but it's not targeting mid-looking black girls as the main audience. It's for white liberals, who want to feel virtuous.

Also, just the fact they THINK it will make them money doesn't necessarily mean it will happen.

With the beer, stop looking for logic, the campaign was thought up by some horsefaced jewish girl who thinks she has superpowers to change the world because she was a 8/10 in the kibbutz.

BulbasaurusThe7th 12 points ago +12 / -0

I know a bunch of the people here like to get on your ass with saying you are a FtM tranny, but it doesn't really help your case that you make these ridiculously nonsensical comments about men's anatomy.

BulbasaurusThe7th 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wasn't he the one who also played much better when games were televised/ streamed?

BulbasaurusThe7th 19 points ago +19 / -0

Being on twitter and saying things doesn't mean they are intelligent, worthwhile or correct things.

BulbasaurusThe7th 54 points ago +54 / -0

Conservatives are not the ones who terrorise authors and get them to be ACTUALLY banned, like dropped by their publishers or removed from retailers. That's absolutely the left.

What the right does, namely having books removed from school mandatory reading lists and children's reach at libraries, is not book banning. You can buy your little Timmy any books with explicit sex acts and transgenderism and other degeneracy! Do it if you wish. But he won't be forced to read it at school or get handed by some school librarian they/them freak.

It's also different in the sense that parents should absolutely have the right to monitor what their children are learning. Like how is it that lib parents have aneurysms if the kids at school learn about Christianity in a positive way, yet normal parents have to let their kids be shown pornography and other disturbing content?
When liberals attack, they are random human wastes bullying people on twitter and contacting their publishers. Quite different from a parent whose child if the one being actively shown things.

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +10 / -0

I mean... that sounds like a weekend to me, without calling in sick. I just generally chill at home on the weekend. Do some shopping on Friday if I need to, but otherwise it's all chill.
I like these gals admitting it's a huge sacrifice for them to not go to a restaurant. On the other hand, I am cooking Thai green curry on Saturday. :D

BulbasaurusThe7th 11 points ago +11 / -0

The Magicians!
I loved the books so much. They were leftie, but... strangely based. Like one of the big ideas was how you can be a nihilistic cunt up to a point. But then you will have to face it.
They were all stereotypes of the uwu gay, the hot goth sad girl, the über bitch, the nice guy... but then they all got majorly fucked and had to get over it real quick.

Hell, the casting of Quentin was great too, dude looked 17 and 45 at the same time.

BulbasaurusThe7th 12 points ago +13 / -1

First of all, as long as two adults, both free to do as they please decide to have a relationship, I am not going to pretend it's something like slavery. Maybe I am morally against it. But that doesn't change the fact they are consenting adults.

The other is, would you say the same about for example American men looking for younger wives in places like Thailand or South America? Let me guess, in that case it's also the evil women preying on men.

Third, the thing you posted said NOTHING about older women and younger men.
Even if they did, my first point still stands. Consenting adults. If I say this is sex trafficking, then it opens the door to calling people like Leonardo DiCaprio a sex trafficker as well and such, which is frankly, retarded feminazi fantasy.

BulbasaurusThe7th 18 points ago +18 / -0

Boring people who pretend they are nice, yet everyone hates them, because they are SJW cunts.
Yes, there was this big wave of people saying they are Hufflepuff.

BulbasaurusThe7th 22 points ago +22 / -0

Yeah, right? I love how we have this myth of normal, straight, often nerdy men who just go absolutely insane at the sight of some malformed troon, so much so that they just HAVE TO rape.

They also do the same with "catcalling". No, a black dude going "the fuck is that thing???" is not catcalling, he is genuinely just disturbed.

Drink spiking is also a very convenient thing to say. Like I know I am a lightweight, I do not drink. I could EASILY get myself sloppy drunk, just like many gals do when they are showing off and pretending they can drink.
It's the meme version of drinking; you see these weird versions of "cute trainwrecks" in movies and so every college bitch thinks she can down 3 bottles of vodka and throw sassy one liners.
When it doesn't work and they crash hard, it's their drink being spiked.

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